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This Is Us Season 2 - July 4th

386 replies

MadisonAvenue · 22/06/2018 21:02

Finally! Season 2 starts on July 4th on More4.

Been waiting for this, we haven't been able to find a download of it anywhere.

OP posts:
Graphista · 04/07/2018 21:35

Oh and I'm dim cos just learnt Miguel is Javi from castle!!

FrankiesKnuckle · 04/07/2018 21:37

Ahhh I started a thread in haste! I was so excited to see it back - I knew it was starting soon and just chanced upon it tonight!

I've already had several lumps in throat...

NoNeedToArgue · 04/07/2018 22:05

Can anyone explain the ending of the first episode? Or are we not supposed to quite know yet..?

NoNeedToArgue · 04/07/2018 22:06

Graphista - Kate told Kevin before she told Toby that she wimped out of the audition.

Graphista · 04/07/2018 22:17

Shock ouch! No wonder Toby pissed off.

I don't think we're supposed to know exactly what's happened at the end of the episode but some of us do cos we've read stuff online.

But within the show no not exactly.

Choccywoccyhooha · 04/07/2018 22:18

I think at the end we are to assume that Jack died in a fire at the family home. I had to rewind several times, but as far as I can see Beth has his watch and wedding ring in a bag on the backseat of the car, presumably from the hospital. The children are being comforted by Miguel, except for Kevin who is out with a girl and doesn't know what has happened.

FrankiesKnuckle · 04/07/2018 22:18

@NoNeedToArgue Do you want to know yet?
I'm on the FB page for TIU, so I 'kind of' know....

rockcakesrock · 04/07/2018 22:26

I have just discovered this tonight. Anyone know where I can watch season 1

rockcakesrock · 04/07/2018 22:28

There are spoilers on line but all will be revealed next weeks episode

Choccywoccyhooha · 04/07/2018 22:50

Oh no, do I want to look up spoilers or not? I'll try to resist...

Choccywoccyhooha · 04/07/2018 22:52

Oh and I meant Rebecca above, not Beth. That would be confusing!

FrankiesKnuckle · 04/07/2018 23:10

@rockcakesrock season 1 was on amazon prime I think.

Graphista · 04/07/2018 23:44

Just checked - you'd think season 1 would be available on all4 but it's not. I'm guessing the 'owners' wanted too much money from 4 for 4 to do that, as they usually are good on content.

Mind you I fancy trying outlander but season 1 of that not available either.

Amalfimamma · 04/07/2018 23:55

(Sorry for the @ )
That's not what happens. It's actually much sadder and much more heart breaking than that.

Amalfimamma · 05/07/2018 00:05


Just sent you a link for season 1

Choccywoccyhooha · 05/07/2018 02:22

@amalfimamma oh no. Sadder than that? :(

LadyCassandra · 05/07/2018 03:52

I've been watching here in Aus. I'm amazed that some of these American shows (Handmaid's Tale is another one) are shown so late in the UK. I suppose its because there are so many good British programmes whereas here there are very few good home-grown programmes.
Series 2 is good, but I feel like with the time-jumps nothing ever moves forward very much!

Graphista · 05/07/2018 06:22

LadyCassandra nah telly rubbish here mostly at the moment. Only 3 shows I'm currently watching on normal telly - this. The resident and question time - ah no the last leg! Presented by an Aussie!

NoNeedToArgue · 05/07/2018 07:53

Thanks Choccy - I kept rewinding it too but the timeline doesn't make sense... But I shouldn't be surprised by that I guess! This show is so great, but so frustrating!!

MadisonAvenue · 05/07/2018 19:32

LadyCassandra there really aren't that many good British TV shows unfortunately.

Great to see it back last night.
So next week is when we find out exactly what happened to Jack? What we saw, so far, last night was heartbreaking.

I'm curious about how long it was after Jack's death that Rebecca got together with Miguel...I don't think that's ever been said? I'm wondering if the timing explains why Randall and Kevin had issues with him on occasions in S1.

OP posts:
Graphista · 05/07/2018 22:01


Eg it's 9pm on a weeknight, on 4 of the 5 main channels are documentaries - this is historically for uk tv when there's a 'good drama' on.

The only 2 channels showing British dramas are showing very old repeats - they're rarely made and series are max 10 episodes.

American dramas are well written, paced and acted, last up to 24 episodes per series giving you a chance to properly "get into" them.

Amalfimamma · 05/07/2018 23:49



The writers are smart CF who tease you all season with one possible ending, throw you into the middle of it on the 1st episode of the 2nd season but make you play the long game, I'm glad I binge watched both seasons tbh as the suspense would have killed me.

And the tears would have still been flowing


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MakeItStopNeville · 06/07/2018 03:29

It's really crap until about the last 3 episodes!

SpinMill · 07/07/2018 14:50

Just caught up in the first episode, think I'm going to get back into it pretty easily. Tryi g to decide whether to Google spoilers or not!

ArieltheMermaid1720 · 07/07/2018 20:35

Just watched the first episode of season 2, I had forgotten how much I hate Toby.

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