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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

What acts of sexism have you encountered today?

324 replies

BertieBotts · 15/03/2011 19:32

I thought it would be interesting to have a thread where we can come on and post any day-to-day sexism/effects of sexism, thinking mainly low-level things, but big things are alright to post too of course. I thought it might be eye-opening (if depressing) to collate how much crap there is to deal with on a daily basis.

I'll start - while listening to music on spotify, having to listen to an unskippable ad for a rap artist playing a clip of his song which includes the lyrics We bring the women and the cars and the cards out Hmm

The other one I can think of (which fair enough was during a seminar about feminism) was a guy in my class who kept saying things like "Well yes women are paid less than men/women are vastly underrepresented in parliament/rape conviction rates are ridiculously low. [etc] But that's just the way it is. It's the same in all societies that I know of. I don't know what you can do about it." Angry

Anyone else?

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dittany · 23/03/2011 22:26

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dittany · 23/03/2011 22:27

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thefirstMrsDeVere · 23/03/2011 22:32

It is the convention on NMs to spell digust as dicust. I have no idea why I do they are stupid

I met some really sound people on NMs but we decamped to FB and now just link to NMs threads that wind us up. Just to keep our hand in.

StewieGriffinsMom · 23/03/2011 22:33

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dittany · 23/03/2011 22:34

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woollyideas · 23/03/2011 22:35

Yep, AyeRobot. No swearing allowed on NM. And no being beastly to each other, either, or your posts will be heavily edited. Feel free, however, to spout any amount of venom about immigrants, 12 year old 'sluts' etc...

StewieGriffinsMom · 23/03/2011 22:36

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AyeRobot · 23/03/2011 22:41

I think you're right, dittany. They thought they'd got away with it. 2 years they got. Cannot possibly read the comments because I am betting that, like on NM, they'll be all full of "it was only technically rape". Swamp dwellers.

AyeRobot · 23/03/2011 22:49

Can I just add as a counterbalance that I am really pleased to see that the thread today from TheJoyOfSeething is almost free of the usual rape apologies and full of acknowledgement and support? Makes a big difference to other threads dealing with the same scenario. I think there has been a sea change.

StewieGriffinsMom · 23/03/2011 22:52

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thefirstMrsDeVere · 23/03/2011 23:10

Bloody gone back now and am just posting random insults. They will love that. Look out for the outraged emoticons, capital letters and over use of !!!!!!! .

StewieGriffinsMom · 23/03/2011 23:17

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thefirstMrsDeVere · 23/03/2011 23:25

I can feel myself getting wound up. Should have stayed away. You may find that more people come on and agree with us though. that happens a fair bit on there. People are put off by the 'popular girls' incase they get shouted at.

Stupid fucking idiots. This is why I LEFT.

StewieGriffinsMom · 23/03/2011 23:31

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thefirstMrsDeVere · 23/03/2011 23:32

That emily's stupid fucking waving smiley makes me want to punch her.

OH NO now you know I have loads of tickers hahaha there goes my MN rep.

StewieGriffinsMom · 23/03/2011 23:34

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woollyideas · 23/03/2011 23:35

Busted, thefirstMrs DeVere!

I want to punch Emily too. And Stacey.

woollyideas · 23/03/2011 23:36

I wouldn't, of course. Not in RL. I'm just riled.

thefirstMrsDeVere · 23/03/2011 23:44

No he doesnt!
I tell you though, the baby ones come in well handy when you have to go to clinic and they ask you those pesky 'and how old is baby mum?' type questions.

thefirstMrsDeVere · 23/03/2011 23:47

I won. Emily is agreeing with me. HAH! (see what NMs does to me)

StewieGriffinsMom · 23/03/2011 23:49

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annabelflowers · 23/03/2011 23:49

That was my first ever visit to that other site and I am utterly gobsmacked.

Vile does not come close to describing it. The whole theme of 'well, i knew some girls at my school and they were just asking for it so...'

I don't feel too well after reading that thread.


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AyeRobot · 23/03/2011 23:53

Don't forget...people like this populate juries in rape trials. That's why we get the peverse decisions.

StewieGriffinsMom · 24/03/2011 09:04

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AyeRobot · 24/03/2011 09:30

Really excellent work on that thread, SGM and thefirstMrs DeVere (and any other FeMNists on there). I would join but I'd rather get my eyes pecked out by a crow.

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