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Harry and Meghan resigning Act 4: the Price of Freedom.....?

999 replies

CurlyWurlyTwirly · 14/01/2020 07:23

So the saga continues
Thé Canadians are not happy about paying for the Sussexes security

I think that will be their downfall. They can’t actually fund the cost of their «freedom»
Other security experts saying that the cost of 24/7 private security is about £4million per year.

Problem is; they have skipped the a Royal fold, and have to pay the real cost of their security and accommodation . They will have to sell every aspect of their Lives to fund this.

OP posts:
yolofish · 15/01/2020 09:12

I was wondering about incognito-ness too lordfrontpaw.

Lordfrontpaw · 15/01/2020 09:15

I worked for a charity and we worked with a knot of local ones. The women’s refuges were hidden in plain sight - so there was a huge mansion house in a very swanky street that is walked passed hundreds of times - the I learned it was a refuge for mums and kids. Unless you knew, you didn’t know. It was to protect those who lived there.

RozHuntleysStump · 15/01/2020 09:16

Didn't she just turn up without warning? The photo shows the staff smiling but I wonder how they really feel about it.

Doesn't she have enough to worry about atm?

AutumnCrow · 15/01/2020 09:21

That photo taken with refuge staff - and splashed on the internet - is fucking disgraceful. Refuges need to remain anonymous, secure, discreet and safe.

These staff are all now identifiable as refuge staff. Staff can be followed. Staff can be attacked.

I'm really concerned about this lapse.

WendyMoiraAngelaDarling · 15/01/2020 09:22

She's got more front than Blackpool that one Grin

ChardonnaysDistantCousin · 15/01/2020 09:23

I don’t think you could just visit a refugee.

scaryteacher · 15/01/2020 09:24

Anything she does now in terms of visits will be viewed with cynical eyes now. The DM should stop giving her the oxygen of publicity. I wonder if the papers have considered a complete media embargo on them once they've left. That'd really piss her off.

I also wonder if the couple have considered the hassle they are causing other families. I would be very irritated if my dh had to effectively relocate to Canada to do close protection on those two.

Wheresthebeach · 15/01/2020 09:26

I hope the British media just ignore her now. That would be best all round.

The80sweregreat · 15/01/2020 09:28

The press here should leave her alone now.

That would be a start. It's shameful if she did just go to the refuge without telling anyone first! Its arrogant and not to mention stupid for the people staying there and working there.

Junie70 · 15/01/2020 09:29

This is going to get very ugly quickly, if she's going to do stunts like that visit.

Why couldn't she show support and visit privately? For her safety alone let alone the poor women hiding there.

morrisseysquif · 15/01/2020 09:30

She is a toxic brand now.

The woman's refuge publicity is beyond words. Who is advising her? 😮

strictlymomdancing · 15/01/2020 09:32

can't wait to see the Markles in court but I suspect they'll settle all this out of court in order to avoid that.

crispysausagerolls · 15/01/2020 09:32

Her top looks like pregnancy/nursing top and I do not
Think she breastfed therefore pregnant?

Puzzledandpissedoff · 15/01/2020 09:32

I do hope that Megan and Harry find the happiness they seek

Ironically, so do I ... but I simply don't believe that behaving badly brings lasting happiness in the end

WendyMoiraAngelaDarling · 15/01/2020 09:34

Poor Meg. So damaged, so distraught, so desperate for a break. Just a new young mum trying to get some breathing space and live a quiet life away from her mean in laws and the nasty British public Hmm.

ElizabethMainwaring · 15/01/2020 09:36

Crispysausagerolls, I think that she is pregnant too.

notmoresheep · 15/01/2020 09:37

that’s a very good point Planeplane, yesterday’s visit was a publicity stunt but who was she representing? Herself? Surely not the RF as a senior duchess, when they’ve only just announced they don’t want to be that. They can’t simultaneously step down and step up.

She can go where she wants, live where she wants but if they don’t want to be senior members of the RF she should drop the HRH (he probably can’t). I’ve already said switching to their Earl and Lady Dumbarton titles would be more appropriate and signify their genuine desire to step back from the senior royal roles. If they truly want to step down they’ll be more than happy to do that or dispense with the titles altogether (and bin the cheesy website).

annielouise · 15/01/2020 09:38

Photos of her at this shelter haven't been posted to their IG. If they are that implies she's doing work on behalf of the RF, which I personally wouldn't be happy about. I don't want them in the RF now at all. They want out and too many don't want the half in/half out approach. If the RF allow this then what? RF tactics seem to be do nothing, wait until things calm down then carry on as usual. If they break up I don't even want Harry coming back and doing duties for the RF. It's a farce!

Selfsettling3 · 15/01/2020 09:39

bohemia14 I suspect they were concerned about PH and MM mental health and didn’t book in any functions until they returned to the UK and they knew that they were ready to work.

WendyMoiraAngelaDarling · 15/01/2020 09:39

New thread with link?

StartupRepair · 15/01/2020 09:40

Dumbarton quasi royal doesn't have the same ring to it.
I fear next stop will be 'Africa' and a photo op with children.

CurlyWurlyTwirly · 15/01/2020 09:42
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zafferana · 15/01/2020 09:42

yesterday’s visit was a publicity stunt but who was she representing? Herself?

Yup - that's exactly who she's representing. Narc Meghan can't bear all the negative publicity, so in order to attempt shine some positive light on herself and fuel her addiction to publicity off she goes to visit a women's shelter, when she's representing precisely no one except her wonderful, charitable self.

diddl · 15/01/2020 09:43

"that’s a very good point Planeplane, yesterday’s visit was a publicity stunt but who was she representing? Herself?"

More than likely!

But that's why I think that the RF needs to make it clear that she isn't representing them at all-ever again.

Nor Harry.

But why could she not have done this in the UK?

Too formal?

Although Kate also does casual at engagements.

Well there seems to be enough love & support for her.

Maybe Harry can be a SAHD?

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