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Bloody f**king nora. Just weighed myself and I want to die.

999 replies

BaublesAndCuntingCarolSingers · 07/01/2013 12:16

I can't even bring myself to type in my weight because I am so ashamed :(

I need to lose 3.5 stone before the end of May (going on holiday with a thin friend) I am doing My Fitness Pal (calorie counting) and I am going to do 1200 calories a day. It's brutal I know but then so was the reading on my scales this morning.

Effing Nora :(

OP posts:
Pinot · 07/01/2013 13:50

MFP is free

GnocchiGnocchiWhosThere · 07/01/2013 13:51

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Chubfuddler · 07/01/2013 13:56

3 of us in the office have just ordered the shred on amazon. Slimming world starts again Wednesday. I lost 2.5 stone in 2012 and kept it off, but I want to get another 2 stone off by the summer.

GnocchiGnocchiWhosThere · 07/01/2013 14:00

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GetorfsaMotherfuckingMorrisMan · 07/01/2013 14:01


I bought 2 packs of 24 cocktail sausages from Sainsburys.

Then thought I may run out so got another couple from the tesco at the top of the road.

I then made the mistake of going to the Whole Foods market place and bought another pack of cocktail sausages of a different flavour and in addition some big sausages from the butcher's counter.

They have all been eaten, btw. Grin 48 of them got converted into the biggest dish of stuffing in the western world. Half of it eaten by me, stood up in the kitchen, with a glass of mulled wine, reading Closer

GetorfsaMotherfuckingMorrisMan · 07/01/2013 14:02

It is a miracle that I only put on half a stone, tbh.

bigkidsdidit · 07/01/2013 14:04

Chief! hahahahaha.

I got 'surprise' pregnant when at my fattest last year and now I am 18 weeks and I thought I'd put my pants on back to front this morning and I hadn't. AND they were the ones I bought to wear post-birth last time, big enough to hold the pads in Blush

and I can't even diet till June

can I sensibly low-carb while pg? anyone know?

DeafLeopard · 07/01/2013 14:06

I'm dragging my lardy arse onto this thread. I'm teetering on the brink of obese on those nasty BMI charts.

I keep looking in the cupboards at all the xmas stuff and want to eat it all. I really need to bin it.

IrnBruTheNoo · 07/01/2013 14:10

Just weighed myself this morning too. I'm now 162lbs Shock - gained 8lbs in two months...Target is 154lbs (11st). Starting from today! So far so good....

To make myself feel better though, I realise this time last year I was 190lbs, so really 8lbs is not a lot to lose.

good luck to everyone else aiming to beat the flab Grin

OwlLady · 07/01/2013 14:16

ahh no-one needs to cry :(

The worst thing imo is weighing yourself and getting started. I started god, two years ago now and I weighed more than I have ever done and it seemed such a long road in order to get slimmer/fitter/healthier but I did it in small steps (and I attended weightwatchers, cooked normal smaller meals - no ready meals) I managed to lose 51lb in a year and I kept it all off for about 8 months but just lately I have been awful Blush and put about a stone on but I suppose it still means I have lost almost 40lb since january 2011....

I am going back to weightwatchers tomorrow but it's just makiing that decision and sticking to it. Starting small with exercise, these get fit in two weeks things in all the papers are for people who are already pretty trim mo. If you are a heifer like I was, it's going two walks a week and then increasing on that and going for longer until you can walk everyday at a proper pace and distance. walking really works, i recommend it.

BaublesAndCuntingCarolSingers · 07/01/2013 14:34

How long did you walk for initially and how far, OwlLady?

OP posts:
DyeInTheEar · 07/01/2013 14:35

Back Hamsters Grin

got a couple of those under my bra strap.

shine0ncrazydiamond · 07/01/2013 14:48

Christ woman - anyone would think you were 25 stone! You're lucky in that you're beautiful and you need to stop running yourself down!

