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Harry and Meghan resigning Act 4: the Price of Freedom.....?

999 replies

CurlyWurlyTwirly · 14/01/2020 07:23

So the saga continues
Thé Canadians are not happy about paying for the Sussexes security

I think that will be their downfall. They can’t actually fund the cost of their «freedom»
Other security experts saying that the cost of 24/7 private security is about £4million per year.

Problem is; they have skipped the a Royal fold, and have to pay the real cost of their security and accommodation . They will have to sell every aspect of their Lives to fund this.

OP posts:
Dongdingdong · 15/01/2020 07:57

Imagine for a moment this was a thread by a newly married woman, who had just had a baby. Whose partners family are unsupportive and demanding?

Don’t be ridiculous. The RF have been incredibly supportive of them!

OVienna · 15/01/2020 07:58

Have you seen #Sussexsquad on Twitter?

Lordfrontpaw · 15/01/2020 07:59

I thought she was checking in when I say the newspaper headline!

Dongdingdong · 15/01/2020 07:59

OP's request.

Meh - I suspect the thread will die out now. Still, it’s been a fascinating read so thanks OP!

RoseAndRose · 15/01/2020 08:01

It would n't die out if people keep posting!

JeansNTees · 15/01/2020 08:06

What's the woman's shelter visit all about? Not a royal engagement surely as her diary had her living in the UK until about 10 seconds ago plus its not in the UK. Not a royal tour. Not a private visit as it was photographed for UK masses. For me, a baby and a shitstorm about me and my baby's future would be enough to keep me occupied. I can see where its going to be much more complicated than just quitting the UK but keeping money for security and being royal. "Collaborating" with the Queen in the UK means doing what you're told presumably, going to chosen charities and events. This is going to get so messy.

AuntieStella · 15/01/2020 08:06

The reasoning for the move is all on the thread, so when peeps catch up , they'll see it.

And it does look as if one might be needed

Beeb has just gone from reporting on Vancouver visit to latest on DM court case.

Including the gem of a comment that the possibility of Meghan and herbfather (recipient of the letter) both appearing, being one of the reasons the coulebare leaving. I'm comfused - the couple brought the case, and surely it was blazingly obvious that cross-examination wouid occur?

CurlyWurlyTwirly · 15/01/2020 08:08

Looks like the DM has stationed a reporter in Canada
Meghan stories are not going to die out anytime soon.
Interesting that Kate & William have an engagement today.
I think Meghan will carry out her upstaging from afar.

Harry and Meghan resigning Act 4: the Price of Freedom.....?
OP posts:
StartupRepair · 15/01/2020 08:09

National Theatre are a bit put out apparently that she had a meeting with them with lots of plans then a couple of hours later released their Insta resignation.

CurlyWurlyTwirly · 15/01/2020 08:13

The National Theatre has an American fund raising arm; based in New York, so I wouldn’t necessarily write off that just yet.

What I did find interesting about that visit was that Meghan was photographed without her wedding rings; and the timing was right for it to be the day she left England

Harry and Meghan resigning Act 4: the Price of Freedom.....?
OP posts:
GoFiguire · 15/01/2020 08:13

What is this comfused?

MrsBrentford · 15/01/2020 08:23

Probably takes them off to fly..?

Mummyoflittledragon · 15/01/2020 08:26

Meghan was photographed without her rings? As in the ultimatum for PH?

The shelter she visited is for “cis, trans and 2s”. I’m struggling to see her as standing up for women’s rights here. Princess of woke. Photo opportunity.

lightnesspixie · 15/01/2020 08:28

I'm frankly sick of the both of them. They court publicity like nothing on earth. It seems they're splashed all over the papers every other week since last summer for one real or imagined misdemeanour after another. Good luck to them. But please don't expect us to pay for you. Go and live your lives as you wish but hand back your titles and curb your sense of entitlement for Gods sake. I am afraid I do not see their marriage lasting. Archie will likely be their only kid and she will ditch him. That's the plan. She needed to break away from the RF before she really felt she had the scope to begin to free herself entirely from them - including PH. Her track record is a case in point.

katiegoestoaldi · 15/01/2020 08:29

The irony of the advert above the headline Grin

Harry and Meghan resigning Act 4: the Price of Freedom.....?
AuntieStella · 15/01/2020 08:33


Not necessarily stationing a reporter just for this. The bigger outlets will have staff permanently stationed key countries, and next tier down will have permanently retained stringers

byvirtue · 15/01/2020 08:34

What a surprise to see Meghan on a private visit, must be after some photos to post on her Instagram, I’m guessing content will be thin on the ground at the moment.

I thought they were effectively on gardening leave, not making up engagements whilst they go along. I suppose no starving children in Canada so a woman’s shelter is the next best thing Hmm

katiegoestoaldi · 15/01/2020 08:35

Unless a local pap was tipped off by Team Meghan about when and where she'd be for the photo op

notmoresheep · 15/01/2020 08:36

clicked on CurlyWurlyTwirly’s link, there’s a supermarket advert for avocados on it 😂😂.

feel rather grubby looking at the DM.

Planeplane · 15/01/2020 08:39

Whose partners family are unsupportive and demanding?

So demanding that not long after maternity leave she got another six or so weeks off over Christmas. Wish I had a work (and family) who are that kind of demanding.

Yeah, agree that this is going to get messy. She's going to take it upon herself to do whatever 'engagments' she chooses whilst not making it clear who she's representing. Trouble is that the royal engagements are chosen and vetted to the nth degree. By just going off her own bat she's far more likely to end up at something dodgy by accident.

MrsBrentford · 15/01/2020 08:41

I’m sorry but using that women’s shelter is absolutely disgusting.

There is no need for her to be doing engagements atm.

MrsBrentford · 15/01/2020 08:53

They need to send Princess Anne over there to give her a talking to.


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Butterymuffin · 15/01/2020 08:54

Shows an awareness that damage control is needed. But poorly judged. Makes it all about her rather than the shelter.

Lordfrontpaw · 15/01/2020 08:58

It may just be me... but aren’t shelters/refuges meant to be incognito? There are a few near us and if you didn’t know they were there you wouldn’t know what they were.

I hope she wasn’t ‘commiserating’ with the women there - ‘oh you were beaten and abused and escapes with only the clothes you stood up in? On I know exactly how you feel! I how how is is to have an abusive family, it’s so so tough, and when noone asks how I am feeling! It’s so hard being a new mom with only a nanny, a cook, chauffeur, 6 busy guards, someone to do the laundry, gardening and cleaning... I literally had to borrow a mansion to escape”

bohemia14 · 15/01/2020 09:10

I'm still wondering why she and Harry don't need to be here in the UK fulfilling their scheduled engagements (I know that Harry has one tomorrow). If there aren't any planned it suggests that this has been planned for some time. And if that's the case then the Queen must have known about it. I'm starting to think we're all being played.

They should have engagements scheduled otherwise they are just workshy complainers.

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