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White House Farm - The Bamber Murders. Jan 8th ITV 9pm

859 replies

Dogleg · 30/12/2019 21:04

Is anyone else planning to watch this six part series? I vaguely remembered the killings and on seeing this advertised have now lost hours to reading up about it online and have also downloaded a book about the case. I’m really looking forward to this one!

OP posts:
Supersimkin2 · 10/01/2020 06:41

No, but the judge did, and he pointed out the above at the trial.

AlexaAmbidextra · 10/01/2020 09:08

So how did she manage to shoot herself twice with a gun that was too long for that to be physically possible?

It wasn’t too long. The sound moderator was never on it in the first place. It was a red herring.

Equanimitas · 10/01/2020 10:17

The trouble is that there's an awful lot of evidence that the silencer was there, and you still have the problem of her apparently shooting herself twice - to say nothing of countless other problems with the Sheila as murderer theory.

MrsPelligrinoPetrichor · 10/01/2020 10:40

Anyone know where I can read up on the facts of the case please, I know the bare bones but that's it?

Trewser · 10/01/2020 10:59


I really recommend the podcast They Walk Among Us season 3 episode 42/43/44

Brilliant factual explanation

MrsPelligrinoPetrichor · 10/01/2020 10:59

Thank youFlowers

ineedaholidaynow · 10/01/2020 12:10

How do you shoot yourself twice, or was one wound superficial?

TheCountessofFitzdotterel · 10/01/2020 14:08

Yes, the first shot would have been non-fatal.
The pathologist said suicide with two shots does occur and he had come across four or five cases in his career.

Equanimitas · 10/01/2020 14:23

How do you shoot yourself twice, or was one wound superficial?

That's the whole point. Of course if the first wound is superficial you could shoot again, but not if both are likely to cause unconsciousness or death. There was no evidence on Sheila's hands, arms or clothes that she had touched a gun, and she was shot upwards through the neck twice.

AmIthechristmasfairy · 10/01/2020 16:20

An old boss of mines best friend was JBs girlfriend before Julie Mugford...

What insight does that give us? Does she think he did it

AmIthechristmasfairy · 10/01/2020 16:21

That was meant to be a quote from elderflower

Elderflower14 · 10/01/2020 16:31

@@AmIthechristmasfairy...Did you mean to be so rude?? 🙄 🙄 🙄
I've no idea what she thought. Just remember my boss talking about it as it wasn't long after the murder...

colouringinpro · 10/01/2020 16:33


AmIthechristmasfairy · 10/01/2020 17:03

Elderflower, take from my comment what you want

you posted, so I think it's fair to assume that it was relevant and not just a "my aunties, cleaners, sons, next door neighbour once knew them"

So I was asking what the woman to whom you refer thought.

DuckWillow · 10/01/2020 17:37

Sheila was found with the gun resting on her. In life she was frail and also under the influence of medication which would make her drowsy. Had she shot herself the gun would have been catapulted away from her.

And she would not have been able physically capable of shooting herself the second s time according to the post mortem findings.

Jeremy is guilty.
He told numerous people he hated his parents. All that "dear old Mum and Dad" stuff he posts on his blog is beyond sickening.

He also told his girlfriend he was going to do something. She didn't believe him and thought it was all talk until they ended up dead. Having said that she was odd too...she initially lied for him. .

BitOfFun · 10/01/2020 18:10

You might want to ask MNHQ to edit that, DuckWillow Grin

I think @Elderflower14 is allowed to post about a vague connection to the case, AmITheChristmasFairy, without being grilled on its relevance: this is a chat forum, not The Old Bailey!

AmIthechristmasfairy · 10/01/2020 19:11

Well quite bitoffun.

Hardly a grilling. She was asked if the person had an insight. Fair question.


BitOfFun · 11/01/2020 03:21

Of course. It just got unnecessarily snippy.

WendyMoiraAngelaDarling · 12/01/2020 16:29

I love Stephen Graham, I do. But his accent is diabolical. I can't take him seriously.

SchadenfreudePersonified · 12/01/2020 19:20

How can any woman want a relationship with a man who killed his entire family, including 2 young children?

It's hard to believe, isn't it?

But there is a huge number of murderers/ lifers both in Britain and the US who are practically pursued by women wanting to marry them. God alone knows why . . .

dottypotter · 14/01/2020 14:47

why are they dragging this up from years ago. SO many murder programmes on?

IHaveBrilloHair · 14/01/2020 15:17

One of my friends at schools Mums married a guy who was in prison for murder.


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Equanimitas · 14/01/2020 15:20

They're probably "dragging it up" because Bamber keeps trying to appeal, so it could be viewed as having continued relevance.

EachandEveryone · 14/01/2020 22:00

Did anyone else idly wonder what would've happened if Harry had married Cressida?😳

MrsPelligrinoPetrichor · 14/01/2020 22:03


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