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The doghouse

General Dog Chat 4

999 replies

geekone · 05/10/2018 17:22

Apologies I just noticed the thread was running out so I am going to repost.

OP posts:
fleshmarketclose · 27/10/2018 19:01

Really not enjoying the walks in the cold these past two days, I think I'd forgotten how grim it is. Bella seems very affronted at being put in a coat, I'm hoping to get her used to it before she needs it after being groomed next week. First night of fireworks here tonight Hmm thankfully Bella doesn't seem interested or bothered which is a good thing seeing as the bloody neighbours tend to set them off every weekend between now and New Year!

BiteyShark · 27/10/2018 19:03

It's so cold isn't it. I think I got used to the nice warm evenings too much.

AvocadosBeforeMortgages · 27/10/2018 19:09

I'm absolutely dreading the clocks going back tonight. I'm back to walks in the form of after dark ball throwing while hoping I don't get mugged or worse :(

fleshmarketclose · 27/10/2018 19:12

I'm another one not looking forward to walks in the dark either Avocados I have really bad eyesight so I'm blind as a bat in the dark which makes me anxious.

BiteyShark · 27/10/2018 19:17

Yes dark nights and also BiteyDog waking earlier and we had only just got him to sleep to between 6-7am at the weekends 😭

WheelyWheelySpookilicousCotee · 27/10/2018 19:27

Hi everyone

I read somewhere that a dog can be trained to ring a bell hanging from a door to alert you that they want to go out for per/poo

Did I read it here? Has anyone had any success?

BiteyShark · 27/10/2018 19:33

I used training bells when mine was a puppy as he didn't really indicate he wanted to go out clearly so if my back was turned I would miss it.

I hung them near the door and bashed them before I opened the door. After a few times I got him to touch them by using a treat before opening the door. After 'helping' him bash them within a couple of days he started to do it himself.

The downside was he would also do it simply because he wanted to go out in the garden to play. I stopped using them when he was fully toilet trained as he then understood he needed to 'tell' me when he wanted to go out.

fleshmarketclose · 28/10/2018 07:04

Fully expected to be up at the crack of dawn today with the clocks going back but Bella managed her usual wake up call at 6.15am (new time) so very happy at that. Who had dogs that didn't recognise the clocks going back today then? I'm thinking of putting in an early walk and then baking to make the most of it.

BiteyShark · 28/10/2018 08:35

BiteyDog was up at 5am (new time). Can't blame him as he thought it was 6 which is our usual waking. He is good though as he goes out for a pee/poo and then back in his bed and we all slept for another hour before he decided we were lazy and needed a helping hand to get out of bed.

I'm really struggling with a cold at the moment. Fortunately BiteyDog will happily play ball in the garden rather than go for a walk. So I think we will huddle down in the house today and do just that. I tried to teach him some tricks yesterday as we don't have many but he got really frustrated and kept throwing his paws out as if to say 'I have no idea what you want just give me the bloody treats women Grin'

fleshmarketclose · 28/10/2018 10:42

Bitey It's another bitterly cold one today as well so much better idea to snuggle up warm at home. I've baked enough to send some home with dc's and exh when they turn up here for lunch later anyway. Bella is sunning herself against the front door so I'm about to go and have a long soak which guarantees Bella will find something to ark at when she has been snoozing all morning since her walk.

BiteyShark · 28/10/2018 13:07

flesh you are lucky to have some sun for Bella to sun herself against even though it's cold. Just grey here and we had a few spots of rain earlier. You are also making me very hungry talking about baking. Don't they say 'feed a cold' Grin

Unfortunately the lady who I contacted about scent work didn't get back to me and I really want to do something else other than agility. The thread about dog training schools got me thinking again about stuff to do so having a hunt about.

Likeshyt · 28/10/2018 13:10

Biteyshark oh hello!

Have you tried your own bit of scent work with just treats? Like the finding mats and just simple hiding the treats? My GR loves that, she really thrives off it and plus it really tires them out mentally!

