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I wonder if having a Transgender topic might be useful?

227 replies

LaurieFairyCake · 13/06/2015 14:05

It seems like a growth area and quite often discussed.

It would be helpful for the threads to hang about for longer than 30 days so people could be pointed in the direction of them

OP posts:
CoteDAzur · 16/06/2015 08:17

albert - Your thoughts on bureaucracy aside, World Health Organisation lists gender identity disorders in the 2015 edition of its classification of diseases and disorders.

Since none of us here are neurologists and psychiatrists, it is not unreasonable for us to believe them when they say for example that 'gender identity disorder of childhood' is a disorder, especially since it resolves itself in about 80% of cases.

Floundering · 16/06/2015 08:23

Actually this is the first time in ages I 've been on a trans thread where I don't feel a lone voice in the wilderness of feminists so thank you to all the posters who are speaking up!

CoteDAzur · 16/06/2015 08:25

"it would be nice to have a thread that talked about the way having a trans family member is affecting that families life, the on going practical issues and progress"

You have been told over and over again (at least twice just on this thread) that there is an entire topic on MN called LGBT Parents. What is it that you can't talk about there?

We don't go on that topic and harass you parents of LGBT children. Why exactly do you feel that the rest of MN must behave like we are your support group, refraining from voicing our concerns about the greater issues surrounding transactivism and its effects on women's rights lest we hurt your feelings?

Where exactly do you expect us to talk about these concerns, if not on Chat and FWR?

NotJustaPotforSoup · 16/06/2015 08:26

Floundering, the threads about families with kids going through gender identity crises are not the place for these discussions and posters respect that. I read those threads too, but would never dream of derailing them. There's a place for both on here.

CoteDAzur · 16/06/2015 08:29

And there is another topic called LGTB Children, of course, as you are no doubt aware and in any case were told several times just on this thread.

Floundering · 16/06/2015 08:35

Cote Really, why the animosity when you are challenged?

Ok thanks so shuffle us all off into a topic that can be conveniently hidden, while the feminists take over the Chat boards and promote their one sided view?

Yes I say things over and over again, just as you do, because while you are theorising and debating about this , I would like to remind you and other feminists that there are REAL PEOPLE out there affected by these topics, and why shouldn't it stay on the main stream boards to offer another POV?

TheXxed · 16/06/2015 08:38

Floundering people are scrutinising trans theory because it has serious implications to women's safety I understand that society conditions women to be passive and accepting of anything men say so it must be disconcerting for you seeing women not blithely accept trans theory.

Also you are asking people to ignore biological realities and lived experience of male violence.

FantasticButtocks · 16/06/2015 08:38

Ok, well replace 'ludicrous' with 'outrageous', then, laughable. And this is an American law is it? That a man can call himself Coleen and just because he does that, then he is able to share changing rooms with a girls swim team, and the law says he can? Hmm

Is there anyone on here who genuinely thinks that's fine? Seriously?

Floundering · 16/06/2015 08:38

See LaurieFairyCake always goes off at a tangent from the original OP.

CoteDAzur · 16/06/2015 08:39

No animosity at all, Floundering. You said it would be nice to have a place where parents with trans children can talk about how this affects their family's life etc and I told you (as you well know) that there already is such a place on MN. And entire topic.

Is that not enough? You seem to want all of MN to be your cuddly safe area where nobody can voice their concerns about how trans agenda is redefining womanhood and current legislation is enabling grown men with penises to enter women's changing rooms.

Well, you can't have it.

Floundering · 16/06/2015 08:44

The Xxed, no problem with that, or debating it but why does the debate ALWAYS get brought up on ANY trans topic that pops up on Chat or other mainstream boards?

There are many many trans women who are horrified about the way the trans activists are acting and would no more want to upset anyone than any of us would, I just wish it would not seem like this vocal and nasty minority are taking over the world.

There are many other points to discuss regarding trans people that do not involve this debate and it would be nice to have those discussions with trans & non trans posters alike, not just in specialist sections.

FloraFox · 16/06/2015 08:46

Accusing people of hating is very passive aggressive. Hatred is an emotion that is experienced internally. It's funny how transactivists seem to know how other people are feeling in some respects but the experience of being biologically female is a feeling that one must not assume of another.

QueenStromba · 16/06/2015 08:48

Actually, the city that Francis lives in changed the law so that businesses can throw people out if they're waving their penises about in the women's changing rooms. We can get our rights back if we are allowed to talk about the issues, that's why transactivists try to stop us talking about them.

FloraFox · 16/06/2015 08:49

I just wish it would not seem like this vocal and nasty minority are taking over the world.

Me too. What are you doing about it other than telling women to STFU?

Floundering · 16/06/2015 08:50

Cote I am not asking you not to bring your debate into the main arena but please don't let it take over EVERY trans thread about "women with penises going into changing rooms" It happens more than you would think and no one gets hurt.

(and yes you are showing animosity, every post you type to me drips with it!)

Just because I want to talk about other points of view on trans issues, doesn't mean you can't have yours, just not everywhere, all the time.

you can't have it how childish is that?!

QueenStromba · 16/06/2015 08:50

People who just want to talk about trans issues without the feminist discussion have two boards to do that on. Whereas those who want to talk about the feminist aspects can't even do that in peace on the feminism board.

Floundering · 16/06/2015 08:54

FloraFox Where am I telling women to STFU?

All I am saying is that the valid debate that is being raised is taking over the trans topics and it is NOT the only aspect that we should be talking about, and yet again the OP's perfectly reasonable question has been hijacked by your personal debate.

I would like a bit more balance that is all not just the same old argument that is offensive to many.

QueenStromba · 16/06/2015 08:55

What exactly is offensive about the feminist argument?

Floundering · 16/06/2015 08:56

Oh & Flora you have no idea about how much goes on quietly behind the scenes to counter the trans activists bile, so please don't have a go becasue you think I'm doing nothing.

morage · 16/06/2015 08:58

I would be against this as there are already too many topics that are barely used. There may seem to be a lot of transgender threads, but not enough to support a separate topic.

Floundering · 16/06/2015 08:58

Queen the feminist argument itself is a valid one, but the anti trans language (of some not all!) and the way ANY trans topic is brought back round to it at the moment is offensive because it doesn't encourage general debate about the whole issue.

Floundering · 16/06/2015 08:59

Morage, I think possibly so.


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morage · 16/06/2015 09:00

Just read the thread. So this is actually about wanting to shut women up who talk about things you don't agree with?

CoteDAzur · 16/06/2015 09:00

Floundering - Most if not all of your perception of my state of mind is a figment of your imagination. This is not animosity. And it is nothing childish. I am calmly telling you that Chat is not your support group and that we have the right to raise our concerns on threads where trans issues are being discussed.

""women with penises going into changing rooms" It happens more than you would think and no one gets hurt."

I think I would notice if an adult human male with a penis took off his clothes next to me in the communal changing rooms of my swimming pool, ice skating rink, or yoga studio. As you have been told many times before on various threads, this is not about cubicles in a shop.

"you can't have it how childish is that?!"

Yes, well, you clearly needed to be told that you can't have all of MN as your safe area, with all of us pandering to your delicate feelings on the subject.

There are pertinent issues that women need to discuss surrounding the trans agenda, which are already affecting women's lives and rights. We need to talk about them and we will. The more we raise awareness about what is going on, the more MNers come on these threads saying "This is terrible. I had no idea!".

Maybe that is why you don't want to see these issues talked about. Again, sorry, you can't stop it.

QueenStromba · 16/06/2015 09:01

What anti-trans language?

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