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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

What acts of sexism have you encountered today?

324 replies

BertieBotts · 15/03/2011 19:32

I thought it would be interesting to have a thread where we can come on and post any day-to-day sexism/effects of sexism, thinking mainly low-level things, but big things are alright to post too of course. I thought it might be eye-opening (if depressing) to collate how much crap there is to deal with on a daily basis.

I'll start - while listening to music on spotify, having to listen to an unskippable ad for a rap artist playing a clip of his song which includes the lyrics We bring the women and the cars and the cards out Hmm

The other one I can think of (which fair enough was during a seminar about feminism) was a guy in my class who kept saying things like "Well yes women are paid less than men/women are vastly underrepresented in parliament/rape conviction rates are ridiculously low. [etc] But that's just the way it is. It's the same in all societies that I know of. I don't know what you can do about it." Angry

Anyone else?

OP posts:
Unrulysun · 22/03/2011 14:04

It's a fine line isn't it? Because two years ago I was walking to a work meeting in Victoria and a man I thought looked mentally ill was coming towards me and every fibre of my being screamed at me to cross over the road but I didn't because ?? well why I wonder? I like to think because it would have looked frightened and I didn't want to but I wonder whether it was politeness?

Anyway he shoulder barged me really hard and called me a 'fucking whore'.

I dialed 999 and stalked him at a distance until they'd arrested him though. But then they basically convinced me not to press charges :(

everythingchangeseverything · 22/03/2011 14:20

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Unrulysun · 22/03/2011 14:39

ECE yes exactly and also he had his mobile out, I could hear it.

Librashavinganotherbiscuit · 23/03/2011 17:50

A friend of mine had been experiencing sexual harrassment at work and instead of the bloke being fucking fired and tossed out of the window he was invited to leave.....
I can feel my blood boiling as I type.

alexpolismum · 23/03/2011 19:11

I was watching a cookery programme on television this evening, and the chef said "Cinnamon is like women - both bitter and sweet and you don't want to have too much of it."


sethstarkaddersmackerel · 23/03/2011 19:24

was it Ainsley Harriot? he's the only one I can think of who can get away with a comment like that. please tell me it was Ainsley Harriot....

alexpolismum · 23/03/2011 19:42

seth - I am in Greece. I was watching Greek TV, and it was a Greek chef...

sethstarkaddersmackerel · 23/03/2011 19:51

oh dear, I can imagine a Greek man saying that without irony! bah!

BelleCurve · 23/03/2011 20:09

I was in a meeting today, the only woman there as usual and was shouted down when I tried to make an extremely relevant points with " can we all just think rationally now"

AyeRobot · 23/03/2011 20:11

I am speechless, BelleCurve. What happened next?
thefirstMrsDeVere · 23/03/2011 20:17

A petty one compared to many on here but, I was chatting a friend who is about my age and three young men were behind us. I went to move out of the way and one said 'chill out girls its fine'.

I suppose he thought he was being charming. I am 44 in a few weeks time, he was in his twenties. Girls? Feck off.

BelleCurve · 23/03/2011 20:17

I glared at him and he sputtered "well of course, I don't mean that you aren't rational". But the damage was done.

I work in a very male-dominated environment and they know I have expertise which they don't so they regularly try to undermine, talk over me or comment on what I am wearing in an inappropriate way (wonders if there is an appropriate way!)

LadyOfTheManor · 23/03/2011 20:24

Dress Code:
Girls- Little black dress
Gold accessories
Stiletto heels
BIG hair
Boys- Black Jeans & T or shirt

The above is attached to a birthday party invitation I have just received. Nice.

Blackduck · 23/03/2011 20:29

LOTM - You are kidding right???

I know what I would be wearing!

sethstarkaddersmackerel · 23/03/2011 20:37

I wouldn't be going if I got an invitation like that - prescribing a dress code like that is unbelievably rude. Who does the host think s/he is?!

LadyOfTheManor · 23/03/2011 20:38

Ha! I wish I was kidding. The invite is from a cross dressing homosexual would've thought he would've expected his male attenders to wear a little black dress (as I'm sure that's what he's wearing).

TBH if it's going to be pull of morons sluts people like that, then I'm better off not there in case I kill argue with someone....! Or in case people think I'm "one of them"... Grin

LadyOfTheManor · 23/03/2011 20:38


TeiTetua · 23/03/2011 21:01

At first I thought that was a childrens' birthday party!

But if it's going to be girls dancing with girls, boys dancing with boys, and everyone optionally transvestified, then maybe the invite was just to give you an idea. I mean, it wouldn't necessarily be REAL big hair.

LadyOfTheManor · 23/03/2011 21:04

From what I can see of the rest of the list who are attending, he's the only tranny-fied one.

It's also the fact I was referred to as a girl. I am a woman.

everythingchangeseverything · 23/03/2011 21:42

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sethstarkaddersmackerel · 23/03/2011 22:05

it's prescribing a particular level of femininity:masculinity which is why it is really intrusive.
I can't think of a fancy dress party I've been to that's anything like as prescriptive as this.

woollyideas · 23/03/2011 22:08

I was having a look at Netmums. I know it's a bit Jeremy Kyle over there, but I couldn't help myself.

There's a thread on the 'News and Current Affairs' board about the six Reading FC footballers who have just been put away for having sex in a park with two twelve year old girls.

The sexism on that thread (all of it written by women) horrified me. Well over half the posters were saying the 'girls were asking for it'. They described the girls as 'slappers' and 'slags' and said '...well obviously if boys are offered it on a plate they're not going to say no...'

What? Not even if the girls are underage?

And the fact that one of the girls 'wasn't even a virgin anyway' was offered as a further excuse for the young mens' behaviour.


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thefirstMrsDeVere · 23/03/2011 22:12

I have posted on that thread and registered my disgust (or should I say discust). I have been a member for years but hardly go on there now. That thread pretty much explains why.

I have seen ones like that before. They always go the same way. Stupid, vapid women talking about 12 year olds dressing up and looking 20 and poor deceived men.

Pisses me off no end.

woollyideas · 23/03/2011 22:25

Mrs Devere - is that 'discust' as in 'we discust it with each other...' or 'discust' as in '... it tasted discusting'?

Only I've seen it used in both contexts on NM.

AyeRobot · 23/03/2011 22:25

I am right that you can't swear on NetMums, aren't I? Or be horrid to each other? Bunch of fucking hypocrites.

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