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Who else is fed up with swearing on MN?

498 replies

ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 16:36

I have been trying to have this discussion on another thread, but don't want to hijack it further.

I am thoroughly sick of excessive swearing on MN. I am sick of encountering posters with sweary names (not least because I have to hide MN as soon as the children come into the room).

MNHQ, could you please look at this again? Every time I mention this on threads, I am told that I have a cat's bum face (which is immensely irritating) and to eff off to Nethuns - yet I loathe the huggy/kissy/hunny stuff, and detest moderation. We are all adults and don't need to be censored. However, part of being an adult surely means having some consideration for other people too?

Here is Justine in May 2005:

"Hi all,
We've had a few complaints about obscene language on the boards. Our policy on this is that we would appreciate it if people would keep foul and abusive language to a minimum and that if you feel it necessary to swear to make your point then use asterisks please [...] we don't want to be over-prudish about this - we're not talking minor offenses here - and sometimes (parking attendant, gp receptionist annecdotes etc etc) we agree that nothing else but a swear word will do but it's a fair point that lots of members look at mumsnet with kids who may be early readers at their side and as the saying goes... less is more sometimes, so if you could use your discretion it would be much appreciated.

Ta very much."

That seems eminently sensible - but MN seems to have somehow slithered into a site for sweary people only.

Am I the only person who is utterly fed up with it?

OP posts:
SuePurblybilt · 10/10/2011 16:47

2005 Grin. I have changed my mind about a lot of things since then.

ZombiesAtYourCervix · 10/10/2011 16:47

and if a 'like' button appears i will be fucking orf somewhere else. so there.

toosoontoosoon · 10/10/2011 16:47

I think by appropriate I mean when it's funny. In the context of a post it has the potential to be hilarious. In the context of a username it's, just, well, not very funny. So I find it a l;ittle tiny bit gratuitous. That's all.

But I try to look beyond it

PinotScreechio · 10/10/2011 16:47

Please note whilst my post was dripping with sarcasm, I did not swear.

Not one fucking time.

Not even a cunt.

DramaInPyjamas · 10/10/2011 16:48

I don't care..

tbh I don't even notice - swearing is a part of everyday life, I would find it weird if MN was censored

PinotScreechio · 10/10/2011 16:48
MelodyPond · 10/10/2011 16:48

I like the swearing. A lot.

VampiresWearBlackVelvet · 10/10/2011 16:48

My post did have asterisks in the appropriate places...

Seems MN has an asterisk filter, Hmm

PinotScreechio · 10/10/2011 16:49

ooh you bastards made me x post

LissieLovettsDeliciousPies · 10/10/2011 16:49

vampires, I had a simillar idea a few weeks back. I like swearing on mn. I dont swear in rl, and my ds doesnt read mn.

ban swearing and Im off.

ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 16:49

I don't see why you're Confused, crazynanna. I don't think MNHQ should be asterisking out swear words - but I do think that people should just bear in mind that some people find swearing offensive. There is a general agreement on here that, for instance, we don't make comments about race, gender, sexuality, disability and a whole host of things that might well upset someone who's reading it, regardless of our own opinions. The same should be true of swearing. That's not censorship: it's being considerate.

WhereTheWildThingsWere: I don't often get the chance not to ask people not to swear in RL as all the people I talk to don't seem to feel the need to swear unduly. But if I'm stuck with the children on a bus and there's a bunch of sweary teenagers, then I do tell them to put a sock in it.

Itsjustafleshwound: I've ignored it for about five years. It just seems to be so much worse now.

OP posts:
stickylittlefingers · 10/10/2011 16:49

these threads aren't for children, tho - they're for grown ups.

Grown ups swear. It's good, it's therapeutic.

Don't be silly.

HoneyPablo · 10/10/2011 16:49

Maybe we can ahve a ticker for the swear words.
225 fucks Shock if you don't like swearing or
303 cunts Grin if you don't mind it

ChunkyPickle · 10/10/2011 16:50

I couldn't care less - if you do, may I suggest something like this (serious suggestion)

pictish · 10/10/2011 16:51

" but I do think that people should just bear in mind that some people find swearing offensive"

If you are offended by something as trivial as the odd fuck or a scattering of cunts then I'm afraid that's your issue and not mine.

AMumInScotland · 10/10/2011 16:51

But people do make lots of comments about race, gender, sexuality, disability etc. And if they express veiws that people don't like, they have an argument about it then and there on the thread.

But it isn't actually censored, unless people are so offensive that they get themselves banned. And that takes quite a lot of effort.

PeggyCarter · 10/10/2011 16:52

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

GoodAndBluts · 10/10/2011 16:52

I donpt really see the swearing anymore, its everyday MN life, couldn't give a flying fig about it tbh. It's part of the reason I like MN, people can type what they like.

And as for nicknames with swearwords in, I'd give my DHs left testicle to have AnyFuckers nickname, my all time favourite one, especially her christmas one.

If swearing offends you that much, then maybe go to a forum that does censor the sweary words.

MrsDmitriTippensKrushnic · 10/10/2011 16:53

I don't think I swear that much on here, but I have no objection to other people doing it and tbh the more objectionable posts on here (personal attacks and the like) don't always involve swearing.

ByJingoes · 10/10/2011 16:53

As I keep saying: I do not want censorship. I just want people to be more considerate, along the lines of Justine's ancient post. Justine, have you changed your views?

OP posts:
DooinMeCleanin · 10/10/2011 16:54

I don't mind it all. Dd1 can read. She occassionally reads over my shoulder. She'll go "Oh, that lady is naughty. She wrote the F word." That doesn't bother me either. It's a word at the end of the day. It's not going to cause her harm.

I don't understand what all the fuss is, tbh.

RockStockAndABubblingCauldron · 10/10/2011 16:56

I really couldn't give a fuck either way. I swear, I don't care if people do or don't. I don't swear mostly in front of my children, though the older three are mid/late teens now and probably know more words than I do which is a shame

DD3 is 2½ and I do now try to moderate myself in front of her since she asked a couple of weeks ago where, and I sadly quote, 'is my fucking pen' Blush

But imo there are times when fuckshitpissbollockscunttitwank will only do, specifically when I wish to refer to the ex-cuntarseholewankshittosser I have finally moved 1500 miles away from this week.

It feels fucking marvellous.


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Jdub · 10/10/2011 16:56

You can't beat a bit of good old fashioned effin and jeffin! Good for the soul!

BoysAreLikeDogs · 10/10/2011 16:57

I don't like sweary thread titles

Otherwise, shrug

LissieLovettsDeliciousPies · 10/10/2011 16:57

BALD, me too. I asterix out sweary titles when I post them.

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