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Leopard print coat mid 40's - a bit Bet Lynch?

206 replies

MartinRohdesBellybuttonFluff · 31/10/2017 10:34

I've been toying with the idea of buying a leopard print coat.

I don't live in a big place so have wild ideas on what to wear but end up being more conservative for fear of what others think! Really stupid, I know, but I'm a bit shy.

Anyway, what do you think of leopard coats or jackets? Will it look a bit Bet Lynch or Liz McDonald? If I wear my usual boots and skinny jeans would it look ok?

Thank you Halloween Smile

OP posts:
RebeccaWithTheGoodHair · 12/11/2017 12:58

Oh ilovecherries not you too?!

Ok, no snap decisions then!!

StatueInTheSky · 12/11/2017 13:05

rebecca, my instinct is that it IS too long to be a fling on and go coat

it is gorgeous and it does suit you, but I know I do not wear my plain faux fur as it is just on the knee and it is more dressy at that length imo, and yours is even longer.

I am looking at arse covering length to mid thigh for mine! ...a carcoat style if you will

EnidButton · 12/11/2017 13:57

I loved Bungle.

ilovecherries · 12/11/2017 13:57

Car coat! I said that to my daughter the other day and she nearly died laughing at me.

SmiledWithTheRisingSun · 12/11/2017 14:06

Leopard print is a neutral colour.

Floisme · 12/11/2017 15:37

I agree, the Biba coat isn't the most practical choice. Fake fur never is in a wet climate. (I'm assuming you're in the UK.) I just think you could spend years and years looking for something that looks as good as that coat looks on you, and never find it. But that's just my opinion!

luckylips · 12/11/2017 20:17

Wore my leopard coat again today! With a beige jumper dress, skinny blue jeans tucked into brown riding boots!

MartinRohdesBellybuttonFluff · 14/11/2017 07:06

Right, I'm cutting the tags off today! I'm going to follow your advice cherries and sashay down the supermarket aisles while doing the grocery shopping Grin

OP posts:
ilovecherries · 14/11/2017 08:27

Yay, go for it. And remember - people looking at you wearing it isn't a bad thing. Go and be gorgeous in the vegetable aisle. We're cheering you on! I am going into New Look to do some Christmas shopping wearing mine today.

luckylips · 16/11/2017 09:34

I may have swayed into Bet Lynch territory last night Grin. Wore the leopard with a black dress and fishnets for a work awards do Wink

Branleuse · 16/11/2017 09:38

Im early 40s and I got a new leopard print fluffy coat last week. I

EnidButton · 16/11/2017 19:56

I am this close to buying one. My card is right here ready. But a male friend just asked if they weren’t a bit ‘common’ (as in class rather than popularity Hmm). My DF loathes leopard print for sone reason. It’s made me think, a lot of men seem to dislike leopard print. Wtf is that? It’s making me want to buy one more as some kind of silent feminist statement.

Filiboom · 16/11/2017 22:00

I have no idea - my DH is the same.

However, I’ve wanted one for a few year years and inspired by this thread I have just bought this.

Looking forward to it arriving on Monday!

Filiboom · 16/11/2017 22:03

And yes - agree in part with the silent feminist protest. (Except that’s not really fair on him and I’m not particularly silent.)

Mostly I was inspired by the earlier poster who said she was less afraid of wearing a leopard print coat than being the kind of person who was afraid of her coat. Thank you for putting it so well!

Chimchar · 17/11/2017 06:24

I love leopard print. Have leopard trainers, Cardis, scarves etc.. I am DYING for a coat too!
I’ve not seen the one yet though....but you have fuelled my need!

ilovecherries · 17/11/2017 18:30

I have a style emergency. In M&s, saw this. Fits SO well. How does it look against sosander one.

StatueInTheSky · 17/11/2017 20:14

if that was shorter I'd buy that... even with the buttons! :D

Dozer · 17/11/2017 20:26

I loved leopard print in the 90s but unfortunately dislike all these pics, think they look old fashioned even on the slim attractive models and posters.

twinkledag · 17/11/2017 22:00

Shame you feel like that @Dozer! I loved leopard print in the 90s and still do now Grin

thenewstateswoman · 17/11/2017 23:34

I’m jumping on the bandwagon- I’m 41 and need a leopard skin coat in my life. My budget is titchy so I’m on a eBay hunt for something suitable... and dammit now I want red boots to go with it!!!

ilovecherries · 17/11/2017 23:52

I was too busy being appropriate and corporate in the 90s to allow myself to consider leopard print. Now I am embracing it.

fustercluckery · 18/11/2017 08:32

I’m 53 and just bought a vintage leopard print jacket from ebay. I love it!


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RebeccaWithTheGoodHair · 20/11/2017 09:33

For about the first time I went against S&B advice and sent the Biba one back - and got this one instead.

Although you possibly can't tell from the photo it is lighter in colour, smoother and more fitted. I am in love Grin and want to wear it everywhere. I have a big event coming up in a couple of weeks though so I'm going to save it for that to keep pristine but from then on it'll be my everyday coat.

It's not the Sosander one - apparently they won't be back in stock until January. This one is from Anthropologie:

Leopard print coat mid 40's - a bit Bet Lynch?
RebeccaWithTheGoodHair · 20/11/2017 09:39

ilovecherries - what did you decide??!!

Floisme · 20/11/2017 09:39

Shock But then my husband ignores my advice all the time. The important thing is this:
I am in love and want to wear it everywhere.
Enjoy wearing it!

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