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Week 5 - Little Black Dress Low Carb Bootcamp - Almost Half Way There!

337 replies

BigBroomstickBIWI · 29/10/2012 08:04

Come and weigh in:

Glad to see the losses so far!

I'm taking my weight as of last Friday, as I know that my weekend will have affected things. Yesterday wasn't too bad a day, although we went out for a Thai meal and even though I made the best choices I could, some of the food was definitely too sweet.

Now that I've got this weekend out of the way, it's back to it.

There's also a very interesting article for you to read, about leptin, the hormone that controls hunger:

OP posts:
Brasssection · 30/10/2012 16:08

Will: thanks for taking the time to think of me. Porridge is a new thing, a kind of attempt to do Harcombe as 3 weeks of bootcamp did nothing for me. I promise I logged everything in MFP when I did bootcamp; well, until the end as I was gettign v. odd readings for things. But I counted carbs each day and even weighed my veg and salad and the highest I got was 26. I poas most days and was in ketosis, but no weight loss. In fact, some gain. I'm very [henvy] of those of you who have lost weight.

What is IF?

Piffle · 30/10/2012 16:12

Is IF intermittent fasting?

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 16:18

It is.

OP posts:
jan2013 · 30/10/2012 16:34

the meals (and puddings) posted here are making me hungry... tonight im having microwaved brussel sprouts and ...chicken salad big surprise lol. the food i eat doesn't even go together...pure convenience.

i really do need to get myself out of this rut. dh has the baby for a few hours tonight, so i was going to cook myself a thai chicken curry. so i got the curry paste out, and read on the back of it 'serve product piping hot. DO NOT REHEAT' and i just thought - what is the point??? spending ages cooking one meal, which i can't even reheat for me and dd tomorrow? senseless. so back to same old!

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 16:36

Of course you can reheat it! You just need to make sure that it is properly hot all the way through.

OP posts:
jan2013 · 30/10/2012 16:37

then why does it say you can't? am i just being over cautious? ive missed my chance tonight... but if they are just being over cautious then ill make it next time... lol

on a positive note i did second week of gillian dvd can't believe how many planks are in it

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 16:45

They are just being over-cautious.

OP posts:
Piffle · 30/10/2012 16:54

Lordy I've been making thai curries for donkeys year and I don't think I ever read the label of the paste [hblush]
And I'm not dead yet [hgrin]

SingingTunelessly · 30/10/2012 17:01

BIWI can I ask your opinion on low carb bread? We've got our usual bonfire party on Saturday and normally it's cheesy baked potatoes served in foil and Tomato soup dished up whilst we're outside waving our sparklers around. Obviously this year that's a no no. So I was thinking about making some burgers (that Nigel Slater recipe from last week looked fab) and having mine in a low carb bun.

The ones I've seen are 5g carb per bun. I would have only one anyway. It's not likely to spark off some craving is it do you think?

That chocolate pudding sounds gorgeous.

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 17:07

I would have thought it would be OK - just be alert to any cravings it might set off, and keep an eye on how much other carby stuff you're eating.

Which bread are you talking about? Are you going to make something, or is it something you can buy?

OP posts:
caramelwaffle · 30/10/2012 17:10

dotty2 Don't sneak in: walk in boldly and stick with BIWI us Smile

I had a few off days as I had bad news (now good news re: work - YES!) but it's all a small blip. This thread is inspirational: you'll be back on track in no time.

Though I have had a cheeky vodka to celebrate good news

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 17:12

Oooh - glad to hear good news! Spill ...

OP posts:
SingingTunelessly · 30/10/2012 17:14

Thank you. Smile. It's this one

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 17:22

Hmm. I wonder why there's the warning about the possible laxative effect? That usually means there are polyols (artificial sweeteners) in them, but none is listed in the ingredients list.

Probably just as well you're only planning on having one!

OP posts:
caramelwaffle · 30/10/2012 17:23

First I have to say Low Carb bread - YES! I have been in Holland and Barrett several times almost crying the things I cannot buy because I have wanted bread, bread, bread to go with snacky type dips (guacamole, pates etc) And the healthy sweets, snacks are almost all Hi-carb.

Regarding the job news: I thought I would have to reapply for a job promotion: this is not the case (double the wages - not double my income, however, it is a much desired promotion!)

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 17:56

Brilliant! Thanks

OP posts:
caramelwaffle · 30/10/2012 18:11

Thank you Smile

TheHumancatapult · 30/10/2012 18:29

I read your links about excerscise not always helping with weight loss . But I fInd it's a great stress buster and as much as hate thought starting few mind in and love it . But have noticed it has made a differance to how toned I look and how flexible I am

But am sticking with this as am getting there weight wide well ok more I'm over half way there and I now know I can do it

Brasssection · 30/10/2012 18:37

Yes those exercise links were really interesting. Thanks BIWI. It's so personal really, how these things affect different people in completely different ways.

BigBroomstickBIWI · 30/10/2012 18:44

Oh yes, don't get me wrong - I love the exercise too. And I'm not really exercising to lose weight (although I'm hoping that it will help), mine is more because I was worried about loss of general fitness and specifically flexibility as I get older. I knew that exercise isn't going to be a massive contributor to weight loss, but I hadn't appreciated that it was to do with the creation of stress and inflammation. That puts a different slant on the whole thing.

OP posts:
Viperidae · 30/10/2012 18:59

How on earth do you manage that exercise BIWI? The very idea of treadmill incline 11 makes me wheeze!

Spoke to DS at lunchtime today (early morning New York), they are ok and, luckily, the area they are in still has power so far. They are now trying to get flights booked to get home and finding everything is booked up to at least next Tuesday so it seems like it will take a while to get everybody back but at least they are safe now I just worry about power cuts, looters and zombies

B: bacon, sausage and 2 eggs
L: 2 slices ham, coleslaw, spoonful chicken tikka (it was yuk!), 3 strawberries (can you tell it was bits picked out of a carb-laden buffet?!)
T: Pork meatballs with tomato sauce, cauliflower, broccoli.
Snack: Handful of almonds, kale crisps

vnmum · 30/10/2012 19:20

Congratulations on the promotion caramel
viper Glad your DS is ok

Very interesting article on exercise BIWI. I was thinking of doing 'turbofire' which is HIIT cardio for upto an hour per day but after reading that article I may change my mind and do Jillian Michaels Body Revolution which is more toning and only 30 mins a day so easier to fit in. The HIIT is meant to be good for fat loss but also screams of Chronic cardio which could well stress my body and lead to weight stall or gain. At least with Jillian I will tone up and look firmer which is ultimately what I want


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Willowisp · 30/10/2012 19:27

brass have you got much weight to loose ? Maybe you're swapping fat for muscle ?

I'm incredibly frustrated for you ! Mind you I haven't lost recently, but haven't gained what i lost earlier...iyswim Confused

Intermittent fasting. Dr Briffa & Mark Sissins talk about what a handy tool is if your weight gets stuck. So, say Mon & Wed you only have 500 cal & you'd exercise on tues & Thurs whilst in a fasted state, which also helps with fat burning/glucose tolerance/something else very positive which I can't remember Blush

BIWI how come your version is lower than mine ?! I scanned all ingredients into MFP. (which I bloody love !) I might make it with single cream next time & add a scoop of peanut butter...

Willowisp · 30/10/2012 19:30

I think I should look at this shredding lark...I've got the slackest buttocks ever.

Willowisp · 30/10/2012 19:31

Lose not loose Blush

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