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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

So, not everyone's a feminist

205 replies

Vivacia · 18/08/2014 10:37

Plasterer arrived today for the first of four days. I am working from home but everyone else is out.

So far we've had,

"You're not one of these modern women are you?" - don't know, not sure what that means.

"Are you a feminist?" - "Of course I am, aren't you?".

OP posts:
JustTheRightBullets · 19/08/2014 15:38

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differentnameforthis · 19/08/2014 15:40

Glovender By definition, my dh is a working class man. How fucking dare you lump him in with the likes of this guy!!

Sorry to swear on your thread, op, but this has made me rage! My dh is very respectful, certainly would NOT dream of talking to a person he doesn't know like that!

The thing that makes this guy creepy & yes, an offensive moron is that he felt it appropriate to talk to a woman he doesn't know about his sexual habits. I don't talk to people I DO know about mine, they have no place in conversation & my first reaction if I was told that would be not want him in my home.

Computers, in his mind are only good for looking at porn. You know....that stuff where FEMALES are usually degraded? He thinks that's OK! he sounds charming not.

Thankfully, he sounds a world away from my dh, who knows how to conduct himself around women.

JustTheRightBullets · 19/08/2014 15:42

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weeonion · 19/08/2014 16:11

"cracking the whip'

'You do realise that I am your client, and will be writing the cheque for your work? And unlike you, I do know how to use a computer and if you don't shut the fuck up you might find reviews of your attitude all over the internet which will fuck up your ability to get any further work with men and women alike?'

I am a bit confused by your comment?

Glovender · 19/08/2014 16:11

A plasterer mentioning porn to a client may be a nasty little misogynist. A UKIP supporter may be a racist. A poster mentioning class may be a troll trying to SHUT A WOMAN DOWN Angry These are all valid propositions.

These are valid too:

  • there is no such thing as perfect knowledge and no such thing as perfect interpretation; there are always (at least) two sides to a story.

  • some people make inappropriate jokes that aren't funny and actively try to 'call a spade a spade' because they think society's got far too pink and fluffy. Meanwhile some people are mad keen on being offended all the time whilst possessing the objectivity and pragmatism of an Israeli Defence Minister.

  • Many people do feel intensely patronised by other people lecturing them on what they ought to think and how they ought to act and actively react against that.

  • The pov of your average FWR poster is not that of your average RL pov. Your average rl pov does not include an inherent belief that they have 'taken the red pill' and can see behind the curtain.

    PS In relation to that last point, every specialist web forum I have ever been on (white supremacists to conspiracy freaks to climate-change deniers) has a core of regulars that think they alone can see the truth. On another forum right now, a poster is suggesting that most football pictures appearing in the media shows a black player over-powering a white player because LibLabCon are in cahoots to push a Multi-Culti brainwash.

    Anyway; I apologise. I'm sure many people are now dreadfully offended. You really should report this post. And write to the Plasterers Union whilst you're at it. That pig should never work again.
PetulaGordino · 19/08/2014 16:15

But you can see the truth, of course, can't you glovender?

Glovender · 19/08/2014 16:20

Touché Petula Smile

But then I'm not the one calling for people to get sacked am I?

SarahThane · 19/08/2014 16:29

Justthe: There are loads of times that I didn't make a fuss and should have, which I regret. I wish I'd had the confidence I have now when I was younger.

Exactly this.

PetulaGordino · 19/08/2014 16:31

No but it is perfectly acceptable to eject someone with views you find abhorrent from your own home. Particularly when those views correspond with the views of people who pose a direct threat to your safety.

JustTheRightBullets · 19/08/2014 16:31

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JustTheRightBullets · 19/08/2014 16:36

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Glovender · 19/08/2014 16:37

But it's an interesting point you raise Petula.

No doubt we're all as flawed as each other. But I wonder if it's relevant that I don't take my personal worldview to a forum of like-minds in order that we can all sit around and agree with each other?

FunkyBoldRibena · 19/08/2014 16:39

I am a bit confused by your comment?

It's a potential response to the comment that the OP is there 'cracking the whip'.

JustTheRightBullets · 19/08/2014 16:41

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PetulaGordino · 19/08/2014 16:44

No glovender you take it to another forum and tell them they're professionally offended overthinkers in an extremely patronising manner instead. Don't imagine for a moment that you're the first to have done so though

What does that say about your worldview?

Glovender · 19/08/2014 17:30

It doesn't say anything about my view Petula, although it obviously says something about my character. Well, maybe it's a view to believe that discussion within a sterile environment is pointless... No matter.

What I could suggest is that there's little difference between not turning the other cheek - as many of this threads posters are advocating - when confronted by sexist plasterers and not turning the other cheek when one comes across a collection of people advocating:

  • For female offenders escaping custodial sentences, but being against the rehabilitation of male offenders when their offence relates to sexual violence.
  • For the termination of babies at any moment prior to actual birth because a woman always has the right to do whatever the heck she likes.
  • For getting someone the sack after an ill-judged remark.

    You do correctly highlight the desultory practice of trying to sell bacon to vegetarians, though. I shall desist.
PetulaGordino · 19/08/2014 17:38

it's considered best practice around here to take up points you have issue with on the relevant threads themselves, rather than drag them across to other threads

to respond to your point about the responses on this thread however, your "ill-judged remark" is for many women yet another sexist put-down that reminds women of their place in the world and you are suggesting that a woman should have to put up with this in her own home? it's not getting him the sack - he works for himself so if he wants to go around offending people who are trying to give him money for his professional service (rather than to hear his sexist opinions) then that's his lookout

grimbletart · 19/08/2014 17:43

Glovender: why do you think a person who had come to do a job in your home would say to a woman he doesn't know that he only uses his computer for porn?

Just why would he do that?

BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 19/08/2014 17:44

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PetulaGordino · 19/08/2014 17:47

oh indeed

glovender's POV has little to do with the actual scenario in the OP, other than to dismiss it as an "ill-judged remark", and everything to do with analysing the characters of posters here

i wonder why that is?

BuffytheReasonableFeminist · 19/08/2014 17:50

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PetulaGordino · 19/08/2014 17:59

possibly just thinks some people here are terminally misguided and need a more rational Wink perspective, but i may be being too charitable


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AskBasil · 19/08/2014 18:24

"and sometimes people deliberately set out to needle"


Do you think it's normal for a service provider to needle their client?

Do you think he'd needle a man? Or do you think he'd treat the person who is paying his wages with a bit of respect in the absence of a vagina?

Men who do that in that situation, are misogynist dicks who think they have the right to remind women that they are superior to us. Men who defend them are generally misogynist dicks who are too cowardly to come out and tell us we're inferior to them, but are delighted that other men do it for them.

As for the class based stereotypes, research has consistently shown for at least a couple of decades, that working class men spend more time with their kids, do more housework and more childcare than their sexist middle class bro's. So much for your snobby stereotypes.

JustTheRightBullets · 19/08/2014 18:44

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WhentheRed · 19/08/2014 19:05

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