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Week 5 - Little Black Dress Low Carb Bootcamp - Almost Half Way There!

337 replies

BigBroomstickBIWI · 29/10/2012 08:04

Come and weigh in:

Glad to see the losses so far!

I'm taking my weight as of last Friday, as I know that my weekend will have affected things. Yesterday wasn't too bad a day, although we went out for a Thai meal and even though I made the best choices I could, some of the food was definitely too sweet.

Now that I've got this weekend out of the way, it's back to it.

There's also a very interesting article for you to read, about leptin, the hormone that controls hunger:

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BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 10:09
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Boobz · 30/10/2012 10:21

I think you deserve your nomination Biwi for letting me in on the secret that exercise alone doesn't actually make you lose much weight. I honestly didn't know that - I had been running between 40 and 75km a week for the last 3 months training for a half marathon, and although I felt fitter and was a bit lighter (8 months post birth of 3rd child) I wasn't back into my size 8/10 trousers yet.

So decided to do the low carb diet to see if it helped, and very quickly learnt that THIS was going to get me going down the dress sizes, not all my running. So thank you for that!

Having said all that, I love the way exercise makes me feel, so am doing P90X 6 days a week and 2 x 90 min sessions of Bikram yoga. I have (just yesterday) decided to run in the Rome marathon in March next year, so will start my running again to train for that (have done 4 x half marathons since the birth - but want to see if I can do a full marathon).

And keeping on keeping on with the LCing. I want to look like Jillian!

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 10:23

Wow! A marathon is seriously impressive. And Rome is even better!

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BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 10:46

Here is an interesting, and timely, piece on how to resist temptation

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Livelongandprosper · 30/10/2012 10:54

Thanks BIWI
I've just watched the TRX training......Shock
No wonder I am flabby, I couldn't even see where I would start doing any of that.
I will start then by doing two one-hour sessions of something a week. Now I just need to decide on the 'something'.
FatOnTheInside I'm going to google the shred to see if I can find out what it is

Doshusallie · 30/10/2012 11:51

It's an exercise DVD. Julian michaels I RBI k. I do own it, I've done level 2 once, it was tough but good. Excellent if you only have 20 mins. I would rather go to gym or swim though.

Breakfast was 3 fried eggs, 3 bacon, and a kipper.

I have a hangover.

captainmummy · 30/10/2012 12:05

Congrats to all those nominated - you won't be getting a big box of chocs each will you?

I weighed yesterday morning after a wee and advantageously evacuated and had STS (9.3) - got on this morning and was 9.2! Ooh about time the scales moved (in a positive direction)

Hopefully this will signal a drop to go on the spreadsheet next week.

AuntieMaggie · 30/10/2012 12:24

Congrats BIWI you are totally worth it :)

2lbs down here but not sure my update on the spreadsheet worked...

SkaffenAmtiskaw · 30/10/2012 12:29

Hi all, I'm not able to weight myself this week. I usually do it on the Wii but it's not working at the moment and has been sent out for diagnostics. Not sure when I'll get it back!

NewStartSameStory · 30/10/2012 13:46

My exercise is purely for mental health reasons. It is my escape from RL. When life gets tough I train more and harder. Personally I think all the people doing proper exercise are crazy. I think my coach would disagree and wants more focus and more core work.

Day started all wrong. I have broken my alarm clock and over slept. Training hasn't helped so I am hitting the internet in search of answers. And biding my time with a list of really awkward questions which hopefully will bring some resolution.

NewStartSameStory · 30/10/2012 13:48

How did that post? I hit space ShockConfused

Was going to add, you have to find the right combination of exercise for you though. You can do exercise because you are told it is good for it and feel miserable. You can do exercise that you enjoy and is good for you. What works for one doesn't always work of others. Most people would think i am crazy for doing the sport I do. All I can say is that it helps Grin

EwanHoozami · 30/10/2012 13:52

I knew there were lots of good'uns on this thread. All nominations very well deserved (and a slight chuckle at the idea of you all getting a giant tin of shortbread Grin )

Feeling better today. Sugar-free jelly has been my friend. Might roast a chicken for tonight as I can feel my appetite coming back.

Impressed by all the exercise! I can't seem to find time or energy for it, but walk a hilly 4 miles a day for the school run so that'll do for the moment.

