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Coronation Street: AKA Ray and Debbie’s Hotel Babylon Luxury Knocking Shop. NO SPOILERS!

998 replies

StillCoughingandLaughing · 09/11/2020 16:58

New ’un.

Whose turn on the storyline merry-go-round will it be this week?

OP posts:
FlowerOfTheValley · 12/11/2020 07:08

The Tracy and Leanne scene was excellent.

I also think something will happen between Todd and Billy’s boyfriend (his name has gone out of my head).

99% of court scenes are boring, this was no different.

I think the undertaker and Eileen will end up together despite Eileen’s reservations.

peakygal · 12/11/2020 07:18

Does anyone else think something will happen and it will turn out Oliver is Nicks son and not Sam? 🤔

Smallsteps88 · 12/11/2020 08:34

I was finding Leanne’s pigheadedness hard enough to deal with but now Simon and Steve are parroting the same crap it’s awful. I get it. I really do get how hard it would be in that situation to accept there is no hope there but the way they’re all behaving, Steve saying the hospital just wants to save money, poor Simon brainwashed into thinking the doctors are all thick because he just doesn’t understand how it all works. It’s very hard to have any sympathy for them tbh.

Ahorsecalledseptember · 12/11/2020 08:43

Why was Simon called to give evidence? I couldn’t understand that at all.

Roussette · 12/11/2020 10:15

I thought Steve's evidence created so many loopholes the court could've questioned him on

It did seem when he was reading the 12 days of Christmas book, he was thinking different to Leanne...

NinaNannoo · 12/11/2020 10:30

The Adam / Alina thing is really creepy.

I'm calling a torrid affair between him and Carla Shock

MerylStropp · 12/11/2020 10:57

Did anyone else think it was strange when Fizz was sympathising with Amy and Emma, and started by saying "I remember how I felt when ...." and then instead of making reference to Hope's illness as I expected, she mentioned the time her kids were taken away? Confused I suppose it may have been the legal aspect/court case that made her say it, but I would have thought the seriously sick child would have been closer to Leanne's situation? (Or maybe the writers have forgotten...)

MsMiaWallace · 12/11/2020 11:06

Wasn't Peter looking good though!!

Smallsteps88 · 12/11/2020 11:07

Yes I thought she was going to talk about when Hope was sick. It was odd she didn’t as that was the obvious parallel.

TBF I zone out when she’s on. Can’t stand anything about her. Her voice, her facial expressions, her walk. Nails on a blackboard.

Housewife2010 · 12/11/2020 11:13

Yes, Peter was looking hot. 🔥

chasingmytail4 · 12/11/2020 11:23


I missed an episode tonight. Carla is cross, did Adam do anything?
I'm considering moving to weatherfield where pints and hotpot at lunchtime are available, masks optional.

I loved that there's now a poster on the wall in the Rovers saying masks must be worn... while no one wears one.
desperatehousewife21 · 12/11/2020 11:49


Wasn't Peter looking good though!!

God yes! Mmmm....Wink

Fizz’s hair..sorry but that hairstyle she had in the pub wasn’t doing her any favours.
eggandonion · 12/11/2020 11:55

I didn't see Peter, and life is too short to watch on catch up.
It would be better to pretend the covid never happened, and the street is a bubble.

excelledyourself · 12/11/2020 12:03

Has Steve ever mentioned losing Rory during this storyline?

MerylStropp · 12/11/2020 12:09

Has Steve ever mentioned losing Rory during this storyline?

Same thing occurred to me too.

eggandonion · 12/11/2020 13:02

I think so, early on. Poor Steve.
I really hate this storyline.

excelledyourself · 12/11/2020 13:13

I thought I had a vague recollection, but couldn't be sure.

I like Steve as a character, but something about him doesn't fit right in this storyline. I don't feel there's enough emotion from him. As much as Leanne is unbearable, I find her more believable because of at least some of the emotion she's showing. Having said that, I felt for him last night with the bedtime story. He knows it's nearing the end and I think he knows it's right.

wizzbangfizz · 12/11/2020 15:12

@NinaNannoo if she does that it will be a hat trick of Barlow men Grin

DahliaMacNamara · 12/11/2020 18:27

Fuckkk, for a horrible second I thought you meant one of them was Ken, @wizzbangfizz.

Deadringer · 12/11/2020 20:40

I groaned when i saw Fizz moseying along the street, and yes i thought she would mention nearly losing Hope to cancer, or her struggles when she was born prematurely. I think there is great physical chemistry between Adam and Sarah, them having to keep apart makes them less believable as a couple.

Eastie77 · 12/11/2020 22:23

I agree excelled that Steve isn't right for this storyline. I think it's because he usually fills a comedic role (although I've never thought he was particularly funny) and he just doesn't seem to have the right level of gravitas. He doesn't seem grief stricken to me, just a bit exasperated by it all. Nick seems more devastated than he does.

I completely forgot about Leanne's real mum, Cindy Beale, and has Eva been mentioned? They could at least have a scene with her talking/crying down the phone to one of them.

I quite like new head Todd. He's a good actor although it's hard not to shine in the sea of dross that surrounds him. How on earth people like the 'actors' who play Sean and Billy have survived on the show for so long is beyond me.

StillCoughingandLaughing · 12/11/2020 23:33

I honestly think Anthony Cotton must have dirt on someone high up at ITV.

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Eastie77 · 13/11/2020 07:00

Yes, I have always thought he has compromising pictures, messages or some kind of hold over someone senior. It doesn't make sense otherwise. He is a terrible actor who hasn't had a meaningful storyline in years. The 'homelessness' plot when he was sleeping in the gardens on the Street was ridiculous. It is never clear why he is always broke, he can't pay that much for a room at Eilleen's!

Roussette · 13/11/2020 07:11

I've never liked Billy's character one bit, I usually glaze over when his scenes come on.

If Steve is on the turn with his views about letting oliver go... where does this leave Leanne? Toyah appears to be in agreement with her, but I'm not sure it is 100%
Please don't let them be saving this storyling for Christmas, it's depressing.
Sorry I know I'm sound blasé \about the situation, I just hate the storyline

Optimist1 · 13/11/2020 08:49

Billy's a terrible vicar. He's got a family on his doorstep going through the worst sort of anguish imaginable and he's offering no support to any of them! The fact that they may or may not share his faith should be irrelevant.

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