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Tell me honestly, are these "mum boots"?

166 replies

pigeononthegate · 19/10/2019 15:41

And what would they be OK to wear with? Obviously jeans etc, but what about skirts/dresses/nice linen trousers? Would I look a twat?

OP posts:
Charley50 · 19/10/2019 15:58

Why are they 'mum' boots? They're just walking boots. If you walk a lot wear whatever is comfortable for walking a lot in.

Bluntness100 · 19/10/2019 15:59

They are hiking boots. They are not something you wear with a dress or skirt, and generally would only wear them with jeans if hiking or walking dogs etc. Confused

You must know this? Have you ever seen anyone wearing hiking boots with a skirt or dress? Ever?

Charley50 · 19/10/2019 16:00

I'd get some Nike or New Balance trainers as well, which are more fashionable.

thetardis · 19/10/2019 16:03

i walk a lot but never worn hiking boots.

running trainers, standard knee-high flat boots, or army boots for when it snows/Big Mud.

obvs if you have specific support needs wear what is comfy :)

MrsPellegrinoPetrichor · 19/10/2019 16:04

They're walking boots so perfect for someone who walks a lot. They're not what MN calls Mum Boots. Wear what you like OP and be comfy .

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 19/10/2019 16:12

Sorry but they are horrible. With jeans on a proper walk, maybe. With anything else, absolutely not.

ToftheB · 19/10/2019 16:12

To be fair, leather hiking style boots are 'in' at the moment, and a lot of people are wearing them with skirts etc

But, the ones in the OP are proper walking boots - a lot more practical, but less trendy with a skirt. I like them, but would still only wear them for actual walking in the countryside.

motherheroic · 19/10/2019 16:13

I like them. But I like them for their intended purpose which is hiking/walking.

WTF99 · 19/10/2019 16:14

Ah....well if you're wearing them for walking then that's different. You might still look like a twat though but it doesn't really matter.
I have to admit I have worn this kind of thing with a skirt but I was on a Iong walk on a hot day and didn't want to wear shorts (god forbid) so who cares.
I think it's the intention that makes the difference here.

ilovetofu · 19/10/2019 16:14

Wear what you like!

pigeononthegate · 19/10/2019 16:14

You must know this? Have you ever seen anyone wearing hiking boots with a skirt or dress? Ever?


OP posts:
EntropyRising · 19/10/2019 16:14

I hate them, sorry.

I bought these last year and love them, but my children tell me they're horrible:

Moondancer73 · 19/10/2019 16:15

With a skirt or dress? Seriously???!

thetardis · 19/10/2019 16:17

sorry @entropy your kids are right :D

fikel · 19/10/2019 16:18

Not suitable except for woods, mountains etc.
Have a look at fit flop boots

Whatsforu · 19/10/2019 16:19

Entroy are they not for mucking out horses? Think they were called muckers!!

PlasticPatty · 19/10/2019 16:21

Those boots are fucking ace, and very similar to the ones I'm going to put on now, before I walk for ninety minutes. Well done on your weight loss. Wear what the fuck you like. With a dress with an underdress. Wear them with the dress slagged off on another current thread.

DragonMamma · 19/10/2019 16:21

Absolutely dreadful for anything other than hiking.

There’s no way they should be worn with jeans around Tesco. And never ever ever with a skirt or dress.

I’d find some actual trainers instead.

MillicentMartha · 19/10/2019 16:21

Fit flops shoes are so comfy!

MillicentMartha · 19/10/2019 16:23
millimollimandi · 19/10/2019 16:24

If you are doing a lot of walking then wear what is comfortable - if you pair these with long flowing "hippy" skirts they will be fine, so think ultra casual. And to honest who cares what other people think? A wedding? not so much...

Bluntness100 · 19/10/2019 16:26


I'm guessing that's a no then?

Op there is plenty of footwear available that would be suitable for you and dresses and skirts, why don't you ask for some suggestions?


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Orangecake123 · 19/10/2019 16:27

They wouldn't bother me as long as they were comfortable.

Lessthanzero · 19/10/2019 16:32

You could wear them with a dress if you wanted to look like Tubs from the league of gentlemen.

SleepWarrior · 19/10/2019 16:33

Plantar fascitis is hell, you just have to prioritise support and comfort over style. Hopefully you can find a happy medium though. Have you looked at Ecco? It's not exactly high fashion but that have some very comfy boots that might be a little less hiking.

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