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I wonder if having a Transgender topic might be useful?

227 replies

LaurieFairyCake · 13/06/2015 14:05

It seems like a growth area and quite often discussed.

It would be helpful for the threads to hang about for longer than 30 days so people could be pointed in the direction of them

OP posts:
CoteDAzur · 16/06/2015 20:14

"Which would have been a very bad thing to have said if I was a woman"

If my aunt had balls, she would be my uncle.

Turkish proverb. Very apt, I thought.

EhricLovesTheBhrothers · 16/06/2015 20:15

I can't believe you just described yourself as a much loved mumsnetter

I mean, not that you're not, but blimey!

CoteDAzur · 16/06/2015 20:18

"accidental deletion caused by somebody getting the wrong end of the stick."

Is that what you call it? Some might say it is proof positive that MNHQ are just deleting anything that gets reported without properly looking at them.

Except your posts, of course. As our token man, you must be enjoying the status of a protected species on here. I can't think of another reason why your nasty post about how we are "Cis people sharing their cissly views" is still standing for posterity.

CoteDAzur · 16/06/2015 20:21

Ehric Grin I had missed that.

Tiggy - It was a mystery to me why a middle-aged man who has no children is spending so much time on MN, telling women what to think and how to think it. Now I think I have the answer.

RufusTheReindeer · 16/06/2015 20:42

I reportedtiggys posts

And I got an email from mumsnet saying they would take a look and reply on the thread

Have they? Have they fuck

EhricLovesTheBhrothers · 16/06/2015 21:03

MumsnetHQ have often deleted posts just because someone has complained without looking properly. I have had 2 posts reinstated after loudly complaining (one mine, one someone else's) and got an apology for trigger happy deleting. I appreciate that it's a huge site but a basic reading of the thread should be required

TheXxed · 16/06/2015 21:38

Tiggyd I really don't appreciate you comparing women discussing issues which effect them to the BNP for reasons I stated upthread.

PuffinsAreFictitious · 16/06/2015 22:59

Yes, Heckler, you're correct.

MNHQ have silenced someone on your behalf Pity. Lucky you!

HayFeverHell · 16/06/2015 23:14

I am confused, what did Queen say? I didn't notice anything personal.

Floundering · 17/06/2015 06:07

Queen made several very personal attacks on me & my views but not sure if it was those that got her banned or maybe she just left ?

FloraFox · 17/06/2015 06:34

She didn't leave. You silenced her. Worse would have been said to you if you had your child circumcised or ears pierced.

Floundering · 17/06/2015 06:42

I did nothing of the sort Flora You seem to be confusing me with MNHQ!

I wasn't even here for much of the latter part of the discussion yesterday, so please don't drag me into it .

FloraFox · 17/06/2015 06:53

MNHQ don't act unless there are complaints. For some reason, every intervention a parent may make in their child's life is scrutinized and criticized on here except the drastic intervention of blocking puberty because of the sacred magic of gender identity. ego described hormone treatment as dangerous but it's apparently not allowed for women to say this. Why is it allowed to call people child abusers for circumcision but not for chemical sterilisation?

Floundering · 17/06/2015 06:59

I'm not going to engage with you again Flora you are entitled to your views but it doesn't mean they're right. (any more than mine apparently seem to you)

Have a good Wednesday!

CoteDAzur · 17/06/2015 07:51

"every intervention a parent may make in their child's life is scrutinized and criticized on here except the drastic intervention of blocking puberty because of the sacred magic of gender identity."

Absolutely. This reminds me of the time when (under an earlier alias) Ego was going on about how dangerous UV tanning lamps are and how utterly incomprehensible it is that some people take that risk just to change their appearance, and I pointed out the risks she is taking just to change her appearance with hormone therapy. Deletions and much chastising followed because, apparently, it is OK to heavily criticize women for their risky choices about their bodies but not OK to raise doubt about the wisdom of transwomen's risky choices about their bodies. Good times Smile

deadwitchproject · 17/06/2015 07:57

those of us who want to discuss other trans matters can do so without the sort of vitriol I am getting here, just for expressing another POV

Is this a joke? You, along with your supporters, have spewed enough vitriol on these threads. Why is it OK for you to do this just for expressing another POV but not others?

You have your topic areas, MNHQ have recognised this. There is no need for this continued harrassment. It is an absolute disgrace if Queen Stromba has been silenced.

QueenStromba · 17/06/2015 20:26

And I'm back. Thanks to everyone who fought my corner for me while I couldn't.

HermioneWeasley · 17/06/2015 20:27

Welcome back queen. Glad to see that rumours of your demise were greatly exaggerated!

QueenStromba · 17/06/2015 20:30

Thanks Hermione. I thought I was a goner but MNHQ were very reasonable in the end and didn't make abandon my principles.

HermioneWeasley · 17/06/2015 20:30

Really pleased to hear that

InAndOfMyself · 17/06/2015 20:58

A little faith restored now that Queen is back.

RufusTheReindeer · 17/06/2015 21:55

Welcome back queen


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CoteDAzur · 17/06/2015 22:08

Welcome back, Queen Smile

HayFeverHell · 17/06/2015 22:24

So glad you are back.

deadwitchproject · 17/06/2015 22:37

Welcome back.

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