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The doghouse

General Dog Chat 4

999 replies

geekone · 05/10/2018 17:22

Apologies I just noticed the thread was running out so I am going to repost.

OP posts:
steppemum · 22/02/2019 07:31


steppemum · 22/02/2019 07:31


steppemum · 22/02/2019 07:31


steppemum · 22/02/2019 07:31


steppemum · 22/02/2019 07:30


steppemum · 22/02/2019 07:30


steppemum · 22/02/2019 07:30


steppemum · 21/02/2019 15:28

Oh a full thread! I forget that you can't just keep going!

BiteyShark · 21/02/2019 14:38

Threads almost full.

Started another one here

BiteyShark · 21/02/2019 14:33

We recently taught stand. I think I had to lure him forward with a treat so he had to follow his nose to stand up.

However, he does get this one confused with down a lot. I think he is just daft (or just does it for a laugh Hmm).

steppemum · 21/02/2019 14:27

when dd and dh got home last night, apparently the woman was confused becuase she was expecting them in the next class up!

So next week they are going to try that.

One command they need which he doesn't have is 'stand' as in, when they are sitting you get them to stand back up.

Tried teaching him today - no chance! He just sits looking hopeful, waiting for a treat!

I'd better do some googling.

BiteyShark · 21/02/2019 13:44

No yoghurt pots.

We have used boxes and flower pots. Tbh I think I should just concentrate on him touching the scent pot. Feels too big a leap at the moment.

Squirrel26 · 21/02/2019 13:38

Do they use yoghurt pots in your class? That’s quite good for giving them the idea, especially if they already know a ‘target’ command.

BiteyShark · 21/02/2019 12:57

Hmmm steppe do you think your trainer likes the fact that steppedog is a calming influence and demonstration dog for all the puppies hence not wanting you to move up Grin

Squirrel maybe SquirrelDog could give BiteyDog some pointers. I tried the flower pots and boxes like we were shown in class and he hasn't got a bloody clue what he should be doing. I think it's because we really are moving a bit too fast given the more advanced dogs in the class.

Squirrel26 · 21/02/2019 08:26

We are working on sending SquirrelDog off to search an area on his own at ScentWork, without relying on cues from me. He got hilariously cross, ran around huffing, then laid down on the floor and barked at us. Grin

steppemum · 20/02/2019 18:51

they are out even as we speak.

I took dd last week, and it is 90% puppies who are all over the place and a veyr calm, slightly confused steppedog in the middle.

He can easily do all that is asked, but, and this is the problem, he isn't used to doing ti for dd, so he isn't used to listening to her.

But they are doing lots of walking in circles, and socialising. (which steppedog can do inhis sleep)
I did ask at the end of last week what the difference was between this class and the next one up, and she was a bit put out, but said we can try the next one up.
So my goal is get dd to practise (that is a challenge) get her confident with handling steppedog, and then move up to the next class.

BiteyShark · 20/02/2019 16:56

Dogs fortunately do have a knack of getting themselves out of trouble in water. However, I say that loosely given BiteyDog has zero self preservation as we have found out to our cost Grin.

How's the DC and DH getting on at the agility/obedience classes steppe?

I am quite glad for the scentwork at the moment as I plan to tire him out by doing a bit of our homework later.

steppemum · 20/02/2019 16:35

Dare I say it, but I have actually made it very clear to the kids, that in a dangerous situation, they are never to go in after the dog.

steppemum · 20/02/2019 16:35

I agree Bitey.

There was in interesting one recently where someone posted that if asked she would have said - dc then dh. But then they were in a serious car crash, and she rescued her dh first. She still feels guilty, and realised that either she was pulling him out so he could help with kids, or that the shock meant she just pulled out the nearest person.
So it is all hypothetical anyway.

I really hate hearing that people jump into dangerous rivers/sea after their dogs though, as the story nearly always ends with the person being swept away and possibly someone else too Sad

BiteyShark · 20/02/2019 13:09

Well we should have been doing agility today but that will be 4 weeks we will have to miss before I am hoping the vet signs us off to continue. We were making really good progress as well so I imagine we will be bottom of the class when we return Sad.

Talking of bottom of the class, the scentwork is mixed abilities so most of the dogs are well in front of us which I find good and bad. Good in that you can see where you are heading but bad from a point of view for working on the same thing.

BiteyShark · 20/02/2019 12:57

Plus they are cuter and less snotty than toddlers. However, I am not sure if anyone has had the pleasure of pulling strands of grass out their toddlers bottoms but maybe that have Grin

BiteyShark · 20/02/2019 12:46

The thing is steppe the daft scenarios on those threads are meaningless because you shouldn't be rushing in to rescue anyone from a burning house or a river because you just end up putting even more people at risk and upping the casualty list the emergency services have to rescue. That's why I am always amazed at the level of anger on those threads because it's so silly and artificial but lots of people use it as a measure of their worth.

For me I don't have children and never wanted any but dogs will always have a special place in my heart Grin


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steppemum · 20/02/2019 12:31

I'm old school, I am not steppedog's mum, and I would rescue any human, stranger or not, ahead of any animal.
And much as I love him, he is not equivalent to a child, in any way.

but I do get down on the floor and call him my little baby when he is gettign a cuddle

BiteyShark · 19/02/2019 16:28

Haha yes I know where BiteyDog comes in the pecking order in this house as well Grin.

distantdog · 19/02/2019 16:01

Pretty sure Ddog is getting rescued by DH before me after his reaction to discovering she and I had been walking in the company of wolves... Hmm

I don't think I've done it in front of someone else, but I'm sure I've called her "my lovely little baby" or some such when she has been snuggled in her bed and showing me her tummy for some tickling. The good thing about a dog, though, is you can also openly call them a little shit without feeling bad Grin

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