BIWI That article on temptation is really interesting, thanks. I surprise myself at how little I actually want carby stuff these days, but there's always the odd (weird) craving that taunts me.

dotty2 · 30/10/2012 13:58

Just creeping in. Have had a very bad few days, after a quite bad previous week and have totally lost the plot. Holiday indulgence, followed by post-holiday back to work blues. (I'm a PhD student and feeling v.anxious about progress or lack thereof and time, or lack thereof, at the moment.) I think weighing myself right now would be counter-productive, but am going to attempt to get back on the wagon and weigh later in the week.

Brasssection · 30/10/2012 14:20

FAT The Shred is an exercise DVD. Very irritating and tough but it works. Last time I did it I went down two dress sizes in about 6-8 weeks. I did not weight myself at the time but suspect I lost inches rather than pounds. At the time, I was still drinking most days, eating white carbs etc ... and still it worked. It's only 25 minutes so doable and unlike gym I find it's harder to find an excuse not to do it. I swim once a week too and love it but I know that if this was my main form of exercise, I wouldn't get there often enough.

BIWI I have a funny relationship with carbs I think. I had porridge early this morningand I'm still full. That happened very rarely to me on full low carb. I got hungry last night after feeling full all day despite small meals. I was ok after some greek yog and often think I get hungry at around the same time in the evenings out of habit. My body expects a glass of wine or cheese and biscuits or something I think.

I'm going to see how this goes for a week or so and if no differnce will try boot camp and no shred for a bit. Something has to work.

Poppy1234 · 30/10/2012 14:35

Choosing to ignore all this talk of exercise, I absolutely hate it and do none bar walking. Have just received this week's vegetable box. Gigantic amount of kale. Any ideas other than kale chips?

B: Greek yoghurt with vanilla
L: Cauliflower soup and tuna mayo
D: Panfried sea bream, roast baby turnips, cauli mash, garlic mushrooms and probably some kale crisps if I ever want to see the end of my epic amount.

Brasssection · 30/10/2012 14:45

Kale is nice used all chopped up and lightly fried in butter and then mixed into scrambled eggs. Looks horrible but tastes like spinach with a twist.

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 14:46

I was looking at a big bag of kale the other day, but wasn't sure what to do with it! Does it wilt like spinach, or is it a bit tougher, like cabbage?

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captainmummy · 30/10/2012 14:52

Kale is quite tough,so doesn't wilt - it is more of a cabbage. My mum used to cook it in a bit of water til tender, then mix it in with white sauce. I think a cheese/cream sauce would go well.

WillieWaggledagger · 30/10/2012 14:52

more like cabbage, you don't get the liquid coming off - i melt butter in a frying pan and empty the whole bag of kale and toss it in the butter for a few minutes it is HEAVENLY

WillieWaggledagger · 30/10/2012 14:55

dp and i will eat a whole bag between us - little danger of us being anaemic eh?

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 15:16

Sounds like it would also be nice if you added some finely chopped garlic.

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BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 15:16

.... mind you, most things are nice with the addition of garlic Grin

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Willowisp · 30/10/2012 15:18

Brassection, I think your body chemistry might be a bit like mine....I think you should (could ?!) try the IF a couple of days a week.maybe have your main meal at lunch time. These things do work, it's just finding what works for you. The IF is great at kick starting it all off.

Also (as this is from me, the carb girl) lose the porridge & sign up for myfitness pal & record everything you eat.

I used to think I hardly ate anything, big shock when it totaled up to 1,800 -2,000 cals a day. Also huge amount of carbs.

Just going back to read all your posts in case got wrong end of stick ! (dons Sherlock Holmes outfit & goes stalking....can't see your weight on the chart ?)

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 15:28

Willowisp - I have worked out the carb count of the dessert and get it to 8.05g carbs per portion (assuming it makes 6). That's not including the alcohol, as I haven't got a carb count for that - but 1 tablespoon between 6 people is going to be fairly small I would have thought.

So not that bad a pudding, given that it also doesn't contain anything artificial.

In fact, I should copy it on to the recipe thread!

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Piffle · 30/10/2012 15:37

Today I've had
Bacon (3.5 rashers) an egg fried in butter and sme sautéed mushrooms

Lunch was a protein shake ( I use whey to go add double cream and flax seed and soya milk)

Dinner is butter chicken from the IDP cookbook with buttered spinach

If I need snacks it'll be nuts or coconut shavings
3 L water
1 hr of walking

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