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Ds1 having LOUD sex and I have had to tell them to shut up...

133 replies

lilibet · 11/03/2012 18:48


Honestly!! I love my ds1 very much but there is no 18 year old boy born who could make a girl shriek like that.

She is from the Meg Ryan school of sex noises but AMPLIFIED

I also can't beleive the brass neck of her - she faced us all afterwards without even a blush.

It's not the first time either, we weren't in a while back and dd (23) and ds2 (15) could hear her down stairs. Ds2 went and banked on the door and said "Do you mind, some of us are trying to revise" God Bless Him!!

I had a word with them then but it's not stopped them, they now can't be in his room with the door closed.

They don't prepare you for conversations like this at antenatal classes

OP posts:
ggirl · 11/03/2012 19:31

can't believe the gall of her tbh

is it just me or does it smack of disrespect

ggirl · 11/03/2012 19:32

I mean the girlfriend being disrespectful

JustHecate · 11/03/2012 19:37

I think they both are.

ahhhhhpushit · 11/03/2012 19:40

Agree with JustHecate "pack that in. you sounds ridiculous". Even better get DH to do it for you. will embarass her more.

AllShiney · 11/03/2012 19:44

Next time they're at it run up the stairs shouting OMG are you ok? And throw open the door shouting 'what's wrong? What's wrong?' and claim you thought something terrible had happened.

But I like the you sound ridiculous idea too!

JustHecate · 11/03/2012 19:44

I suppose if you wanted to scar them for life you could gather outside the room, (got any foldaway seats) and treat them to a round of applause when they're done.

Imagine their faces when they open the bedroom door Wink

(I'm kidding)

The5thFishy · 11/03/2012 19:48

Get your husband to shout
"Go on, my son" outside the door at the vital moment.

JustHecate · 11/03/2012 19:53

I suppose nobody in the family is crafty enough to fashion a small one of these to present her with. Grin

boredandrestless · 11/03/2012 19:53

Shock I would be having harsh words with both of them. How disrespectful!

fuzzpig · 11/03/2012 19:57

I don't know whether to be suspicious, disgusted or amused!

I do like the parental sex noises idea though.

MamaMaiasaura · 11/03/2012 20:00

Lol Grin

I recall When I was a teen staying at my bfs, his mum sent her husband to check on the dog as thought it was terribly unwell Blush Blush His stepdad informed me of this the following day and said he'd not let on what it actually way. I was mortified and so embarrassed Blush

DizzyKipper · 11/03/2012 20:04

Just keep a bucket of water handy... Grin

FrillyMilly · 11/03/2012 20:08

To be honest I would tell them to show some respect or she doesn't come round/go in his bedroom. I doubt her parents would put up with it. I think it's incredibly rude.

LittleAlbert · 11/03/2012 20:09

I just reminded DP about the time his little sis (then aged 17) did a 'Sally' and woke us up. He is pretending he doesn't remember ...and is now refusing to discuss it Hmm

supernannyisace · 11/03/2012 20:12

Katie Middleton I love your comment. My DS is 14 - and I hope he never brings any girsl back here.. But if he does.. ha ha ha :)

baskingseals · 11/03/2012 20:12

am I the only one who is thinking good for them?

at least they are enjoying themselves

Chubfuddler · 11/03/2012 20:13

This is dreadful. Completely disrespectful to everyone else in the house. I wouldn't allow him to have her over tbh if they can't button it. Perhaps you should feign concern at whatever medical problem she clearly has and suggest you discuss it with her mother.

They think they're being clever, embarrassing everyone else with their exuberant sex life. Actually they're just being crass.

JoanRobinson2012 · 11/03/2012 20:19

baskingseals- No you're not the only one!

LittleAlbert · 11/03/2012 20:20

In about 10 years the girlfriend will look back and cringe

auburnlizzy78 · 11/03/2012 20:24

Are you totally sure they were having sex? Could it possibly have been a play fight and she was being seriously tickled??....

Snakeonaplane · 11/03/2012 20:27

I'm blushing for all involved, I'd have quiet motherly word with her along the lines of 'I don't mind you having sex but would you mind keeping it down a bit' Grin, she'll be more embarrassed than you.

oiwheresthecoffee · 11/03/2012 20:33

Seriously when she emerges , say in front of them both that you can her her faking orgasm , do they need tips on having a real one ? Act all concerned and helpful.
Then post back and let us know.


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oiwheresthecoffee · 11/03/2012 20:39

Or bang on the door and shout " Stop faking , hes never going to learn how to do it right otherwise"

SconeInSixtySeconds · 11/03/2012 20:42

How about playing that scene from When Harry met Sally really loudly at the same time that they are getting going?

That ought to slow them down a bit

RabidEchidna · 11/03/2012 20:44

LOL love the idea of sitting outside room and clapping...

Makes notes for a few years time

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