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Tell me honestly, are these "mum boots"?

166 replies

pigeononthegate · 19/10/2019 15:41

And what would they be OK to wear with? Obviously jeans etc, but what about skirts/dresses/nice linen trousers? Would I look a twat?

OP posts:
StillWeRise · 21/11/2019 21:14

I used to wear a version of these
supportive trainer type shoes but a bit less outdoorsy looking, so would work better with ordinary clothes

Keptmanskeeper · 20/11/2019 16:22

With walking shoes, you need a look that looks like you're walking.
I wear hiking boots with tights and above-the-knee skirts (I call them my walking skirts) all the time when I have a distance to walk. Plus legwarmers if it's cold.
I wore exactly that combination (with wool tights and leggings as well) to climb to Everest base camp, in fact. Never be told that trousers are the only option. Wear the outfit appropriate to the activity.
Don't give a hoot about what others think Grin.

Lhastingsmua · 18/11/2019 13:44

The linked shoes aren’t particularly nice aesthetically, not are they fashionable, so they won’t “work” with a range of outfits unfortunately.

They’re clearly shoes that are designed to be practical instead so you can’t really have it both ways. If standard trainers (eg Adidas ultra boost) don’t offer you enough support, you’ll have to forego the fashion element. You could at least buy them in an all black or all white colour way though, which will suit a wider range of clothes.

If I’m being honest though, wearing the exact same pair of shoes for a 10+ mile walk everyday is vile. They’ll get worn out, sweaty and stinky in no time.

airedailleurs · 18/11/2019 09:51

Haven't RTWT but another vote for Fitflops (you can get boots as well as shoes). Also, those Merrell boots are extremely expensive! You can get something similar for MUCH less e.g. at Sports Direct, Decathlon, etc.

Toysintheattic29 · 18/11/2019 07:24

I’m 45 so maybe a bit older and would probably wear these boots quite a bit if I had to walk a lot and had foot problems. Good trainers might be an option too. You obviously need the support for your feet. Go with the boots but only with pants or jeans - or try Dr Martens? They are comfy and trendy at the moment but only get DMs as they have special construction.

TheCherries · 18/11/2019 07:17

I have PF and I wear fitflop shoes. I wouldn’t wear anything else now

CallmeBadJanet · 17/11/2019 21:00

What are those?

dazedandconfused73 · 17/11/2019 20:45

Yup, these are pretty nerdy I'm afraid Blush I've recently started investing in Fitflop footwear for similar reasons - there's tonnes of choice, brilliant bargains in their sales and they're amazingly comfortable and versatile. I barely wear anything else these days!

shinynewapple · 26/10/2019 11:59

Teta I was just picking up on the wording of your previous post which suggested only the over 65's wore hiking boots, waterproofs etc. DH and I were very keen walkers in our 30's and always appropriately togged. In fact we need to get out there again if we are to be the fit retirees you are seeing!

Bluesheep8 · 26/10/2019 11:54

They are hiking boots. For hiking.

MoreProseccoNow · 26/10/2019 10:52

OP, I've also had PF (it's a bugger!) and am going to buy Fitflop boots, as recommended by my Podiatrist- they give good support & are very comfy.

The other pair I have got are Sketcher's wedges - again so comfy but have a slight heel & look great with skirts or work trousers.

FrangipaniBlue · 26/10/2019 09:49

@pigeononthegate I have a near identical pair of Merrell boots and they absolutely DO NOT help my plantar fasciitis!!

I had to replace the insoles with gel orthotic ones.

I wear mine for walking the dog/days out that involve a lot of walking but I only wear with walking trousers or skinny jeans tucked in.

I wouldn't wear them with anything else like skirts/dresses/linen trousers.

Also don't spend £120 on them - Go Outdoors stock Merrell a lot cheaper (I got mine for half that) as do Sports Direct.

cardamoncoffee · 26/10/2019 09:42

Going slightly against the grain here...There is a school mum who is a well known barrister who walks to work after the school drop off and she wears exactly these type of boots with very smary dress, so maybe a short skirt, shirt and blazer and bare legs. She pulls it off very well, but maybe because she's very tall with upright posture?

teta · 26/10/2019 09:18

@shinynewapple you don't have to be any age.
I live in a big walking area with hugh influxes of tourists wearing walking boots with everything. Especially in the summer. So it's very common around here. A lot of them happen to be very fit retirees.

shinynewapple · 25/10/2019 22:04

@teta why do you have to be over 65 to dress appropriately for hill walking?

Kaddm · 25/10/2019 21:52

I think the boots you've linked to are quite noticeable because of the colour. Could you get a similar walking boot but totally in black?

LostInTheColonies · 25/10/2019 21:40

I have these Josef Siebel Sienna 63 in bordeaux. Love love love them - they are super-comfy. They are not their chunkiest, most hike-like) boots and IMO would be great with a skirt (disclaimer: I am not known for my stylish dressing Grin ). Not sure I would wear them to walk 10 miles a day, though, as the heels might wear down. Love a good pair of walking boots for actual walking - yours sound ideal for your needs!

Tell me honestly, are these "mum boots"?
Branleuse · 25/10/2019 20:19

I walk a lot so wear DMs which are waterproof, all season and hard wearing and also go with normal clothes

bumblingbovine49 · 25/10/2019 20:10

I have this problem in that I incorporate all my walking into my normal day if I can, rather than just go for a random walk. I want comfortable walking shoes to walk 5 mile + but to be able to wear normal clothes including skirts
You may need more than one pair op, or do what I do which is carry a pair that are more suitable for work or for a skirt etc to change into when I get where I am going.

Branleuse · 25/10/2019 19:53

Theyre just walking boots. You could probably get just as good for a lot cheaper in tkmaxx, sports direct or mountain warehouse, and then get some other boots to wear the rest of the time, as these are not going to look right if youre not hiking or in the middle of winter

Linnylinn1 · 25/10/2019 19:47

At the end of the day op if you want to wear them with a ball gown there’s nothing actually stopping you! Would it look odd...most likely!! But it all depends on whether you are the type of person who gives a shit what others think! 🤣


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RopeBrick · 25/10/2019 19:39

They are awful. Please don't wear these with a dress or skirt. They're hiking boots.

Shhimtryingtosleep · 25/10/2019 19:36

These are the ones I have

Tell me honestly, are these "mum boots"?
Shhimtryingtosleep · 25/10/2019 19:35

I wear walking boots every day, with jeans or my work trousers. They're really comfy and waterproof. But that's only in the winter as I walk a lot so I need something waterproof

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