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Jokes which make you feel a bit clever

138 replies

noblegiraffe · 12/12/2017 20:33

It has been a long term, how about something a bit more light-hearted? I'll start:

Today I couldn't remember the Roman numerals for 51, 6 or 500.
I was LIVID.

Three cats sat on a roof. Which one slid off?
The one with the lowest mew.

Two cats, called OneTwoThree and UnDeuxTrois were having a swimming race across the Channel. Which cat won?
OneTwoThree cat, because UnDeuxTrois cat sank.

OP posts:
noblegiraffe · 12/12/2017 21:36

riding and why did 7 eat 9?
Because you're supposed to eat 3 squared meals a day.

OP posts:
BikeRunSki · 12/12/2017 21:36

Never believe what an atom tells you. They make up everything.

honeysucklejasmine · 12/12/2017 21:37

What did the cowboy say to his horse? HIO Ag!

BobbinThreadbare123 · 12/12/2017 21:37

What's the difference between a car mechanic and a quantum mechanic?

The quantum mechanic gets the car into the garage without opening the garage doors.

noblegiraffe · 12/12/2017 21:37

These are all fab Grin Loads I've not heard too.

OP posts:
TeenTimesTwo · 12/12/2017 21:37

soup Grin I had to think hard for the batman joke.

BobbinThreadbare123 · 12/12/2017 21:38


TonicClonicAndTheWaves · 12/12/2017 21:39

Argh, I've just had a flashback to further maths A level and a really complex diagram of three cats on a roof, lots of information missing, took ages to work through it (although not particularly difficult) and it was all a set up for a mew joke!

ridinghighinapril · 12/12/2017 21:39

riding and why did 7 eat 9?
Because you're supposed to eat 3 squared meals a day.

Thanks noble for trying to make my contribution vaguely credible

AgentProvocateur · 12/12/2017 21:40

@danglingmod got in before me with the only clever joke I know Grin

BobbinThreadbare123 · 12/12/2017 21:41

A photon checks into a hotel and the bell hop asks if he needs assistance with his luggage.
The photon says "No thanks, I'm travelling light"

Danglingmod · 12/12/2017 21:42

Agent Grin Sorry.

BobbinThreadbare123 · 12/12/2017 21:43

Chemistry jokes are boron, but physics jokes have potential

StealthPolarBear · 12/12/2017 21:44

Love these. Need to Google the mew one...

StealthPolarBear · 12/12/2017 21:46

Ah I get it now. Assumed mew was a roof type thing :)

ZorbaTheHoarder · 12/12/2017 21:46

There is a bull in a field and he comes across a bomb. The bull swallows the bomb.

It's abominable!

(Gets coat...)

BikeRunSki · 12/12/2017 21:48

An electron in search of a mate
Thought Heinsenberg worthy of hate
Whenever I whirl
To the place of a girl
I either miss the time, or the place, or the date

clary · 12/12/2017 21:48

Apologies for these MFL "jokes":

What do you call a man wearing sandals?
Philippe Pheloppe

The present, the past and the future were all in a bar. The atmosphere was a bit tense.

I love the atom one best Grin

happygardening · 12/12/2017 21:51

Not clever but might appeal to them mathematicians.
A man decides to hire someone to manage the finances of his company. He interviews and mathematician, statistician and accountant.
He ask all three the same question:
What is 1+1?
The mathmatician says 1+1 is 2.
The man says; “is it always 2?”
“Always says the mathmatician.
He asks the statistician;
“Before I can answer Id have to consider a variety of factors”.
He then asked the accountant,.
He looked uncomfortable, looked around the room.
“Is anyone listening to this conversation?”
“No” said the man.
The accountant leant forward and whispered
“What would you like 1+1 to be?”.

BobbinThreadbare123 · 12/12/2017 21:51

Police pull Heisenberg over on the motorway. Cop asks him if he knows how fast he's going. Heisenberg says "No, but I know where I am".

Two atoms were walking across a road when one of them said, "I think I lost an electron!" "Really!" the other replied, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I 'm absolutely positive"

BobbinThreadbare123 · 12/12/2017 21:53

Does a radioactive cat have 18 half lives?

HarveySchlumpfenburger · 12/12/2017 22:01

Bobbins just beaten me to the two atoms one.

How do flat earthers travel the world?

On a plane


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BobbinThreadbare123 · 12/12/2017 22:03

Sorry...I've got a lot of these as am a physicist and also used to be a teacher so they went down like a helium balloon...Wink

HarveySchlumpfenburger · 12/12/2017 22:09

Man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of energy. The barman hands it over and says ‘That’ll be 80p’

noblegiraffe · 12/12/2017 22:27

These are my two favourite maths jokes but they're a bit niche.
Why didn't Gauss do any work on group theory?
Because he wasn't Abel.

What's purple and commutes?
An abelian grape.

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