Calorie counting is the way to go and it's what I do to maintain. I was 14 stone this time last year and a size 16/18. I'm only 5 foot 3 and a half. I'm now 9 stone and size 8 and have maintained this weight ( give or take a few lbs ) by CC and eating carbs moderately - and no white carbs at all. I also don't snack.

Sometimes though I don't want to eat yet another breakfast of natural yogurt, berries and flaxseeds Sad

Just write it all down to make yourself accountable, eat three times a day , drink mint tea and et voila ! You'll be job done by the summer

Pinot · 07/01/2013 14:56


Dat true? ^ Is it that easy? What about booze? What about when you've had a bad day and wanna stuff your face with stuff covered in cheese?

SantasENormaSnob · 07/01/2013 15:01

You are beautiful bups.

I am feeling the same as the rest of you. 27 weeks pregnant but I can feel the extra fat not just bump Sad I am well over a stone heavier than the start (and i wasnt slim then tbf) and I always pile it on at the end too.

I do keep crying about it too Blush obviously not distressed enough to leave the cake the fuck alone.

OwlLady · 07/01/2013 15:02

I walked for an hour a day, maybe about a mile or two but it's not really the distance that is important, it's the pace and time taken. I bought myself some trainers to walk in and just started that way. I used to listen to womens hour :o You do ache afterwards though if you have been very inactive so i sued to use some nurfen rub on my knee joints if they ached too much (I have hypermobile joints which doesn't help really) You will get there, you just need to stay focussed

ErikNorseman · 07/01/2013 15:07

I'm doing intermittent fasting. 500 cals 3 days a week, loads normal food the rest of the time. It's totes easy.

spamm · 07/01/2013 15:25

I have sent friend messages to a couple of you on MFP - I would love to join in for support. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in May - I hate admitting that, I feel so ashamed - and I have lost 24 lbs since then, but I still have lots to lose.

My biggest change has been working with a personal trainer at the gym - that really does work in reshaping my body, and making me feel a lot better about myself, but is not enough to lose weight - I need to diet as well, and I am finding that really hard right now.

shine0ncrazydiamond · 07/01/2013 15:49

Hola Pinot !

I'm lucky in that I don't really drink so giving up alcohol had never been a problem for me. And no it's not easy but I am quite ' goal driven ' and wanted to be not fat at 40 which I just about achieved !

Maintenance is harder than losing the weight

Pinot · 07/01/2013 16:03

YY the about-to-be-40 thing is ringing bells. DSis 40 next month, next year its DH and then it's me. I don't want to be a middle-aged fatso.


I'm ChieftoKitten on MFP is anyone wants to add me.

Chief = Fat Biffer
Kitten = sex kitten

One can try, anyway.

BaublesAndCuntingCarolSingers · 07/01/2013 16:08

Thank you for the kaind words, lovely people. I certainly don't feel attractive at all. I feel like a big shapeless mass with a head stuck on top.

Shiney, you have done brilliantly and I am well jel'. Envy

Spamm, I have added you on MFP :)

"I do keep crying about it too obviously not distressed enough to leave the cake the fuck alone." Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Grin You are PREGGOLZ give yourself a break!

OP posts:
BaublesAndCuntingCarolSingers · 07/01/2013 16:09

Oh Pinot your MFP username, I laughed!

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Pinot · 07/01/2013 16:19

:o :o

MrsCampbellBlack · 07/01/2013 16:21

I am fat as butter at the moment.

Stupid boredom eating over christmas means I have gained weight. I need to lose a stone near enough to be at goal.

And because I am just 5ft and small boned the extra really shows. Honestly I went shopping yesterday and tried on a denim shirt - I looked like I was auditioning for a role in prisoner cell block h.

So am low carbing and hoping to be at goal by end of feb.

I totally get the feeling angry at yourself though.

AlexReidsLonelyBraincell · 07/01/2013 16:25

I am so glad I am not alone with the armpit-snatches, I spotted them in the mirror and after nearly vomiting wondered wtf was going on.
I am like a fucking house brick with a potato for a head at the moment - beautiful I know.
Is 7lbs off by the end of Jan realistic? Though if I could just dump three stones I would be ecstatic.

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