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373 replies

schoolsgettingonmynerves · 18/06/2014 14:02

Some of the responses to posts are hilarious and I just want to show that person that I agree!

Come on mumsnet team it's a no brainer! Smile

Add the word 'agree' if you'd like to see that! (See if there was a like button it would be soooo much easier...)

OP posts:
Fav · 18/06/2014 17:50

I'm not hating on netmums, but one of the reasons I like it here is because, well, it's not like netmums. Personal preference.

Add a like button and it's a slippery slope to avatars and sparkly tickers.
Please not on mn.

Coconutty · 18/06/2014 17:50

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Heathcliff27 · 18/06/2014 17:53

Theres a simple solution, if theres a like button and you don't want to use it then..well..don't.

Sometimes I do see a post that made me chuckle but with the speed of some threads, adding a post stating my delight goes unseen or makes no sense as the post was miles back up the list. Would I use a like button? Who knows?

Sparklingbrook · 18/06/2014 17:53

It's nothing to do with being afraid of change. Confused

And who is hating newbies?

Heathcliff27 · 18/06/2014 17:54

And i'm not a newbie either btw

Sparklingbrook · 18/06/2014 17:56

Not every online forum has to have a like button. Don't be afraid of being a bit different perhaps?

HaroldLloyd · 18/06/2014 17:57

Eh newbie hater?

catinbootz · 18/06/2014 17:59

Noooooooo. For the love of god.

LatinForTelly · 18/06/2014 18:01

No thanks

Fram · 18/06/2014 18:01

NO, No, NO!

A like button would be the last nail in the coffin of the dumbing down of MN.

Just how difficult is it to type "Great post, Fram"?

Or, y'know, actually engage in a conversation?

Hitting a 'like' button whilst staring, slack-jawed at a phone isn't contributing to an online community.

mellicauli · 18/06/2014 18:02

Like = sycophancy
No thanks

Fram · 18/06/2014 18:03

A 'like' button is the adult equivalent of 'barking at print' Wink

ophiotaurus · 18/06/2014 18:08

A like button would be the last nail in the coffin of the dumbing down of MN

^^ this

Fram · 18/06/2014 18:15

Thank you, o bovine-serpenty one.

OwlCapone · 18/06/2014 18:17

Only the almost illiterate need a Like button.

FruVikingessOla · 18/06/2014 18:18

"Don't be a newbie hater"

I suspect that was aimed at my comment. I'm in no way a newbie hater - and I didn't say I was. But it does tend to be 'newer' MNers who ask for 'like' buttons.

When I joined MN a few years ago (5?) it was, sort of, a sanity-saver for me. I was struggling with many things, which I didn't discuss on here (and still haven't), but I discovered somewhere I could have a conversation, or join in a chat - completely unrelated to my problems. I think just clicking 'like' or 'dislike' would have made me feel worse.

PortofinoRevisited · 18/06/2014 18:19

No. 100 times No.

Minnieisthedevilmouse · 18/06/2014 18:20

I would like this. I don't always want to comment but do want to agree with a post. I lurk on lots where a like would make me feel part of the conversation without having to say something.

In aibu might make it friendlier. Can you just do it in certain boards? That would be good.

Sneezecakesmum · 18/06/2014 18:22

Too many likes might make the site crash Grin

Sparklingbrook · 18/06/2014 18:23

I can't see it making AIBU friendlier. Especially if someone was snarky and horrible and got loads of likes. Confused

Minnieisthedevilmouse · 18/06/2014 18:24

I don't very often put "agree with x". I'm put off by the ones sucking up to certain posters on boards " oh I luffs x. Always so witty!"

Get a room. I'd rather a button. Also a person might alter their "snippyness" to get likes. At which point some posters might change style altogether to a nicer one.

post · 18/06/2014 18:25

No thanks, there's enough polarisation and 'taking sides' on the site already. I come here for discussion and thought and wit, and the aibuisation has gone far enough for me. It's boring.


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TortoiseUpATreeAgain · 18/06/2014 18:25


I mean, occasionally I do fleetingly wish there were a "Like" button on certain posts, but part of what creates the MN culture is that it isn't scattered with shortcuts to written communication -- there aren't lots of emoticons (I think too many are creeping in) and there aren't "Like" buttons. On MN if you think something you're expected to put in the (admittedly pretty minimal) effort to craft a few words encapsulating your thought process, and I think that in part that's why MN discussions, on a good day, are more cogent and articulate than much of the web. I resist anything that's likely to change that.

OwlCapone · 18/06/2014 18:26

Also a person might alter their "snippyness" to get likes. At which point some posters might change style altogether to a nicer one.

Do you really think MNers are that shallow?

TheHappyMonkey · 18/06/2014 18:26

I vote no

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