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Chopping all my hair off...

304 replies

FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 06/08/2014 08:43

I'm feeling in need of a change, so this week I've decided to go from my past-shoulder-length hair, to next to nothing (something like the picture, but darker hair).

I have a long neck so I'm hoping to be able to pull it off, but have no idea about styling or even what cut I'm asking for.

My hair is curly/wavy and I don't want it shaved or shaped too severely.

Does anyone have any tips and more importantly, what cut am I asking for?!

Chopping all my hair off...
OP posts:
FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 21/08/2014 15:04

Thanks Trevor Grin

That is an enormous bonus.

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PoppysStyle · 21/08/2014 15:24

This is my inspiration photo that I use all the time - I love being really short. I've gone from long to short all my life but last time I tried to grow it it just felt like a mop. I feel so much more groomed and sassy with short hair.

Chopping all my hair off...
trevortrevorslattery · 21/08/2014 16:50

Poppys that is lush and I shall steal it for my next hair appointment!

FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 21/08/2014 17:47

Poppy, that is gorgeous! I'm not that sleek :o

OP posts:
MyGastIsFlabbered · 21/08/2014 20:25

I'm 99% certain I'm going to do it, but there's still a stupid part of me thinks that short hair isn't very feminine or girly. I want to be girly.

FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 21/08/2014 20:28

I feel very feminine. Especially since it's now worth me wearing earrings. I honestly don't feel any less feminine.

In fact a female teenage friend of ds's earlier told him his mum is very pretty, just after I dropped him off :)

OP posts:
MyGastIsFlabbered · 21/08/2014 21:11

I know, I'm being ridiculous!

Flossiex2 · 21/08/2014 21:18

How pretty and young do you have to be to get away with short hair?
(PS I am neither)

FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 22/08/2014 06:42

I don't think you have to be pretty or young. I think the only thing that might make you think twice is if you have ears that stick out a bit. I know someone in her late fifties with a pixie cut and it takes years off her. She always looks great. So age certainly isn't a factor.

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trevortrevorslattery · 22/08/2014 09:07

I am not pretty or young! And actually feel much less ungainly and awkward now I have short hair as spending time faffing on with long hair kind of felt like trying to polish a turd Grin

Na I'm not that bad.. but I do feel cool as fuck with my short hair, so that makes me feel great about myself - so outwardly more relaxed and overall more attractive, I reckon x

Gast -- do it!!! Grin

Cocolepew · 22/08/2014 13:31

My mum is 72 and still has a pixie Im obviously gorgeous and 45 and we both look good .
I'm not a feminine dresser, I'm a jeans, and Converse type, but always wear make up and earrings.

MyGastIsFlabbered · 22/08/2014 15:52

I'm Excited & scared at the same time! I just have too many ideas of what I might want! Do you lot want before & after pictures? Am getting it coloured too.

ballsballsballs · 22/08/2014 17:40

Yes please :)

FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 22/08/2014 19:28

Yes! :o

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Dangermouse1 · 22/08/2014 19:39

Do it! But be clear when you ask that you want hair requiring minimal styling (took a pic to my lovely hairdresser once and she gently suggested - having known me a while - that it may be a touch high maintenance). Have a pixie crop now and don't even brush it, just a bit if wax if I can be bothered.

MyGastIsFlabbered · 23/08/2014 07:18

Today's the day! Very excited but I wish I knew what I was going to end up with!

FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 23/08/2014 08:59

Gast, good luck! You'll look amazing. If it's any consolation, I was sat in the hot seat, heart racing, with a stupid grin on my face throughout.

I think another surprising thing was how much difference taking it up in places made. Once it was short, there was still lots of "actually it would look better with this bit shorter and this bit choppier" and it did. So if you're not happy with the end result there is still plenty to change :)

Don't chicken out! :)

OP posts:
MyGastIsFlabbered · 23/08/2014 09:26

I'm going to miss pulling my split ends apart Grin

FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 23/08/2014 09:34

:o we will never have split ends again!

OP posts:
TeaAndALemonTart · 23/08/2014 09:42

Good luck Gast, hope you like it.

MyGastIsFlabbered · 23/08/2014 10:44

Now my toddler has started playing with my hair & it's the funniest thing can I chop it off?

FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 23/08/2014 10:45

Ask them to sweep it up and bring it home as a toy?

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FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 23/08/2014 10:45

Dd plays with my hair more now it's short

OP posts:
MyGastIsFlabbered · 23/08/2014 16:03


Chopping all my hair off...
MyGastIsFlabbered · 23/08/2014 16:04

Drum roll please.....


Chopping all my hair off...
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