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Bloody f**king nora. Just weighed myself and I want to die.

999 replies

BaublesAndCuntingCarolSingers · 07/01/2013 12:16

I can't even bring myself to type in my weight because I am so ashamed :(

I need to lose 3.5 stone before the end of May (going on holiday with a thin friend) I am doing My Fitness Pal (calorie counting) and I am going to do 1200 calories a day. It's brutal I know but then so was the reading on my scales this morning.

Effing Nora :(

OP posts:
Lizzylou · 07/01/2013 13:30

Oh I am really really tall (and really really wide), so I look a bit like a rugby player in drag at the moment.

BUT I have lost 3lbs since Wednesday, so all is going well. I have a "big" birthday in April and will be svelte and gorgeous by then, oh yes.

GetorfsaMotherfuckingMorrisMan · 07/01/2013 13:30

my MFP is funny to read - It starts off at a high weight, then I religiously input everything in for a few months, then 'fuck it', then religious input again.

Very, very pissed off to see a 7lb increase though. Never mind. I am aiming to get to 9 stone 7 so I have a stone to lose, 2lbs a week so 2 months.

Pinot · 07/01/2013 13:31

*butch not bucth I EVEN HAVE FAT FINGERS

GetorfsaMotherfuckingMorrisMan · 07/01/2013 13:32

Today's entry: 4 highland shortbread fingers (360 cals) Fuck them.

BaublesAndCuntingCarolSingers · 07/01/2013 13:32

honeymulholland is my username on MFP Pinot, and anyone else who wants to join in :)

OP posts:
Whatnameforme · 07/01/2013 13:33

Have you tried couch to 5k, lots of good reviews? sounds straight forward and you don't need any special equipment? You can lose weight, an working in that, but what can you do about the large bags under my eyes and small person constantly attached?

Lizzylou · 07/01/2013 13:34

On MFP, do people who you team up with know your weight???

(Taking that stone off again if so!)

Whatnameforme · 07/01/2013 13:35

Wow threebee, that's good going! 4lb! Well done!

DoubleMum · 07/01/2013 13:36

I too need to lose ahem a lot of weight. I can identify with the hamsters and the sideways face and the 27 chins and all the rest of it unfortunately. And I am only 5'2. AND I weigh more than DH who is 6'.
I need to do something. But at the mo, DH is de-toxing and can't manage diet food as well as no alcohol, so I might have to be sneaky about it. At least I am drinking no alcohol, but I didn't drink much anyway.

BaublesAndCuntingCarolSingers · 07/01/2013 13:36

Is Couch to 5K running? No way can I run. I can't even waddle fast. I will have a look though just to see...

People don't know your weight Lizzy, but they will see how much you have lost should you choose to enter it!

OP posts:
fantashtic · 07/01/2013 13:36

i've been doing MFP religiously since last Wednesday when in a post NY binge (did anyone else eat 3/4 of a crispy duck and pancakes? No? just me then) I had to extend my waistband with a hair bobble Sad

SPBInDisguise · 07/01/2013 13:37

How do you make your food diary public (Bupcakes can you see mine?)
Might shame me into stop eating chocolate and haribo

BehindLockNumberNine · 07/01/2013 13:38

I have just rejoined MFP after taking nearly 5 months off (the constant logging was starting to grate)
I shat myself when I stepped on the scales yesterday morning - holy moses I had put a lot back on!!

lizzielou, you can befriend people on MFP but can keep your diary and progress / weight private (I believe)
I have it all on display (to friends only) as it will shame me into keeping going.

The motivation from others is what makes it work (for me anyway...)

I am petd on MFP, please add me if you wish Smile

RalphGnu · 07/01/2013 13:39

Argh, trying to read the thread properly but the boy is oining me for CbloodyBeebies. Will be back later to peruse at leisure.

Whatnameforme · 07/01/2013 13:39

It's fairly gentle. I haven't run since I missed my bus in 1992! And even to me it looks doable. As an example on the first day you exercise for 30 minutes, out of those I think you only run for 5! Slow build up.

WaspFactory · 07/01/2013 13:39

Same here, I knew before Christmas I needed to lose AT LEAST 3.5 stone - off to join Slimming World tonight so absolutely dreading my first weigh-in Blush

Whatnameforme · 07/01/2013 13:40

Oh fantastic, hair bobble! You should be proud of yourself for being so ingenious.

WaspFactory · 07/01/2013 13:42

Ooh, just looked at the NHS C25K website, I think I might try that seeing as it's free.

BaublesAndCuntingCarolSingers · 07/01/2013 13:42

SPB I can't see yours. To change it, you have to go to the My Home tab, then settings, then down to Diary settings.

There's no rule to say you have to share though, if you'd rather stay private!

OP posts:
BaublesAndCuntingCarolSingers · 07/01/2013 13:43

LOL at bus in 1992!

OP posts:
Pinot · 07/01/2013 13:45

Just weighed myself :( Blimes.

FreudiansSlipper · 07/01/2013 13:47

I need to get rid of 2 stone of flab

I started doing the shred after 10 I could feel a difference then I stopped Hmm

starting again ....


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SPBInDisguise · 07/01/2013 13:48

ahh been searching for that thank you - should be done.
No I want it public. Might make me think twice before logging "cooking chocolate-255g"

Pinot · 07/01/2013 13:48

I did The Shred last year and it bust my left knee. Still hurts me now! Bloody DVD.

HollySheet · 07/01/2013 13:48


I can't run. I have what I like to call my bionic spine. (just lots and lots of metal pins and screws in reality) and it feels weird when I try to run.

Howmuch does My Fitness Plan cost? Might have a go with that.

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