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373 replies

schoolsgettingonmynerves · 18/06/2014 14:02

Some of the responses to posts are hilarious and I just want to show that person that I agree!

Come on mumsnet team it's a no brainer! Smile

Add the word 'agree' if you'd like to see that! (See if there was a like button it would be soooo much easier...)

OP posts:
Bearandcub · 18/06/2014 18:27

Urgh no - I don't like LIKE everywhere.

BoreOfWhabylon · 18/06/2014 18:29

No. No no no. Nononononono.



I could be persuaded that YABU & YANBU buttons might have merit (but only in AIBU)

schoolsgettingonmynerves · 18/06/2014 18:30

I just don't understand how you think it would take away conversation??? To me its just a quick way of agreeing with someone. I think it's more frustrating when you want to contribute but you don't have the time to type a full blown comment. And maybe some peoples spelling and grammer isn't great (err mine for a start) it's easier to agree with someone who knows how to word an answer in the exact way you would have liked. I have seen many times on here people nit picking over spelling or not explaining themselves right or coming across aggressive blah blah blah. I know a lot of women who are too scared to post on here!! A simple like button is a nice way to involve everyone. People can then write an essay, lurk or like and run!

This is a light hearted thread so please don't take my 'don't hate newbies' comment too seriously...

OP posts:
KoalaFace · 18/06/2014 18:34

No thank you.

Sparklingbrook · 18/06/2014 18:37

If someone had written a really long post with loads of different points and someone lazily clicked the 'Like' button. How would you know which bit they liked? Confused

OwlCapone · 18/06/2014 18:37

I just don't understand how you think it would take away conversation?

Well, you clearly don't understand what a conversation is.

PoonAnnie · 18/06/2014 18:38

Absolutely not. Being a grumpy old sourpuss, I already detest the share buttons for Facefuck, Twitless and Google. Keep MN simple please.

Back in my day we did not have share buttons or flags or free PMs. If you wanted to send a message to someone, you sent a CAT ("CAT me you cunt") and you paid for the priviledge. I don't like change - it causes an irritating eye twitch.

BrianTheMole · 18/06/2014 18:38

Maybe there should be a dislike button too. It will all descend into chaos then.

Sparklingbrook · 18/06/2014 18:41

Split MN in half. Have a 'MN Lite' with as many buttons and tickers as you want.
I will stay in the other half. Grin

KoalaFace · 18/06/2014 18:45

Grin at Mumsnet Lite.

Yes yes. It can consist of AIBU, like & dislike buttons and avatars.

schoolsgettingonmynerves · 18/06/2014 18:47

And it's people like owlcapone that makes me want to scream FUCKKkKkKKK oFFFfFf. Maybe that's just me though. If someone wants to say something they will regardless of a like button surely???

If there was lots of different points in a post then you really would have to be thick to generally 'like' it.

poonannies post tickled me.

OP posts:
FruVikingessOla · 18/06/2014 18:48

Oh, silly me, I didn't realise it was a lighthearted thread.

greedygal · 18/06/2014 18:48


Sparklingbrook · 18/06/2014 18:49

That's as may be schools but people will still do it having read one point they liked.

No need to be screaming anything at people.

PoonAnnie · 18/06/2014 18:49

Going off of what Sparkling said, I like the idea of two MNs.

  1. MN Bling - share buttons, avatars, sparkly shit....
  2. MN Retro - clean, simple layout without this ^^
OwlCapone · 18/06/2014 18:51

And it's people like owlcapone that makes me want to scream FUCKKkKkKKK oFFFfFf.

Care to elaborate?

Softlysoftlycatchymonkey · 18/06/2014 18:53


I would like one as when I see a post at the beginning of the thread and there is hundreds of posts after it, it would show the poster that I agreed when otherwise it could have been missed is the sea of other posts.

It would stop me posting if I'd already like a thread.

Change is good folks - don't fear change.

scotchtikidoll · 18/06/2014 18:54

Grin Sparkling

They could also have the ads that fund the proper version, and also any correspondence with Annabel Karmel.

Sparklingbrook · 18/06/2014 18:55

Nothing to do with fear of change at all. More a fear of what it will turn MN into.

Softlysoftlycatchymonkey · 18/06/2014 18:55

It would also get the lurkers joint in more Grin

PoonAnnie · 18/06/2014 18:55


fuck (fʌk)
 vb

  1. to have sexual intercourse with (someone)

 n
  1. an act of sexual intercourse
  2. a partner in sexual intercourse, esp one of specified competence or experience
  3. not care a fuck , not give a fuck not to care at all

 interj
  1. offensive an expression of strong disgust or anger (often in exclamatory phrases such as fuck you! fuck it! etc)

usage The use and overuse of fuck in the everyday speech of many people has led, to some extent, to a lessening of its impact as an expletive. However, the word still retains its shock value, although it is less now than it was when the critic Kenneth Tynan caused controversy by saying it on British television in 1965

Either the OP is interested in pursuing a sexual relationship with you or she is a fan of Kenneth Tynan. Who knows?
Sparklingbrook · 18/06/2014 18:56

YY scotch MN Lite could have webchats with Peter Andre and people from TOWIE too. Grin


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Bowlersarm · 18/06/2014 19:01


I would like a trial anyway.

I'm not on Facebook, or net mums, or anywhere with a like button. I'd like to see how it works.

ScarlettlovesRhett · 18/06/2014 19:04


I like mn because people make comment when they have something (or nothing!) to say - 'like' buttons are just sycophantic crap.

However, I do quite like the idea mentioned upthread re 'YABU' / 'YANBU' on aibu only. It could be a tally at the top op the thread only.

MasterFlea · 18/06/2014 19:05

No. I don't give a crap if 100 people like a post. If they have something to add they can write about it.

These "like" scores are everywhere. I barely pay attention to them. I consider them pointlesss.

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