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Tell me honestly, are these "mum boots"?

166 replies

pigeononthegate · 19/10/2019 15:41

And what would they be OK to wear with? Obviously jeans etc, but what about skirts/dresses/nice linen trousers? Would I look a twat?

OP posts:
BuildBuildings · 20/10/2019 08:17

Of course you can wear what you want and I understand comfort is a priority. But they won't look 'nice' by most people's standards. So I suppose if you're bothered about that then maybe go for a compromise between style and comfort. That's what I do most of the time.

MrsPellegrinoPetrichor · 20/10/2019 09:28

I bought these last year and love them, but my children tell me they're horrible

Listen to your children!! Omg ShockGrin

Aaarrgghhh · 20/10/2019 11:37

I like them. I’ve always liked the look of walking boots but I don’t walk enough to justify them lol. Obviously they may not look great with a lot of clothing but does that matter? It’s winter now anyway so a good pair of trousers and these or even jeans and these would be fine. I don’t think they look mummy at all, I’ve just always seen them as a walking boot for people that hike etc. Wear what you like. I’m buying a pair of waterproof trainers soon, I prefer trainers and I’m in and out of the house doing pick ups and drop offs so I want something I can slip on and off easier than the hunters I have. They don’t look the height of fashion but they are practical and that’s what matters.

Persimmonn · 20/10/2019 11:44

Are these mum boots?! They look like the L.L Bean boots 🙈😂

Persimmonn · 20/10/2019 11:45

Forgot to attach

Tell me honestly, are these "mum boots"?
Pandaintheporridge · 20/10/2019 11:49

idrinksndsewthings I do not want to burst your bubble but I ordered some Birkenstock boots and sent them back - the ones I got did not have the moulded sole and so were no use for my plantars. They might not all be the same. I think there is a shoe that is basically the sandals with more coverage. I want some fleece lined ones for slippers, if I ever get the money!

walkintheparc · 20/10/2019 11:55

They're walking boots op. They are not ugly for walking boots but they are ugly for shoes in general.
Fine with a waterproof jacket, fleece and jeans (and similar practical casual outfits), if that is your bag.... but not with trousers or dresses, how can you think that would work??

InsertFunnyUsername · 20/10/2019 12:00

Congratulations on your weight loss.

Your comfort is the most important thing and if they enable you to walk for longer than go for it. But yes they are very ugly.

dellacucina · 20/10/2019 13:42


Is that flame? There are many similar boots on the Cosmo 2019 boot trend list:

Is Cosmo hopeless for fashion???

MrsPellegrinoPetrichor · 20/10/2019 16:19

dellacucina none on that list are like the black,non descript M and S ones I linked to,that's the whole point.

Btw, I'm very much in the camp of wear what you like. I'm merely repeating what was said last year about so called mum boots. I hate the use of mum as a derogatory term too tbh.

MerryDeath · 20/10/2019 16:21

those are walking shoes. you can wear whatever you like i don't care but don't expect to look like you didn't get dressed on two different days!

MrDarcysMa · 20/10/2019 19:12

jesus christ no they are only suitable for climbing up a mountain. for the love of god go see a podiatrist and get some insoles made.

hettie · 20/10/2019 19:43

So...I have had Achilles tendonitis so feel your pain. You need a hard arch supporting orthotic. I use but you probably need to get some advice from a physio. You can pop them in most things. But how about a more lacy boot merrel? Could work with a floaty skirt and jeans depending on your style?

Tell me honestly, are these "mum boots"?
MaryST7 · 25/10/2019 18:42

If you're walking a lot that's great, but maybe some cool trainers would be better to wear with more 'girly' outfits. Dresses etc can look funky with some trainers - New Balance, for example. Buy some really good support insoles if necessary and off you go! I'd definitely stick to wearing the boots with just jeans or leggings but no reason not to pop a dress/tunic over the top to dress up a bit. Good luck with the weight loss and big respect for taking such a big step, literally!

Mrspenfold123 · 25/10/2019 19:24
Shhimtryingtosleep · 25/10/2019 19:35

I wear walking boots every day, with jeans or my work trousers. They're really comfy and waterproof. But that's only in the winter as I walk a lot so I need something waterproof

Shhimtryingtosleep · 25/10/2019 19:36

These are the ones I have

Tell me honestly, are these "mum boots"?
RopeBrick · 25/10/2019 19:39

They are awful. Please don't wear these with a dress or skirt. They're hiking boots.

Linnylinn1 · 25/10/2019 19:47

At the end of the day op if you want to wear them with a ball gown there’s nothing actually stopping you! Would it look odd...most likely!! But it all depends on whether you are the type of person who gives a shit what others think! 🤣

Branleuse · 25/10/2019 19:53

Theyre just walking boots. You could probably get just as good for a lot cheaper in tkmaxx, sports direct or mountain warehouse, and then get some other boots to wear the rest of the time, as these are not going to look right if youre not hiking or in the middle of winter


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bumblingbovine49 · 25/10/2019 20:10

I have this problem in that I incorporate all my walking into my normal day if I can, rather than just go for a random walk. I want comfortable walking shoes to walk 5 mile + but to be able to wear normal clothes including skirts
You may need more than one pair op, or do what I do which is carry a pair that are more suitable for work or for a skirt etc to change into when I get where I am going.

Branleuse · 25/10/2019 20:19

I walk a lot so wear DMs which are waterproof, all season and hard wearing and also go with normal clothes

LostInTheColonies · 25/10/2019 21:40

I have these Josef Siebel Sienna 63 in bordeaux. Love love love them - they are super-comfy. They are not their chunkiest, most hike-like) boots and IMO would be great with a skirt (disclaimer: I am not known for my stylish dressing Grin ). Not sure I would wear them to walk 10 miles a day, though, as the heels might wear down. Love a good pair of walking boots for actual walking - yours sound ideal for your needs!

Tell me honestly, are these "mum boots"?
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