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Who else is fed up with swearing on MN?

498 replies

ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 16:36

I have been trying to have this discussion on another thread, but don't want to hijack it further.

I am thoroughly sick of excessive swearing on MN. I am sick of encountering posters with sweary names (not least because I have to hide MN as soon as the children come into the room).

MNHQ, could you please look at this again? Every time I mention this on threads, I am told that I have a cat's bum face (which is immensely irritating) and to eff off to Nethuns - yet I loathe the huggy/kissy/hunny stuff, and detest moderation. We are all adults and don't need to be censored. However, part of being an adult surely means having some consideration for other people too?

Here is Justine in May 2005:

"Hi all,
We've had a few complaints about obscene language on the boards. Our policy on this is that we would appreciate it if people would keep foul and abusive language to a minimum and that if you feel it necessary to swear to make your point then use asterisks please [...] we don't want to be over-prudish about this - we're not talking minor offenses here - and sometimes (parking attendant, gp receptionist annecdotes etc etc) we agree that nothing else but a swear word will do but it's a fair point that lots of members look at mumsnet with kids who may be early readers at their side and as the saying goes... less is more sometimes, so if you could use your discretion it would be much appreciated.

Ta very much."

That seems eminently sensible - but MN seems to have somehow slithered into a site for sweary people only.

Am I the only person who is utterly fed up with it?

OP posts:
Hullygully · 11/10/2011 14:30

People have bees.

Bees about all sorts of things.

Bees make people lose perspective and buzz about a lot.

SuePurblybilt · 11/10/2011 14:33

Are we talking bonnetses and belfries, Hully?

SuePurblybilt · 11/10/2011 14:33

Fecking spells. That should surely be belfreys.

FanjoForTheMuahahammaries · 11/10/2011 14:34

must also point out, with my name, I am hardly going to poke fun at people for having genitalia related names WinkGrin

FanjoForTheMuahahammaries · 11/10/2011 14:36

"hey your name sounds like willy"

"wells yours IS actually fanjo"

Hullygully · 11/10/2011 14:39


Little poke bonnets full of angry stripey creatures buzzing in their ears and making them all intemperate.

PosieIsSaggySacForLemaAndPigS · 11/10/2011 14:40

I hope noone is rude enough to abbreviate my new name.

FanjoForTheMuahahammaries · 11/10/2011 14:42


Hullygully · 11/10/2011 14:43
LadyEvilEyes · 11/10/2011 14:43


PosieIsSaggySacForLemaAndPigS · 11/10/2011 14:45

I think I will have to go to Nethuns.....Noone cares about the Lemurs.... (damn 30 character name limit)

Babycarrying, pant wearing, bra loving, tit jiggling mother of four
24 days since my last shit
3 weeks since my last orgasm

FanjoForTheMuahahammaries · 11/10/2011 14:50

oh I also have boobies in my name. Yay for me!

FanjoForTheMuahahammaries · 11/10/2011 14:51

( o )( o )

shakti · 11/10/2011 15:38

Posie, 24 days!!!! Good god woman. What the fucks going on?

PinotScreechio · 11/10/2011 16:09

nice tits, fanjo (and I snickered too)

PosieIsSaggySacForLemaAndPigS · 11/10/2011 16:11

[damn ticker's broken]Grin

TethHearseEnd · 11/10/2011 16:15

I think that's the first time I've ever insulted a dead grandparent through etymology Confused

8 pages ago

GuillotinedMaryLacey · 11/10/2011 16:20

Has this thing kicked off yet?

uphillbothways · 11/10/2011 16:47

If you use Chrome you could use this. I'm sure there are similar versions for firefox. That helps with the kids-looking-over-shoulder point at least?

I think it would be very difficult to get the culture shift necessary without censorship - not sure how effective a message from Justine would really be, it would slip people's minds quite quickly I expect.

AnyPhantomFucker · 11/10/2011 17:05

well, I went to the shops and I came back

SD (I know this is ages ago now but whatever...) if you are at all familiar with my posts you will see I very regularly shorten people's names to their initials and bold them. Quite a lot of other people employ this method of addressing people.

I am commonly referred to as AF . Do I get offended when peeps tramp around talking about their periods ? No, I do not... I don't much like periods and plenty of people like blow jobs

so ner

SayGhoulNowSayWitch · 11/10/2011 18:42

AF for some reason I read that as tramps talking about their periods, and got really confused as to why (male) tramps would be having periods... Confused

AnyPhantomFucker · 11/10/2011 19:19

tramp around the threads.. Grin (muppet)


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SayGhoulNowSayWitch · 11/10/2011 20:04


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