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Pokemon Go Thread #29: Are Friends Manectric? Are they?

999 replies

DoctorTwo · 10/07/2020 09:29

Ooh look! A shiny new thread! Hello everybody.

OP posts:
ademanlu · 11/07/2020 14:43

I will try and remember @tumpymummy (might need to set an alarm as we are off camping tomorrow!)

sandycloud · 11/07/2020 14:57

Hey. I need to win 3 great league battles for a really old challenge. Would anyone friend me to do this?? My code is 9814 6758 2587. I have added some people from this thread possibly. My name is Pokémonmatt as I took over my sons account. Thank you!!!

BaronessBomburst · 11/07/2020 14:59

@SoulofanAggron one of us has to open a gift. I'll send you one and you can put an egg on and open whenever you like. Gertrude doesn't need the XP.

BaronessBomburst · 11/07/2020 15:01

@TheMShip you can still beat Giovanni, don't worry. The battles are pitched to your trainer level.

Cupidity · 11/07/2020 15:02

@sandycloud I've just sent you a friend request (I'm NoobTree) - I'll be available for battles

sandycloud · 11/07/2020 15:23

Thanks noobtree!! That's a great help. Felt a bit mean battling you when you were helping me!!

Cupidity · 11/07/2020 15:33

No worries - it went against my competitive instincts to willingly let someone else win, but I did it. And got a sinoh stone for the first battle so all is good

ignatiusjreilly · 11/07/2020 15:53

@tumpymummy I’m up for coordinegging on Tue (I’m MistyXYCool)

@sandycloud I’ve added you. Always up for a battle!

Does anyone here use a Motorola G8 for playing Pokemon Go? If so, do you recommend it? I’ve decided I need a new phone as the game is crashing constantly because I only have 1GB RAM.

bellabelly · 11/07/2020 16:02

@sandycloud I will add you, happy to battle if you still need to. I'm debstonmon2.

BaronessBomburst · 11/07/2020 16:05

I have a G6 Plus and have never had any problems.

ignatiusjreilly · 11/07/2020 16:16

Thank you, Baroness. That’s really useful.

It was the last straw when I finally got J&J this morning, then it crashed just as the battle started. By the time it had reloaded they had gone.

BaronessBomburst · 11/07/2020 18:14

Oh no! They will be back though. Extra sightings tomorrow 11am - 2pm local time.

bellabelly · 11/07/2020 18:53

I finally did it on my eleventy billionth try - I beat Giovanni! Felt giddy with happiness and disbelief! Grin

Pokemon Go Thread #29: Are Friends Manectric? Are they?
HighBrows · 11/07/2020 19:15

Thanks @BaronessBomburst & @SoulofanAggron I got 600,000 when we went best Buddy's.

I tried to beat Giovanni, battled 10 rounds I just couldn't do it, I'll try again if he comes back.
@sandycloud I've added you I'm StephVanjie.

HighBrows · 11/07/2020 19:17

@bellabelly which pokemon did you use? Well done I'm so jealous!

chunkyrun · 11/07/2020 19:17

Whenever I evolve a Evie it turns into veleron. How do I evolve it to something different?

WhyNotMe40 · 11/07/2020 19:20

You have to rename it first - different names give different evolutions.

BaronessBomburst · 11/07/2020 19:33

Or evolve it next to a Pokestop with a special lure module on (for glaceon or leafeon), or walk with it for 10 kilometres as your buddy then evolve by day for an espeon, and by night for an umbreon.

bellabelly · 11/07/2020 20:40

@HighBrows, I used Emboar,then Milotic against Dugtrio, then switched to Leafeon for Suicine. When Leafeon fainted, Molotov was ready and nearly charged to attack. Emboar was good against the Persian because his attack charges up quite quickly.

newroundhere · 11/07/2020 20:47

I just beat Giovanni!!! Feels like I've been trying for months Grin

Jboure · 11/07/2020 20:52

@tunpymumpy. I'm not free next tuesday to coordinate but you go ahead, no problem

newroundhere · 11/07/2020 20:55

I used Hariyama, Empoleon and Alolan Golem but it was a really close run thing


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PanamaPattie · 11/07/2020 20:59

I've given up trying to beat the leaders. I've wasted so much time, potions and revives.

bellabelly · 11/07/2020 21:39

@newroundhere, well done! I just caught a whismur which was actually a Ditto. That's my second Ditto in a week after WEEKS of searching for one when it was a task. On a similar note, I am doing loads of Excellent throws now we don't need to do 50 of the bloody things...Grin

Corneliusmurphy · 11/07/2020 23:21

Giovanni is hard! Will have to have another try tomorrow... had nido king as his 2nd, I think I need to power everything up.

And yes loads of excellent throws now I don’t need them Hmm Grin

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