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Return to tiffany

104 replies

GoldenFarfalle · 24/01/2023 19:42

I'm almost 40 years old, are these earrings too young for me? I always wear pearls and I would like to wear something different.

OP posts:
Maryandherlamb · 25/01/2023 03:17

I quite like them. Mine were stolen when we were broken into, and I've not been able to afford to replace them. They were a 21st birthday gift when I was about 15 years younger! I quite miss having them... they were my go-to choice for a lot of nice events when nothing else seemed to match. If you like them then go for it.

Guineapiggiesmalls · 25/01/2023 03:35

If you like them, then you should of course get them! If you’re maybe worried about them not suiting, then have a look on Vinted where there’s a few pairs at a nicely discounted price…

The Return to Tiffany thing was very popular early 2000, but that doesn’t instantly mean it’s undesirable now. Get them and enjoy them before all the millennials currently toting 90s stuff move on to 00s trends 😎

Yesthatismychildsigh · 25/01/2023 03:35

GlassBunion · 24/01/2023 21:08

They're a bit naff .

They are, aren’t they. Don’t think my 15 year old niece would wear these.

Guineapiggiesmalls · 25/01/2023 03:37

Yesthatismychildsigh · 25/01/2023 03:35

They are, aren’t they. Don’t think my 15 year old niece would wear these.

I’m not sure there’s a lot a 15 year old would deem cool that a 38 year would want to wear…

MistyRock · 25/01/2023 04:54

Icedlatteplease · 24/01/2023 22:54

I was about to comment on how awful they are...
Then I remembered I wear a disney Pandora bracelet and I loves it. Wear what brings you joy


Forgottenmypasswordagain · 25/01/2023 04:54

I don't like the words. I would find some word free earrings.

PuppaDontPreach · 25/01/2023 05:12

No they’re not too young for you. If you love them, go for it.

As pp have said, some people don’t like the branding. Otoh some people do like it, and presumably that includes OP or she wouldn’t be asking.

sandgrown · 25/01/2023 05:23

I am 65 and my daughter bought me these on a trip to New York . I love them but then I am of any age to wear what I like not what anyone else thinks I should wear!

TellMeWhere · 25/01/2023 05:51

I associate them with teens because this is the stuff that was wanted when I was in secondary and sixth form. Obviously branded expensive items. Burberry scarves, LV purses, chanel sunglasses, return to tiffany bracelets, earrings and necklaces. I had a fake bracelet at one point (the horror!), I don't even think it was silver...

I wouldn't wear them because they remind me of this time I'm my life, but if you like them, buy them.

I, myself, covet this Cartier bracelet, this necklace, this Bulgari ring - possibly in rose gold, and this bangle

I also want a Van Cleef Alhambra bracelet and necklace but they've been faked into oblivion.

PeachDelany · 25/01/2023 06:05

Extremely naff but then I hate anything which has to scream a brand name.

MistyRock · 25/01/2023 07:12

I think they are cute, I'm 44 and I'd happily wear them (I certainly wouldn't pay the price for them but as a present etc). I tend to wear what I like and not worry too much what others think. You should do the same op. I see loads of people wearing stuff I wouldn't contemplate, puffa coats for one!!! What is the appeal? But live and let live.

ImAvingOops · 25/01/2023 07:33

I'm with the poster who said they wouldn't pay £240 to advertise a product! They are very expensive for silver - feels like the brand are deliberately taking the piss out of customers.

RichPetunia · 25/01/2023 07:33

I love them! So much so I think I might buy the little round return to Tiffany earrings for myself. I'm late 50s and if you can't buy what brings you joy, then what's the point? Get them, enjoy them!

GoldenFarfalle · 25/01/2023 11:20

Guineapiggiesmalls · 25/01/2023 03:37

I’m not sure there’s a lot a 15 year old would deem cool that a 38 year would want to wear…

I don't understand. If you think they are too young why are you saying a young person wouldn't use them? Doesn't make sense.

OP posts:
GoldenFarfalle · 25/01/2023 11:21

RichPetunia · 25/01/2023 07:33

I love them! So much so I think I might buy the little round return to Tiffany earrings for myself. I'm late 50s and if you can't buy what brings you joy, then what's the point? Get them, enjoy them!

Those are very cute too. I like the infinity earrings as well.

OP posts:
NewFoxOldTricks · 25/01/2023 11:22

I'm not keen, but I dont see an age on them? Is it hidden in the back?

Galadriel90 · 25/01/2023 11:25

I think they're ugly and overpriced. I also don't like things with obvious logos on them. For the money you could get a much much nicer pair of earrings from an independent jeweller.

MaverickGooseGoose · 25/01/2023 12:10

They're awful, the whole 'return to Tiffany thing' is so passé. Plus my aunt is a jeweller, she reckons the quality of Tiffany stuff is crap. She makes prices for High end jewellery places.

yousmellnice · 25/01/2023 12:11

They look awful! I can't imagine anyone actually wearing them

yousmellnice · 25/01/2023 12:12

Perdita40 · 24/01/2023 20:50

I have these & I'm 48. Go for it, I think they are cute..

Oh god I'm so sorry. I didn't see this one. I hope you love them.

DesertRose64 · 25/01/2023 12:15

Greensleevevssnotnose · 24/01/2023 21:41

Naff nothing to do with age, blatant logos are cheap looking

I agree with this but wouldn’t have put it so strongly.

I don’t like logos and wouldn’t wear any because of how they can make an item look.

mrsjg · 25/01/2023 14:06

@RichPetunia Well said


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BodyShapeWoes · 25/01/2023 14:55

I have some and wear them quite a bit (they were a 21st birthday gift)

If you like them buy them and wear them..

I also have some Tiffany pearls which I adore

TinyTinyHamsterBalls · 25/01/2023 15:00

I think all my friends wore those when we were teenagers back in 2004.

MidnightMeltdown · 25/01/2023 15:01

I actually had the necklace version of this when I was in my 20s. I ebayed it a few years ago. Can't believe how expensive they are now! I think you'd have to be mad to pay that.

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