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Ds1 having LOUD sex and I have had to tell them to shut up...

133 replies

lilibet · 11/03/2012 18:48


Honestly!! I love my ds1 very much but there is no 18 year old boy born who could make a girl shriek like that.

She is from the Meg Ryan school of sex noises but AMPLIFIED

I also can't beleive the brass neck of her - she faced us all afterwards without even a blush.

It's not the first time either, we weren't in a while back and dd (23) and ds2 (15) could hear her down stairs. Ds2 went and banked on the door and said "Do you mind, some of us are trying to revise" God Bless Him!!

I had a word with them then but it's not stopped them, they now can't be in his room with the door closed.

They don't prepare you for conversations like this at antenatal classes

OP posts:
AnyFucker · 11/03/2012 21:44

Grin @ magnificent

LovesBeingWearingSkinnyJeans · 11/03/2012 21:45

I am shocked.

Btw my bf used to have to kip on tge sofa, never stopped us Wink

AKissIsNotAContract · 11/03/2012 21:47

'Or bang on the door and shout " Stop faking , hes never going to learn how to do it right otherwise"'

^this, do this Grin

snapsnap · 11/03/2012 21:48

Why would you allow that in your home? Bizarre. My mother wouldnt have dreamed of allowing it and I certainly wouldn't.

We could stay out and questions wouldnt be asked but isnt that better.

KalSkirata · 11/03/2012 21:58

I think I'll just get my 18 yo to read the thread. Grin

Brightspark1 · 11/03/2012 21:59

I think I would tape them and choose the right moment to play back, invite her parents over?

slowginny · 11/03/2012 23:26

Maybe she'd put her back out...

Maybe your son is actually THAT good in which case well done you and your DH for creating such a vigorous young man, you should be proud of him for putting his girlfriend's needs so highly.


Oblomov · 12/03/2012 05:43

This thread is well funny. Laughing at Carpet comment. But seriously Op, what are you going to do?

OrenishI · 12/03/2012 05:55

I feel like I'm from a different generation here (I'm not btw) but I think it just really shouldn't be happening in your house and I'm Shock that you can come talk about it so blase like.

It's shows a complete lack of respect from your son and the female involved. Rather sad I think.

SilentBoob · 12/03/2012 06:01

I once stayed over with a new boyfriend and was MORTIFIED when his mother brought us both a cup of tea in the morning. He had a single bed ffs. I had assumed that his parents were away for the weekend.

My own parents, by contrast, used to put dh (then dp) and I in separate rooms for 3 years after we were living together in our jointly owned house and my dad used to sit on the landing all night with his shotgun.

UnderwaterBasketWeaving · 12/03/2012 06:29

Don't forget, these kids are of the generation where, despite the efforts of schools & parents, sex ed has come from internet porn.

It's actually a bit sad, really, that they both believe such a performance is necessary.

How about sitting them down to helpfully discuss things like lubricants & contraception. Embarrass the crap out of them & exploit the tendency towards rebellion.
theonewiththenoisychild · 12/03/2012 07:44

Im shocked i would be mortified if my parents heard me having sex at any age even now im 25 and have 2 kids and they know ive had sex.... Its a respect thing

lilibet · 12/03/2012 09:40

Those who are asking what am I going to do and why am I allowing it - have you read my comments on the thread?

I have spoken to ds quietly, when that didn't stop it I spoke to them both very firmly. They now cannnot be alone in his bedroom with the door closed for a montha nd then I will review the situation.

I came on here to talk about it as I was mortified at having the conversation with him and yes, I can see the funny side to it even though I have not shown those feelings to ds1 and his gf.

and with regards contraception, she is on the pill and they use condoms as well, they've been together over 6 months.

OP posts:
AwkwardMary · 12/03/2012 09:44

I don't' even think it's funny....I think it shows a masssive lack of respect for not only the rest of the household but themselves!

I wouldn't let her in again!

AwkwardMary · 12/03/2012 09:46

My DH told me that when he was about 18 he kissed a girl in the street and his Uncle saw him and bollocked him for his lack of respect to the girl....he told my DH that some things are very private and he should always be in private with a girl...if he liked her enough to kss then he should like her enough to show respect....your son needs a good telling and so does she....

LittleAlbert · 12/03/2012 09:54

But I remember doing stupid thoughtless things in my teens and early twenties. The girlfriend is just being silly, that's no reason to start a war by banning her from the house - if op went down that road, then it would really seem that she had ishoos...

There are far, far worse things they could be doing than having a healthy enjoyable sex life.

heureuse · 12/03/2012 10:10

Is it possible they are just chasing, tickling , jumping on bed etc
If not or until you know, just go up, and shout
"Is everything ok have you fallen or something CAN I COME IN"

fabwoman · 12/03/2012 13:23

I would have got a total bollocking if I had had sex in the house. I was sent to Coventry when I stayed at my boyfriend's house for one night.

TheSecondComing · 12/03/2012 13:50

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Byeckerslike · 12/03/2012 13:56

Ive come to this thread late, sorry but it made me laugh my head off! Sorry op, how hideous for you. But to coin a phrase used on another thread to tone down bad behaviour between shool friends... I believe a firm 'stop showing off' would suffice! Grin

OrmIrian · 12/03/2012 13:57

I think it's brilliant they are open enough and relaxed enough with you that they have sex under your roof openly. No, I could never have done it. But that wasn't a good thing.

However the noise thing is very selfish. Offer her a gag - tell her that you and your partner really enjoy using it Grin

BenderBendingRodriguez · 12/03/2012 14:08

Agree with LittleAlbert, and actually with UnderwaterBasketWeaving as well.

I have pmsl at this thread, sorry OP. Fully expect my comeuppance in about 14 years' time.


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ragged · 12/03/2012 14:28

record them & link to the mpeg by writing on her facebook wall?
Sorry, no help.

Twit · 12/03/2012 14:32

why not just watch When Harry met Sally with them and the rest of the family? Might make them think about the fact that they are noisy and show your DS that fake happens ?

PoppadumPreach · 12/03/2012 14:35

do you remember the "lil' louis" song - from the 80s?

perhaps you could play this on repeat when she is round?

(for those who don't know this song - it will become apparent around 1min 40s into the above youtube link!)

on a more serious note, she is being very disrespectful.

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