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Coronation Street: AKA Ray and Debbie’s Hotel Babylon Luxury Knocking Shop. NO SPOILERS!

998 replies

StillCoughingandLaughing · 09/11/2020 16:58

New ’un.

Whose turn on the storyline merry-go-round will it be this week?

OP posts:
eggandonion · 11/11/2020 11:24

She mentioned her inner Battersby on Monday! Where did Stella go, and why? Is Sheila off Brookside with her?

ellenanora5 · 11/11/2020 11:35

I think Sheila (can't remember her real name either) fecked off with Denis in a fancy sports car.

It's so bad at the moment, how come Sean never has any money, he doesn't go anywhere and his rent can't be that much, of course now he's being ripped off he'll be worse than ever.

I had the same feeling as a pp, that Todd and Paul will end up together, so if that happens then maybe Billy will go away so that would be a good thing.

excelledyourself · 11/11/2020 11:51

I saw a headline yesterday about somebody getting a new head. Is that spoiler material or allowed?

Roussette · 11/11/2020 13:18

Spoiler! Unless you mean Todd which we know about!

excelledyourself · 11/11/2020 13:23

No, not Todd. But okay, noted! 🤐

eggandonion · 11/11/2020 15:22

Billy will have to move to where archdeacons live if he gets the gig. Sean spends his money on fancy tshirt embellishments.
I can't cope with new heads, although I'm quite enjoying Todd. Maybe a person with a new head could pretend to be someone, whilst keeping the original hostage in the Phelan cellar.

Ahorsecalledseptember · 11/11/2020 19:35

Hi, checking in! I thought I’d watched Monday’s episode, but maybe I didn’t, as I didn’t notice the MLM storyline! Or maybe I just zoned out when Sean came on?

Leanne is driving me bananas.

Housewife2010 · 11/11/2020 19:51

Alina is very pretty but so dull. I wish Adam would go back to Sarah.

Roussette · 11/11/2020 19:56

I'm not sure I can listen to Leanne, it's awful to hear her

thenightsky · 11/11/2020 20:06


Alina is very pretty but so dull. I wish Adam would go back to Sarah.

And there must be a huge age difference. Adam is what... mid 30s at least? Alina is late teens?
UrgentExitRequiredFella · 11/11/2020 20:07

I've just started watching again after taking a break for a few years. I stopped watching around the time Phelan was unravelling, I just got so fee up with that storyline. I've dipped back in out of curiosity as to how they're coping with Covid filming, and it's um, interesting! I have no clue what is going on!

eggandonion · 11/11/2020 20:21

I need to keep watching because this thread is a major part of my social life.

JamieLeeCurtains · 11/11/2020 20:33

Steve looks how I feel about Leanne's acting.

Roussette · 11/11/2020 20:35

Love that comment Grin

Smallsteps88 · 11/11/2020 20:38


Steve looks how I feel about Leanne's acting.

KodakNancyEurope · 11/11/2020 20:40


I need to keep watching because this thread is a major part of my social life.

so glad it’s not just me.
JamieLeeCurtains · 11/11/2020 20:41


I need to keep watching because this thread is a major part of my social life.

Me too, @egg. You've lured me back.
excelledyourself · 11/11/2020 20:49

All these carefully placed shots of Oliver, and there's not even a pair of fake legs in his bed.

That was sweet of Amy and Emma.

PoloNeckKnickers · 11/11/2020 21:16

Ooh the return of the unicorn onesie.

StillCoughingandLaughing · 11/11/2020 21:19

And there must be a huge age difference. Adam is what... mid 30s at least? Alina is late teens?

Adam is 32. I’d assumed Alina was about the same age as Emma, who is 21.

OP posts:
Housewife2010 · 11/11/2020 21:32

The actress who plays Alina is 26.

thenightsky · 11/11/2020 21:33

The scene with the journalist in the street was truly dreadful. Like some weird add-on that hadn't be rehearsed.


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eggandonion · 11/11/2020 22:23

I missed an episode tonight. Carla is cross, did Adam do anything?
I'm considering moving to weatherfield where pints and hotpot at lunchtime are available, masks optional.

PoloNeckKnickers · 11/11/2020 22:30

Steve was defo morphing even more into a fat version of Jack Duckworth tonight Shock

excelledyourself · 11/11/2020 22:34

I'm glad Adam got his hair cut, but unfortunately he seems to have gone to the same barbers as Steve. It's still too long on top and into the wood at the bottom. Shona must have got at them while David wasn't looking.

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