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The doghouse

General Dog Chat 4

999 replies

geekone · 05/10/2018 17:22

Apologies I just noticed the thread was running out so I am going to repost.

OP posts:
BiteyShark · 30/10/2018 06:27

thegirl they do like it to be known that they are not best pleased don't they with their huffing. BiteyDog does that frequently if we won't go out to play ball every 5 minutes when he wants. He's a bit better now with the clocks but I think that is because daycare tired him out so much he would sleep for ages.

Likeshyt those claws don't half hurt if they catch you Sad

Squirrel26 · 31/10/2018 14:50

SquirrelDog also huffs; at his reflection in the mirror, at me if I’m eating something he wants, at the chair/ oven/ desk if something’s under there and he can’t get it.

Whereabouts are you close to in the South, Bitey? We do Scentwork near the Hampshire/West Sussex boarder.

BiteyShark · 31/10/2018 19:52

Squirrel that's unfortunately too far away for me, I'm more west Sad

fleshmarketclose · 01/11/2018 19:31

Well Bella today has proved that she isn't as dim as the dc say she is Grin Because Eric is super smart they always maintain that Bella isn't very bright but I tend to think that it's more that Eric has had four years of learning stuff where Bella's only just got here to start learning. So this morning after her walk the routine is I take off my stuff and get her towel and take her up for a shower.
This morning I got in took my stuff off, went to get her towel which wasn't where it should be as I'd forgotten to take out of the dryer. Bella did no more than run upstairs and jump in the bath herself (which is no mean feat for a little dog) whilst waiting for me to get myself organised. So she is smart after all!

thegirlsallgrowedupnow · 01/11/2018 20:42

Oh, great stuff...cocodog would be legging it in the opposite direction of the bathroom😁

ImogenTubbs · 02/11/2018 06:33

Love this thread. Have just been wondering who to tell about how much I love my dog. I'm a cat person really but DD is allergic so we finally submitted and got her a much longed-for pet. Massive rescue golden lab/lurcher type. He is 15 months now and we have had him since March.

I love him. I absolutely LOVE him. He is so sweet, so soppy, so loving and cuddly. He's trying so hard with his training and now goes off lead on walks, and nothing makes me happier than seeing him bouncing around in the long grass with his tail up and then turning and pelting back towards me just say hello. He's a gorgeous animal and I'm so happy we were able to give him a home. I've been to the dog rescue places round here and I hate to think he could have ended up in one of them.

Feel better having got that off my chest 

thegirlsallgrowedupnow · 02/11/2018 07:02

He sounds lovely Imogen, have you got a pic? Dogs are great for families, teach children so much. Our first dog was a black lab and although my children are adult now she gets mentioned frequently at get togethers and I notice both have a framed photo of her in their respective houses. Think she may have been elevated to sainthood...which she definetly didn’t deserve🙄😁

BiteyShark · 02/11/2018 07:12

Imogen they are so lovely aren't they. It's hard because in RL I only know a couple of totally dog mad people who just 'get it' and we can talk all about them I think my other colleagues just humour me.

Dogs just know how to do happy don't they and seeing them having a good time bouncing about really lifts my mood.

ImogenTubbs · 02/11/2018 07:16

Here he is! :)

General Dog Chat 4
thegirlsallgrowedupnow · 02/11/2018 07:26

A lab with lovely lurcher ears and an outsize tail...he’s gorgeous😁

BiteyShark · 02/11/2018 07:51

How lovely Grin

ImogenTubbs · 02/11/2018 08:50

Thank you - I know what you mean bitey. My parents also rehomed their cat when we realised DD was allergic and after a bit of dithering got a bichon frise. My mum and I now have entire conversations where all we talk about is our dogs!

Squirrel26 · 02/11/2018 12:19

Aww, how lovely. I am very much in love with my spaniel (well, mostly. Especially right now cos he isn’t here with me Grin) But if I ever get a second one I’m very tempted by a lab or lab cross.

fleshmarketclose · 02/11/2018 19:28

What a magnificent tail! He looks one happy dog Smile

thegirlsallgrowedupnow · 02/11/2018 19:58

Cocodog doesn’t know it but DD and SIL are enroute home for the weekend. She is currently dozing in front of the fire on her back, no care in the world. Cue huge excitement when they arrive and probably little sleep tonight planning how to get into their bedroom in the morning for a snuggle!

BiteyShark · 03/11/2018 05:36

Oooo Cocodog is going to be very happy this weekend.

Poor BiteyDog didn't get a lot of play yesterday as I was sooo busy with work and contractors coming and going in the house. Going to have to make it up to him today with lots of ball play.

Squirrel26 · 03/11/2018 19:08

I said I’d pop in on friend’s dog this evening, as they’re out. I was planning on running over, but there are some really loud fireworks and SquirrelDog was most reluctant to leave the house. Sad Ended up driving, and now am on a sofa with on dog (mine) on my lap and another dog (theirs) passed out on the other sofa. I’m starving and I didn’t even have a chance to make a cup of tea because they were both so keen to get upstairs away from the noise. (At least I’ve got the TV to work though.)

YoureAllABunchOfBastards · 03/11/2018 20:22

Fireworks can fuck off. Thankfully BastardPup is zonked after a lovely afternoon out but he got really wound up earlier

BiteyShark · 04/11/2018 06:20

We managed to get through last night with a few growls but he was distracted enough by DH feeding him his favourite training treats.

Going for a rest day today as BiteyDog didn't have much rest yesterday and he has a very busy week next week so I think he could do with a chilled Sunday.

anniehm · 04/11/2018 06:38

Our dog has decided that whoever pulls up behind us at traffic lights is evil, he's driving me mad with barking (just this week, he's 7!) off to buy a seat harness today, may not work but gets him out of the boot and will be safer for our trip to his grandparents later in the month - yes my dad's surprise birthday party has been planned at a dog friendly venue because mum couldn't bear for us to leave him at the dog prison, sorry hotel.

BiteyShark · 04/11/2018 06:41

We moved BiteyDog out of the boot because I was worried about him being thrown about and also being hit from behind. He took really well to the back seat and I have a hammock like Seat cover which means he can't fall into the foot wells and also covers them so they can still be used for storage if we are on a long trip. Best bloody thing I have bought in the long time Grin

Fishypieandmash · 04/11/2018 07:18

@BiteyShark that sounds great, where did you get it from?


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ImogenTubbs · 04/11/2018 07:24

Anniehm- we have a harness seatbelt for our dog for the back seat. We can cover the seats so at least it's marginally easier to get dog hair out of the car and much safer for him and us! He doesn't mind it at all.

BiteyShark · 04/11/2018 07:25

This is the one I have

You can unclip one side from the front seat if you want one person to sit in the back as well. It's waterproof so I brush the dirt off when it dries and occasionally hose it off in the garden to clean it. The only downside is that it fits perfectly in my car so the seatbelt holders are in the right place for the Velcro holes in the cover but my DHs car is a bit smaller and they don't quite align up but we just shuffle it over a bit to push the seatbelt fastener into it.

Squirrel26 · 04/11/2018 09:19

I think I need something like that. SquirrelDog has a seatbelt clip that attaches to his harness, and I’ve got a waterproof seat cover but he rattled around the back seats and occasionally falls into the footwell if I brake too hard. I think he needs containing!

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