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Harry and Meghan resigning Act 4: the Price of Freedom.....?

999 replies

CurlyWurlyTwirly · 14/01/2020 07:23

So the saga continues
Thé Canadians are not happy about paying for the Sussexes security

I think that will be their downfall. They can’t actually fund the cost of their «freedom»
Other security experts saying that the cost of 24/7 private security is about £4million per year.

Problem is; they have skipped the a Royal fold, and have to pay the real cost of their security and accommodation . They will have to sell every aspect of their Lives to fund this.

OP posts:
bohemia14 · 14/01/2020 08:11

I don't think they are going to split up and I must admit I think it's a bit distasteful somehow to speculate that they are.

But if this isn't about money why do they need to move to Canada. They have a lovely home which is private and secluded yet they're only about 20 miles from central London so they have a vibrant cosmopolitan city on their doorsteps. They can live the life they choose right here in the UK. It's a real kick in the teeth to the British people that they're leaving. And so soon after that glorious, expensive wedding.

I can't understand why they don't have a diary full of engagements they need to fulfil. They were supposed to be having 6 weeks of hard earned family time. To quote Meghan they should be back here now 'hitting the ground running'. If they don't have a series of engagements planned then it suggests this has been planned for some time and they have been taking the piss out of us and the Royal family.

Just dreadful.

crispysausagerolls · 14/01/2020 08:14

I went to bed early last night and my take home from
The 12 pages which appeared whilst I was sleeping is:

Did a poster really come on and have a go at @Bluntness100 for having too much time on their hands, despite having read all their posts supposedly on all the MN threads?! 😂

MissEliza · 14/01/2020 08:18

@LaMarschallin that pitchfork remark really made me laugh!

MissEliza · 14/01/2020 08:20

I am unashamedly jealous of Frogmore cottage. I'd love to live in (the nice part of) Windsor.

Ashtower · 14/01/2020 08:23

Just watched the beginning of their engagement interview (catching up on older threads). M and H never went more than 2 weeks without seeing each other despite living thousands of miles apart?

Interesting how our views have changed to air travel post extinction rebellion, Greta etc. Can only be a good thing.

Chesntoots · 14/01/2020 08:28

I think they will find they will have to sell even more of themselves over there to make money, than they ever would have if they'd have stayed.

GracefulHippo · 14/01/2020 08:29

Long time lurker here, this thread was a amazing whilst being home sick yesterday and up in the night with sick children (and home with sick child today).

I do feel sorry for them, they have seemed terribly unhappy. I understand if they wanted out.

What I don’t understand...

  1. Why they seemed to have assumed that the taxpayer would be happy to pay for their security whilst they aimed to make lots of money and become quite rich (I don’t think their idea of “financial independence” is as modest as mine)?

  2. If they continue to have Royal Highness status, how on earth that will work with commercial deals such a brand ambassadors without hurting the royal family?

  3. If they don’t have Royal Highness titles.... Are they allowed to use the brand name “Sussex Royal”?

    I think the first two questions have been covered, but not sure about the last one? Anyone has any thoughts on that?
WineOrGinOrBoth · 14/01/2020 08:30

They want to be in the starring roles not the side act.

Rubyupbeat · 14/01/2020 08:32

I just cant wait for the new series of 'The Windsors ' they will be sure to include this episode in the life of the royals, and rip it to bits, hysterical!

CurlyWurlyTwirly · 14/01/2020 08:32

Segment from BBC breakfast about security costs «likely to run into millions»
Also Hello editor says the Canadians are looking forward to having them.

OP posts:
hopeishere · 14/01/2020 08:34

It's interesting looking at list of pictures now eg the balcony ones. That's when Meghan realised she was a back row royal!

I think / hope the meeting yesterday took some of the heat out of the situation. Be interesting to see how Harry reacts to the media at his engagement this week.

The media had obviously been sitting on the clip of him touting for business to Disney so the media intrusion and paparazzi is going to get much worse outside the RF.

crispysausagerolls · 14/01/2020 08:36

The balcony shot of Harry telling Meghan to turn around and her face afterwards is priceless.

Gemm83 · 14/01/2020 08:38

Anybody else found the Disney "chat" a bit cringe???

ChardonnaysDistantCousin · 14/01/2020 08:38

I don’t see why the Met should be paying for their security in Canada.

It was their decision to go, they ought to pay for it themselves.

crispysausagerolls · 14/01/2020 08:40

Nobody should be paying for their security: not the UK, and not Canada!

Nanna50 · 14/01/2020 08:40

As for (partly) blaming the media intrusion for wanting to leave the UK this has just caused a bigger shitstorm with the Canadians now making their objections clear. Social media is global, talk about making yourself unpopular. Confused

IrmaFayLear · 14/01/2020 08:41

There are so many indications that this has been planned for a long time, including the lack of diary engagements.

It is not on to keep banging on about bullying, racism, missing photos on the Queen's desk for her Christmas speech yada yada... They had everything in place months ago, in fact over a year ago for some things, such as US PR.

I find it distasteful not to mention insulting to brand the UK racists - and that means all of us - even those defending M&H on Mumsnet. I also find it crass to reject public appearances opening boring old places in boring old towns meeting boring old people. That's us told. And it's the Queen told, too. I'm no royalist, but she is our head of state and has been a steady presence for over 60 years. It's just rude, entitled, greedy and spoilt behaviour by the pair of them.

bohemia14 · 14/01/2020 08:43

As a taxpayer I'm fine with funding their security in the UK. They need to be kept safe. Or on official royal tours such as their Africa visit.

If the Queen had asked them to go to Canada and represent her, fine.

The British taxpayer funding their security in Canada just because they fancy living there not here? Er, I don't think so. Their arrogance at thinking that people would be ok with this is breathtaking.

PineappleDanish · 14/01/2020 08:43

If they don’t have Royal Highness titles.... Are they allowed to use the brand name “Sussex Royal

I think "royal" is a broader term. No-one would say that Zara Phillips isn't part of Royal Family, or "royal", even though she's not HRH.

What does piss me off is that they are persisting with this "dividing our time between Canada and the UK" nonsense. it's really clear that it's going to be 90% Canada and 10% the UK, and it has to be, for tax reasons. 90 days maximum in the UK in any tax year. The baby is less than a year old but in 18 months they'll be considering nursery, pre-school and where they will educate him and it's impossible to have residences in two countries if you want a stable home for your child. So it will be Canada, or perhaps by that point, California.

LesLavandes · 14/01/2020 08:44

You can be sure 'the royal brigade' are reading these posts

TheMustressMhor · 14/01/2020 08:45

Good morrow.

DeeZastris · 14/01/2020 08:46

I don’t think Meghan will ever step foot in the uk again. She certainly won’t be dividing her time. Harry might.


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MrsBobBlackadder · 14/01/2020 08:46

I watched the Disney video for the first time last night. Jeeez, it's a cringe fest...

MyuMe · 14/01/2020 08:48

I do feel sorry for them, they have seemed terribly unhappy. I understand if they wanted out.


Unhappy with their lot in life, no money worries, no wondering how the rent or mortgage will be paid, no shopping, no laundry, no cooking, no cleaning, designer clothes, private jets, doing sweet eff all but spend money and fly around the world.

Jesus how do they cope.

AvaSnowdrop · 14/01/2020 08:49

To be fair, I think poor Harry is a thicko who is easily led. This is all Meghan’s doing. It’s totally unreasonable to permit them to monetise a British title in any way and I will lose all respect for the RF if they permit them to get away with this greed. They’re embarrassing us all on the world stage. Wondering how long it will take before someone buys Meg a travel brochure of tunnels in Paris?

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