BiteyShark · 28/10/2018 13:15

Welcome Likeshyt. We do the usual 'find it' with balls and food and being a spaniel he loves it. I was hoping to go to a class for something to get us out of the house as I find doing agility gave me things to do in the garden when the weather is terrible or we can't get out.

How old is your dog?

Likeshyt · 28/10/2018 13:20

Biteyshark she’s 10 months going on 11 I’d put a picture but really have no idea how to do it 🤔 yes spaniels are fab, alike goldens in characteristics. A snuffle Matt is a good activity for them as they have to sniff out for the treats and then they have to figure out how to get them from the material. I’m from up north and know that in Alnwick there’s a fantastic course for scent work, but it’s more along the lines of working dogs with proper training and real game in the end. My friend who has two spaniels has her 1 yo in the class and unsure about the baby as he’s only now 3-4 month!

BiteyShark · 28/10/2018 13:27

I'm in the south unfortunately. Ooo at 10mths you must be in the teenage phase, which is always 'fun' Grin

I tried a matt before but he just ripped it up Shock. We have agility classes once a week and have some equipment in the garden but with winter drawing in I am preparing for those horrible days when I open the door and BiteyDog runs away Grin. I am thinking maybe a couple of 1-1 training sessions to teach us more commands. I know I could just watch a video but I am lazy and won't do it or get frustrated when I get it wrong whereas if someone shows me I will do it.

BiteyShark · 28/10/2018 13:31

How self indulgent am I? Just put together online and ordered a 2019 calendar all with photos of BiteyDog Grin.

YoureAllABunchOfBastards · 28/10/2018 14:19

Back from hols. BastardPup has loved it - walk first thing, out with us all morning, walk mid-afternoon and then a final walk before bed. He has been off lead and was fantastic - herding the kids and trying to hold his lead in his mouth.

I fear today is proving a bit boring as we are doing bugger all.

BiteyShark · 28/10/2018 14:25

Welcome home BunchOfBastards

BiteyShark · 28/10/2018 19:34

We had a first today. DH actually took BiteyDog out for a walk on his own, given that I said I needed to rest. Seems he really enjoyed it so thinking I might have to encourage this some more Grin

YoureAllABunchOfBastards · 29/10/2018 09:43

Did I miss the chapter in the books that tells you how you negotiate icy pavements with a bag of poo in one hand and a wampy puppy who is playing 'bite the lead' in the other?

BiteyShark · 29/10/2018 09:57

I think it's the chapter that refers to skidding along on your bum, swearing whilst trying to avoid eye contact of passerby's Grin

Missbel · 29/10/2018 16:39

Misdog is 16 and doesn't walk much since she was very ill back in the summer however, it was such a lovely day I took her on what was always one of her favourite walks, but it was sad to see her today. Initially I let her off the lead, but if I walked more than a yard or two ahead, she couldn't see me and started to get anxious, so I kept her on the lead and went very slowly so she had time to sniff. She managed only the saddest little tail wag when we met doggyfriends. We went about a quarter of our usual distance. On the bright side, she loves going on the lead and that perked her up a bit. By the way, Classic FM are doing a Pet Show on Bonfire Night (apologies if someone else has already mentioned this) I hope I've done the link correctly...


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BiteyShark · 29/10/2018 17:05

Awww it sounds like MisDog is finding it a bit tough as I am sure I will when I am her equivalent age. It's good that she got to enjoy her sniffs.

Likeshyt · 29/10/2018 19:45

My Nala Pups has just jumped up and scratched my face from my eye all the way down to my chin!!!! In the bad books!!! Currently doing the dirty with her unicorn 🤢😂😱

thegirlsallgrowedupnow · 29/10/2018 20:27

Bitey, my DH has cut his days at work in half and so is walking more with us. He often does the afternoon walk but doesn’t go far enough for morning walks alone with coco.
We took Cocodog to the pub on Sat evening making her tea and settle down time a couple of hours later. Seems to have worked with the hour going back, she got up as usual when we do and food times no different but she seems to think her walks are late and was a bit of a drama queen on Sunday morning huffing and puffing around the house!

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