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Ds1 having LOUD sex and I have had to tell them to shut up...

133 replies

lilibet · 11/03/2012 18:48


Honestly!! I love my ds1 very much but there is no 18 year old boy born who could make a girl shriek like that.

She is from the Meg Ryan school of sex noises but AMPLIFIED

I also can't beleive the brass neck of her - she faced us all afterwards without even a blush.

It's not the first time either, we weren't in a while back and dd (23) and ds2 (15) could hear her down stairs. Ds2 went and banked on the door and said "Do you mind, some of us are trying to revise" God Bless Him!!

I had a word with them then but it's not stopped them, they now can't be in his room with the door closed.

They don't prepare you for conversations like this at antenatal classes

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ChickensHaveNoLips · 11/03/2012 20:48

Oh God. I would die. And then I'd come back to life and kill them. Then I'd die again. Then I'd handle it badly through embarassment, probably cry, and afterwards feel bad for the girl who is just immature and silly and would be mortified at having her BF's mother causing a scene. But there would be a scene. I'm far to fucking English to be ok with my offspring getting loudly jiggy within earshot

lilibet · 11/03/2012 20:49

First time it happened (after ds2 banged on the door) I spoke to him and told him that in future they must be silent as no one wanted to hear them.

This time I waited till (ahem) afterwards and went in and blasted them both that we could hear them having sex and they needed to show us some respect. I said that for the next month they could not have the door clsoed and after that time it would be reviewed. I then said that these were now my rules and if they didn't like them they could go to her house and let her family listen to them have sex for a change.

Yes, they are having sex as I walked in on them once (when they were being quiet) and was that amazed all I managed to comment on whas how well ds1 had hoovered the carpet Blush

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harrietlichman · 11/03/2012 20:54

What has the world come to?! In my day it was a in your car/in bed when parent's were out or as quiet as hunanly possible on the sofa when parents were in bed. And that's the way it should be, IMHO.

SamsGoldilocks · 11/03/2012 20:54

hoovering the carpet - what a brilliant comment

lilibet · 11/03/2012 20:57

Sams I stillBlush when I think of it

When she stays overnight I make him sleep on the sofa - I'm wasting my time, aren't I?

OP posts:
EnjoyResponsibly · 11/03/2012 20:57

Just did a an actual bit of wee at the carpet admiration comment. Genius :0 :0 :0

Isaidhangonamin · 11/03/2012 21:02

my DS1 went to live in Thailand for 6 months to get his "fun" Wink

scummymummy · 11/03/2012 21:02

lol @ this thread, Especially @"Pack that in. You sound ridiculous." And you commenting on your son's hoovering skills, lilibet (fnarfnar).

trikken · 11/03/2012 21:03

Id be very embarrassed if I was the Gf. We used to try and be as quiet as humanly possible whilst still living at home. it is quite disrespectful.

Annunziata · 11/03/2012 21:03

Oh my god!!! Actually, it's horrible and funny at the same time!

I love the applause idea.

bringbacksideburns · 11/03/2012 21:04

Weird innit - that the GF doesn't care? I would be so mortified!!

RabidEchidna · 11/03/2012 21:05

Go in with a note pad and pen and tell him you are taking notes , or better still when they come out hold up score cards and shout sevennnnnnn

Annunziata · 11/03/2012 21:06

She must have some brass neck, I couldn't look MIL in the eye for about six months after DH and I got married!

Maryz · 11/03/2012 21:08

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fabwoman · 11/03/2012 21:11

Annunziata - I couldn't look at my MIL when she came to visit after I had had dc1 as she would know I had shagged her son since I had just had his baby GrinBlush. By baby 3 I didn't care!

TheSecondComing · 11/03/2012 21:12

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MadameChinLegs · 11/03/2012 21:12

Take the door off the hinges.

Tell them they can have it back as a moving in present on their love shack.

MadameChinLegs · 11/03/2012 21:13

OR get a massive photo of yourself and hang it on his ceiling. With a stern look in your eye.

Auntiestablishment · 11/03/2012 21:14

Maybe she's making a racket so you don't walk in on them again.

You might notice he'd not hoovered the carpet.

AnyFucker · 11/03/2012 21:17

erm, your house is being used as a teenage sex den, complete with wild penguin noises and everybody thinks this is "funny" ?

I remember when people used to think they should be afforded some respect in their own home

OP, tell your son that when he is paying the mortgage/rent on his own place, he (and his ridiculous squealing gf) can make all the sex noises he likes, but not before then

GurlwiththeFrothyCurl · 11/03/2012 21:21

This may be about to happen in our household as DS2 has just announced that he is in his first relationship. We have said that he is welcome to invite her over in the Uni holidays, so watch this space...

cakeismysaviour · 11/03/2012 21:22


Don't let her go up to his room anymore and no staying over. They need to learn some respect.


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AnyFucker · 11/03/2012 21:25

my teenage dd likes to think that because she happens to live in this house, she gets to make the rules

she does not

when she gets her own place, she gets to make the rules

I suspect I will be banned from her place when she gets one (on current targets, that will be approx. in 2025)

I won't hold my breath...until then, I will not not be disrespected in my own home

mmmdanone · 11/03/2012 21:36

Similar thing happened to us before DS1 went off to uni - his bedroom is next to ours and when his girlfriend stayed round you could hear banging headboard on wall (thankfully no sex noises from him or her) Blush . I'ts hard when you realise your DC's are having a better sex life than you :)

lilibet · 11/03/2012 21:36

Anyfucker that was more or less my speech, dd and ds2 were listening in and they said I was magnificent

Oh Yes!! Go me!!!!

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