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This Is Us Season 2 - July 4th

386 replies

MadisonAvenue · 22/06/2018 21:02

Finally! Season 2 starts on July 4th on More4.

Been waiting for this, we haven't been able to find a download of it anywhere.

OP posts:
legolimb · 10/08/2018 10:06

I've been watching this series.

I quite like all the flashbacks.

When Jack got out of the bed in the night though - I did think he was going to go to the hospice to see his dad.

I always pick it on catch up tv anyway - but it's annoying when the schedule gets changed.

MarsBarsAreShrinking · 11/08/2018 18:53

Season 2 hasn't quite grabbed me the same way Season 1 did but I am still enjoying it.

I accidentally saw a massive spoiler the other day though which was bloody annoying. I HATE spoilers!

I loved Sly Stallone's guest appearance!

Present day Kate's relationship with her mother is awkward though isn't it? When she said to her an episode or 2 ago that her mother existing had ruined her life? Ouch.

Toby is a bit of a dick but I did love his "I'm Team Kate. Always" speech.

MadisonAvenue · 11/08/2018 20:33

The last episode cleared something up for me. I'd wondered whether the three's dislike of Miguel was because he and Rebecca had got together very soon after Jack died but obviously that wasn't the case.

The actor who plays Toby posted something on Instagram the other week about how Toby's story is going to be looked at in season three.

OP posts:
Blondeshavemorefun · 11/08/2018 21:25

How /why did it clear it up

What have I missed

MadisonAvenue · 11/08/2018 21:31

It was at the end of the last episode when Rebecca posted on Facebook after Randall's daughter, Tess, was born and Miguel made contact with her. He congratulated her on the birth of her grandchild and asked how she'd been in the last so many years.

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Graphista · 12/08/2018 00:05

I think with Miguel having been jacks friend the children are wondering if he'd always held a torch for Rebecca, perhaps 'been making moves' before Jack died. Some children of deceased parents just can't stand the idea of the living parent having another romantic relationship, seeing it as a betrayal of the deceased parent.

But perhaps actually it's just that they both loved Jack and 2 people that loved the same person are bound to have things in common.

Kate's relationship with Rebecca I saw as repeating Rebecca's relationship with her mother which was also fraught.

Seemingly different reasons but actually not - both mothers critical of the daughter's life choices and choice in partner. Both daughters hypersensitive to that criticism as a result of their relationship having always been difficult.

That tension from both mother and daughter treading on eggshells around each other. As families sometimes do.

MarsBarsAreShrinking · 12/08/2018 09:45

I do think Miguel did always have a soft spot for Rebecca; there were several comments in the flashbacks where he would tell Jack how lucky he was, how he had the "gold standard" of wife etc...

Blondeshavemorefun · 12/08/2018 13:51

Tho they prob did get together soon after his death

legolimb · 13/08/2018 19:30

So when did Jack die ? this latest episode was based around the fact that he had gone relatively recently?

Blondeshavemorefun · 13/08/2018 21:44

When dil was preg. Think said ten years ago

Graphista · 13/08/2018 22:54

I think big 3 were 15 when he died? Last episode was early 20's so not that long after, 9 years at very most.

MadisonAvenue · 14/08/2018 00:39

Yes, I think they were 15.

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QueenCity · 14/08/2018 05:33

They were 17.

legolimb · 14/08/2018 09:57

Right - thanks.

I kind of picked up that it must have been relatively recent as they were still all struggling with his death.

I cried buckets at the last scene when Rebecca was introducing herself to baby Randall in the hospital nursery.

Graphista · 15/08/2018 22:45

Thanks Queen.

Watching tonight (could've watched 10 days in the valley too if they hadn't moved it Angry)

Interesting to see who's playing the judge. He tends to play more cop/baddie parts, good to see him in a different role.

Can appreciate his viewpoint on interracial adoption - don't necessarily agree but don't claim to be an expert on the subject at all. But can see both sides of the argument.

Randall - who's been a foster parent for all of 5 minutes suddenly thinks he's a fucking expert? Er no!!

VanGoghsDog · 15/08/2018 23:37

I think the foster thing has been done quite badly actually. Unless that is how they do it in the US, with no support or training or anything. Pretty unlikely. But that bit is going to be a 'love wins through' storyline.

Graphista · 15/08/2018 23:40

I'd imagine it varies among the states too.

Purely from watching films & tv I'm particularly thinking of Judging Amy that does SEEM to be the case that there's little monitoring of let alone support for, foster families.

legolimb · 16/08/2018 17:34

I enjoyed this latest episode.

Kevin's a mess isn't he.

I liked the final scene with the two judges. Both did do good things that day.

Cried again. Wink

LoisWilkerson1 · 17/08/2018 23:51

Kevin is a great character, well acted. He's really shone in this season. I thought his "Im empty" speech was heartbreaking.Sad

Graphista · 17/08/2018 23:52

I think they're all fabulous actors. I'm especially in awe of the girl playing deja. So easy to play that in an ott way, yet it's understated but meaningful.

LoisWilkerson1 · 18/08/2018 00:03

Yes she's impressive. I think her and her mother will feature quite heavily. I like the flash backs to Randalls dad and how it all ties in. It's very clever, my dh finds it a bit confusingGrin We really are the sum of our experiences and those that went before us. It's such a good show.

Graphista · 18/08/2018 03:25

Yes, as I said before, as someone from a long line of addicts I'm finding it interesting (and more realistic than many dramas about addiction - where it seems to hit the addict out the wide blue sodding yonder!) that they're showing the links through the generations.

Interesting that Randall didn't become an addict though - given both a biological and adoptive father who are addicts, so the double whammy of genetics and taught behaviour. But then I wonder if the programme makers will show his need for control as a response to that.

I have OCD and it's been pointed out to me by more than one medic that this may be my addiction - by trying to avoid the more "traditional" addictions I've chosen to be addicted to control? Hard to explain.

But yes I like all the interrelated stuff. I also like (which may surprise people) that the characters with addictions aren't being portrayed as just "bad" people. In a more nuanced way.


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Blondeshavemorefun · 19/08/2018 10:36

AWwww Toby’s proposal made me cry

And yes amazing how diff the judges were

And Randall meant well but he doesn’t know or understand how the mum feels

She loves deja

HannahnotAgnes · 19/08/2018 14:17

Just caught up - it was great. I really hope Kevin gets some help.

Collywobbles1984 · 19/08/2018 16:48

I really don't like Toby, not sure why. I found his proposal cringy and who goes out and buys all those hoodies just to print one word on each of them?! He's got too much time and disposable income on his hands!

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