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This Is Us Season 2 - July 4th

386 replies

MadisonAvenue · 22/06/2018 21:02

Finally! Season 2 starts on July 4th on More4.

Been waiting for this, we haven't been able to find a download of it anywhere.

OP posts:
MadisonAvenue · 09/11/2018 06:36

vjg It’s now finished, waiting and hoping to see Season 3 now.

MrsMallett Prime were streaming it but when I last checked (albeit some months ago) it was something like £1.89 per episode. Hopefully it’ll be free at some point like Season 1.

OP posts:
vjg13 · 09/11/2018 06:25

Has season 2 finished now or is it on a break?

autumnleaves1234 · 06/11/2018 10:38

Having only discovered this recently I binge watched series 1. Then found I'd missed most of series 2 on more 4. So bought it on prime and continued to binge watch. Might have to declare my love of OITNB, Breaking Bad, Six feet under etc but this is by far my favourite series of all time. Love, love loved the complicated and oh so human relationships around loss and grief

SatsumaFan · 06/11/2018 09:26

@ihavenoplans are episodes 11-14 on there yeah? Fab if so - thanks.

ihavenoplans · 06/11/2018 08:46

I was watching on 4 OD

SatsumaFan · 05/11/2018 22:44

Gah! Can't read last few pages for fear of spoilers, but had neglected to watch any This is Us on my Sky Planner for a while. I'd only got to S2 ep6, and have now just binged 7-10 to discover Sky series link had stopped working (because the channel moved the time maybe?) and now there's only eps 15-18 on catch up!

Anyone know how I can get hold of S2 eps 11 - 14 please?! It's not on Netflix Sad

CurbsideProphet · 03/11/2018 21:01

Hopefully we'll see more about his brother's story in season 3?

Graphista · 03/11/2018 16:57

Jack and his brother both went to Vietnam. I think his brother died there.

EachandEveryone · 03/11/2018 16:54

Well I enjoyed that episode. I think Deja will be challenging and Im surprised they’ve put in to adopt her so quickly do we know how long she has been back with them? Will this put paid for them fostering others which was the dream? I’m glad she’s with them.

Wasn’t their a Vietnam connection the fathers brother or something?

HannahnotAgnes · 03/11/2018 08:01

Maybe we will see a different side to Jack from Miguel but I'm not sure as he loved Jack too. I loved the episode when Kevin was in treatment & Beth, Toby & Miguel were asked to leave - in the bar, when Beth & Toby are making fun, Miguel is joining in but stops & tells them that Jack is his no fly zone too when they get close to slagging Jack off. Loved that part & made me love Miguel as a character also.

MrsMallett · 02/11/2018 23:40

Argh! How have I only just realised this is on 4od?! Some of the episodes are missing (expired?) anyone know where I can find the earlier episodes?!!

Graphista · 02/11/2018 23:30

"perhaps from the perspective of Jack's friend / Rebecca's partner (I can't remember his name)?"

Miguel - played by Jon Huertas who played javier Esposito in Castle.

I like that it's predictably unpredictable and moving. Very cathartic.

CurbsideProphet · 02/11/2018 22:57

I think that we'll see more of Jack's alcoholism in season 3, perhaps from the perspective of Jack's friend / Rebecca's partner (I can't remember his name)?

What's so good about the writing is that everyone who watches can take something different from it and it's much harder to predict than other dramas Smile

Whisky2014 · 02/11/2018 19:51

Rebecca did say to the counsellor she wasn't going to start slagging jack off to her kids since they really only had good memories and were young when he died, why would she tarnish that?

HannahnotAgnes · 02/11/2018 18:58

Same here re parents ages - my parents are early 60s & I'm 41, so similar to them. I know my mum was totally devastated when she got divorced as that just didn't happen for her (dad cheated after 30 years together - she was just 50 when she found out). If there had been an option to keep quiet & ignore, I believe she would have done to avoid being a divorcee.

Graphista · 02/11/2018 18:54

Yea she strikes me as that type too. And the type to "stay together for the kids" plus Jack & Rebecca are actually supposed to be nearer my parents age/Generation. Which is hard to get my head round as they mostly are seen portrayed as my age (40's) or younger.

HannahnotAgnes · 02/11/2018 18:17

I thought just that Graphista, in that as it's their memories, they have Jack on a pedestal & only remember the good times.

Plus I do imagine that Rebecca would do her utmost to protect the kids & not let them see anything too negative - she strikes me as someone who would only argue with Jack in private, so likely the kids didn't see too much.

Graphista · 02/11/2018 17:42

No I don't expect Dejas story to be all rainbows and unicorns but it doesn't have to be all negative either.

I'm not sure I agree re not sugar coating. The show does deal with social issues but I do think they're very sanitised.

In particular jacks alcoholism (so far anyway) we've very rarely seen him portrayed as anything but a loving husband and father and the alcoholism as only affecting him. I think we've seen one maybe 2 incidences of him losing his temper when drunk and that was directed outside of the family.

My own personal experience as a child/niece/grandchild of alcoholics is that it's highly unlikely that an alcoholics behaviour didn't negatively affect the family and that one who's temper flares when he drinks doesn't take that temper out on their family. That has really annoyed me actually. I keep waiting for the shows writers/producers to allow us to see more of Jack as a flawed person rather than a sainted late husband/father.

Though I wonder if the idea is that we're seeing him through the family's eyes? And often when someone dies unexpectedly and quite young they are then put on a pedestal. I've experience of that too. As I'm sure many mners do.

CurbsideProphet · 02/11/2018 16:21

The Randall and Tessa flash forward was definitely 10 years in the future, Randall's narration said so. I agree with WitchSharkadder that it would be too simplistic for all Deja's problems to be solved after a quick chat with Zoe.

One thing I really like about This Is Us is that it doesn't usually sugar coat all of the shit that people can go through.

Watching This Is Us reminds me of how good Brothers and Sisters was!

Whisky2014 · 02/11/2018 15:28

Well I thought the story of Beth's cousin was just that and her story could resonate with deja. Not that it will go into a background of Zoe? But who knows.

LightastheBreeze · 02/11/2018 15:26

Randall said whether a year from now or ten years when the flash forwards were on

Poor Toby Sad

Blondeshavemorefun · 02/11/2018 13:55

I thought Randall said something along the lines of not having to wait another 10yrs


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Graphista · 02/11/2018 13:52

Sorry yes because I've read ahead didn't mean to spoiler for anyone Blush

Also though Randall and Tess are clearly much older.

Re Beth's cousin, Beth did talk to someone (Kate? Rebecca? Can't remember) and say that her cousin had been basically abandoned by her parents to living with Beth and her parents, the cousin also said to Deja that this had happened and she was angry with everyone even though she knew they loved her.

So yea we (as viewers) already know there's more to the cousin.

Had to look up as couldn't remember cousins name think it's Zoe.

Whisky2014 · 02/11/2018 13:39 do you know its 10 years and 1 year flash forwards because it obviously doesn't say that when we see them so are you reading about them? And this comment "the cousin has her shit together at the wedding but we know there's more to her)" do we? What do we know? Or are you referring to the conversation she had with Deja before the wedding?

I didn't think the deja episode was emotional, i found it the most boring one out of the whole 2 series.
The latest epsiode though, i had a fair few tissues!

HannahnotAgnes · 02/11/2018 09:33

I loved it & loved the flash forwards too - so much to look forward to!

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