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Tell me honestly, are these "mum boots"?

166 replies

pigeononthegate · 19/10/2019 15:41

And what would they be OK to wear with? Obviously jeans etc, but what about skirts/dresses/nice linen trousers? Would I look a twat?

OP posts:
NavyBerry · 19/10/2019 17:44

Are you going for a hike?

ControversialFerret · 19/10/2019 17:48

I've got PF in both feet - but worse in the left. It's hellishly painful nd has made walking a real problem because I'm literally limping.

Gel insoles will do fuck-all; you need proper orthotics that you can slip in and out of whatever footwear you're on with that day. If you haven't already can you get a referral to the musculo-skeletal team in your borough? Once you've seen them for the first time, they normally put you on self-referral so you can just go straight to them.

PeterRouseTheFleshofMankind · 19/10/2019 17:51

As others have said, they are hiking boots, and hiking boots are made 100% with practicality in mind, not fashion (apart from a nod to colour on some). So they are not supposed to 'look good'.

I have a very similar pair, and veeeeeery occasionally I have worn them with a skirt/dress when we have been walking to the pub and it's very muddy (live rurally!) and I don't want to change my clothes. But as a rule, no.

Style does not even come into it with these types of footwear.

Bluerussian · 19/10/2019 17:53

Ooh I like those, I would feel 'empowered' wearing them, very fit and active (even though I am not, particularly:-)).

I can picture you striding all over the world, maybe cycling, marvellous! They are ideal for everyday/casual wear when you're not at work or going out dressed up.

Go for them! I want some too.

Mummybares · 19/10/2019 17:53

They arent mum boots. They are hiking boots. They are functional not fashionable and dont go with skirts.if you want to wear a skirt with them go ahead, fashion police aint real.

Craftycorvid · 19/10/2019 17:58

Very well done on the weight loss, OP. Walking is awesome exercise. Yep, those are hiking boots and don’t look massively robust (my experience of the gore-tex ones hasn’t been brilliant). Have you thought of - whisper it - Hotter boots? They do lace-up boots in styles and colours that wouldn’t look to off with a dress.

Ellapaella · 19/10/2019 17:59

Walking shoes surely? Designed specifically for walking over muddy terrain.

TottieandMarchpane · 19/10/2019 18:01

If I wanted really good, supportive walking shoes to wear with jeans, dresses and linen trousers, I’d go looking for some vintage-style cream or white leather trainers that were good enough in terms of arch support and shock absorption.

But if I couldn’t find anything quite right, I’d prioritise foot health over the aesthetics.

If I just had those hiking boots, I’d wear only trousers with them. It’ll be warmer over the winter anyway.

BestestBrownies · 19/10/2019 18:08

Love this @Peachmoon

Anyone know a UK stockist? Can't seem to find one Sad

BestestBrownies · 19/10/2019 18:09

those not this

stupid autocorrect

Greedycushionhoarder2 · 19/10/2019 18:10

What about these? Still a bit clunky but would go with more.

LittleDancers · 19/10/2019 18:13

Fine for jeans, not for dresses/skirts.

MoaningMinniee · 19/10/2019 18:14

I walk dogs for my business... these are lovely, and Merrill is a good brand. Yes they probably won't look amazing paired with clothing other than outdoors wear - but your health trumps other people's narrow minded judgy pants opinions!

bookwormsforever · 19/10/2019 18:15

They are hiking boots. OK with leggings or jeans for hiking. Or wearing in the snow. Not for anything remotely formal. Sorry!

ShippingNews · 19/10/2019 18:18

If you have plantar fasciitis, get some orthotics for use in your shoes. The pictured ones look OK for walking, but if they don't have orthotics in them they won't help your fasciitis.

angstinabaggyjumper · 19/10/2019 18:19

This may be an old fashioned notion but have you actually tried on these shoes?

IDrinkAndISewThings · 19/10/2019 18:22

I swear by Birkenstock's for PF, my sandals saved me during the summer, now I'm saving up for boots!

kateandme · 19/10/2019 18:31

wear with any normal trousers or jeans.ive seen them with jeggings too.
combats or workers trousers too.

CharitySchmarity · 19/10/2019 18:34

I wouldn't wear them with a dress myself, but I don't have foot issues - maybe I would think differently if I did.

Could you wear these? They are currently on my wish list and I think they'd look great with some kinds of skirts and dresses.

kateandme · 19/10/2019 18:34
ChickenyChick · 19/10/2019 18:56

I wear hiking boots with a denim mini Grin

Only when I walk dog though, not to work/town

RozHuntleysStump · 19/10/2019 19:07

I have Merrel hiking shoes; for hiking. I would not wear them any other time. Xx


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Bouledeneige · 19/10/2019 19:17

For walking. That's all.

motherheroic · 19/10/2019 23:44

For what it's worth my mom has PF and swears by barefoot shoes. You may recognise them as the finger shoes for your feet but there are a ton of different styles out there now.

ControversialFerret · 20/10/2019 08:10

Birkies and barefoot shoes can help, but their effectiveness depends on where in the foot you have the PF.

They work well for my right, but on my left I've got PF right up in the heel and the most supportive shoe in the world doesn't help. The only thing that does is a properly shaped orthotic, which has been 'wedged' and built up for me in order to realign how I move my foot when I'm standing and walking.

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