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The doghouse

General Dog Chat 4

999 replies

geekone · 05/10/2018 17:22

Apologies I just noticed the thread was running out so I am going to repost.

OP posts:
NewYoiker · 16/10/2018 08:15

Has anyone's dog had an ear infection? Do I clean the crap out of his ear or just keep putting the drops in? He's happy to let me touch his ears but I don't want to push it.

He got bitten on Sunday and bit my husband on Sunday night so we weren't sure what was going on. Turns out to be a pretty grotty ear Sad the dog walker is happy to keep walking him but all the dogs at the vets could either smell something off about him or he was giving off some vibe that meant they all wanted a shout at him! So I think maybe staying home might be best for this week

BiteyShark · 16/10/2018 19:19

NewYoiker No idea about ear infections but hope he gets better soon.

I have noticed BiteyDog flaps his ears at night but I have had a look and can't see anything but they are quite hairy inside which I think might be annoying him.

thegirlsallgrowedupnow · 16/10/2018 20:05

Oh dear, I normally wait quietly in the waiting area for cocodog to be finished at the groomers if I am a few minutes early. Another client came in with her dog and engaged me in conversation. Cocodog obviously heard my voice and went mad, wouldn’t keep still for her tail trim or around her face and beard. Took two of them to keep her still enough to trim and looking at her now her beard still looks a wee bit straggly. 😬

fleshmarketclose · 16/10/2018 21:22

Our groomer says that they know when we are almost there as Eric starts shrieking as he hears the car. It frightened them to death the first time but they are used to it now.

thegirlsallgrowedupnow · 16/10/2018 21:40

I sneaked a peek and she was acting like buckaroo! In the end I stood by the stair gate and put my hand in my pocket and then slowly raised my fist in the air. Cocodog thought I had treats and so gazed at my hand for the few seconds it took them to snip around her eyes and nose but then she twigged what I was doing and went back to buckaroo. I spoke to the groomer whilst paying and cocodog had a drink and then came back for a cuddle and a treat with groomer so am hoping she will be ok next time.

BiteyShark · 17/10/2018 06:46

BiteyDog sometimes gets a bit of an odd haircut as he can be a bit of a 'struggle' when it comes to grooming. Even giving him treats at night when we have this routine where I try and brush his ears and he spends all the time flicking his head out of the way giving my death stares until I feed him Hmm

NewYoiker · 17/10/2018 08:26

I feel like I got so lucky with our dog. He's so placid with people and situations he just sits there and let's you get on with it, he doesn't tend to need the groomers unless he's got furry pads 😂

This ear infection is dreadful. He's really feeling very miserable for himself bless him :( it's horrible to see them in pain

thegirlsallgrowedupnow · 17/10/2018 08:32

Newyoiker, has your vet seen him cos drops are normally more for earwax and maintenance cleaning?

NewYoiker · 17/10/2018 08:40

Yeah he gave him antibiotic drops that are yellow and thick. They're honestly gross!

thegirlsallgrowedupnow · 17/10/2018 08:40

Sorry newyoiker, I see on the other thread you have seen a vet. My old lab used to suffer with her ears, I seem to remember always being sent home with pain relief though and antibiotics. I would speak again to your vet. Hope he’s better soon!

thegirlsallgrowedupnow · 17/10/2018 08:43

Ah, now I remember the drops. You have to put them in and then spend a couple of minutes massaging around the base of the ear to ease it down I suppose. Usually pursuing them around the kitchen😬

NewYoiker · 17/10/2018 08:44

Just had a look and it's Canaural ear drops steroid, yeast and antibiotic according to google

NewYoiker · 17/10/2018 08:45

@thegirlsallgrowedupnow yes! And then running away when the head shake sprays it all over the kitchen Hmm

steppemum · 17/10/2018 10:11

steppedog is prone to ear infections.

We are always given an ear wash, you put it in rub the ear, wait a minute or two, then clean as much gunk as you can get out with cotton wool.

Then wait 20 minutes, then do ear drops.

I regularly have to clean one of steppdog's ears. The other one is fine, but one gets very gunky.

geekone · 18/10/2018 08:54

Last night teddy exploded. Much loved teddy for 6 month suddenly had enough.....clearly!

General Dog Chat 4
OP posts:
YoureAllABunchOfBastards · 18/10/2018 08:55

We had a mysterious cushion explosion the other day

General Dog Chat 4
BiteyShark · 18/10/2018 09:01

Strange phenomenon these explosions. Clearly nothing to do with sharp bitey teeth at all ConfusedGrin

geekone · 18/10/2018 11:25

Wow must be an epidemic. No dogs have been charged with any of these crimes so farGrin

OP posts:
NewYoiker · 18/10/2018 15:07

Update on Hugodog, he's having an ear wash out under sedation today as I wasn't happy with the way it looked yesterday so took him back and they agreed it needed doing. They can assess his ear whilst he's under and see what's caused it.

His eyes were rolling around in his head last night night and he was wobbly so I think he had pretty. Bad vertigo

YoureAllABunchOfBastards · 18/10/2018 19:20

Tomorrow we head off for our first holiday with BastardPup. Staying in a cottage in Cornwall - we know the town very well and have a dog friendly week planned out but still a little nervous...

BiteyShark · 19/10/2018 08:07

Hope Hugodog was ok with his ear wash. How is he doing today?

Enjoy your holiday BunchOfBastards.

We have been experimenting at night with BiteyDog as he has been unsettled recently. Seems he likes to stay on the spare bed until 2-3am then he comes in and gets on his bed in our bedroom. When he does this he seems happy until we get up in the morning so going to stick with that rather than take him into our bedroom straight away when we go to sleep as he just seems to get up more.

NewYoiker · 19/10/2018 08:09

Hi @BiteyShark he's so much better than he was! No more shaky eyes or wobbly walking. His ear still stinks but the culprit was removed.. a tiny grass seed lodged right up against his ear drum  no wonder he wanted no one near his head!


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BiteyShark · 19/10/2018 08:19

Great news that they found the issue and fortunate that it hadn't migrated through the ear drum.

Squirrel26 · 20/10/2018 15:46

Poor Hugodog! At least it’s gone now.

My next door neighbours would prefer SquirrelDog not to bark after 8pm. They are fine with him barking at all other times, ‘that’s what dogs do, isn’t it?’ Whilst I see their point, what dogs do NOT do is tell the time. I am now spending my evenings mostly poised ready to fling myself at him if he barks (he’s not a particularly barky dog, but unfortunately in the evenings he does bark at cats outside. I’m not entirely sure what I can do about this, given that I’ve tried white noise/ tv/ radio/ a fan/ covering the windows with cardboard/ bones/ chew toys/ adaptil/ Xylkene/ buying cat repellant powder/ 1-2-1 training with a behaviourist.

Also, they woke him and me up at 6am the other morning banging their bin around. Angry

BiteyShark · 20/10/2018 16:38

Squirrel it sounds like you have done your best to minimise it. Some houses are rubbish for hearing every sound Sad

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