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Have i just been an idiot and destroyed things?

803 replies

abersterol · 05/10/2021 16:00

A year ago today I met the man I am currently with. He’s 39, I was 35 last week. When we met I was very clear I wanted to settle down and have a family. He said the same. He has a job that means he works 7am to usually half 8 (this is relevant I think).

In short, we’ve had brief sex twice, both times for about two minutes and then he stops. We’ve had other intimacy, he goes down on me and I on him, he’s hard when we kiss and he’s into cuddling and is quite affectionate that way. I’ve asked him why he’s reluctant to have proper full sex (we’ve done it twice and the last time was in may). I’ve asked him literally everything I could think of, gone through all the possible anxieties, worries or concerns he may have from sti to performance and everything in between. I’ve sat and held his hand and said whatever the issue is I’m here to work through it with him. I’ve also asked outright if he just doesn’t like sex. His answer is always the same: he wants sex, he wants that with me, he doesn’t have a reason why we haven’t developed that side to the relationship and he can’t promise me when we will do it but he knows he wants to at some point. So what happens is I leave it, a week or two, then obviously we do other things and he ejaculates with a blow job and things carry on, but I start feeling upset about the fact there’s no progress with sex and no answer as to why we are no doing it. He recently told me the last time he did have sex was 7 years ago. He’s not had a relationship for a long time and the longest has been much shorter than ours at a few weeks/months. I wondered if he was worried about performance but I’ve asked sensitively about that too and he says not.

That’s issue one.

Issue two is that since June I’ve been trying to book a short break from Saturday to Monday, to go away for a long weekend together. He’s not keen on taking time off/started a new job recently so said he doesn’t know if he can etc. I’ve said it’s just one day of annual leave. He’s said he can’t go abroad or go far as he just doesn’t want to do that right now with work. I’m not exactly sure why as his colleagues go away and they’re in the same role but he seems to find it all stressful. Eventually he agreed to ask to take a Monday off in October and so I booked somewhere an hour away, just for a change of scenery. It turns out he didn’t ask work/couldn’t take it off in the end. He’s not suggested another weekend or even said let’s just have a night away on a Saturday instead which I would have thought was a compromise. I know this is a bit of a first world problem and if the relationship is good then maybe I should stop complaining about something like this, but I guess it had upset me he didn’t want to find any extra time to share together. Again with this I was very patient, he said he did want to go away but didn’t know when etc etc. So I emailed him some dates and hotels and asked which he liked. He said he liked one of them and so I said I would provisionally book. Then he makes zero steps to organise it with his work or suggest an alternative. It makes me feel a bit messed around.

All this came to a head a few nights ago. We’d had a nice meal and come home and were watching a film, kissing etc. I suggested sex and he just stopped and shook his head. I asked why and he shook his head and didn’t answer. I got really upset. Said we’d had a nice night, if you want sex like you’ve said then why aren’t you doing that… it escalated.

I said it wasn’t normal to say you want sex and then not do it. I said he was weird for not wanting to go away together and do something nice and that most normal people in an adult relationship would appreciate me taking time to fit in with them and find somewhere nice to go for a two night break once in a year. I said he was selfish for not listening to me or compromising, said he was making me miserable and why couldn’t he at least understand that as a couple he should be honest and if he wants us to be together he needs to understand that you have to compromise. I said it was obvious why he had never had a relationship before. I said he was a bastard for playing games (no idea if he is but it felt that way). I asked him if he just wanted to break up because I couldn’t understand why he would treat me this way. I also raised the fact that in summer he would only see me briefly on a Sunday night for a few weeks and wouldn’t go for a meal or do anything as he had an interview coming up. It was a huge interview to be fair to him but I found it all a bit odd and extreme and said it was hurtful at the time.

He got upset and then defensive, said he does compromise to be with me because he spends all his free time with me outside work …that is mostly true he does but I said that’s not compromising, that’s just having the relationship. He said he would usually work later than he does it it wasn’t for me, so therefore it was a compromise Hmm

It ended with him saying I clearly thought he was inadequate and therefore he couldn’t meet my needs and I had been horrible to him and that changed how he felt now.

We had some breathing space and reconvened when calmed down but even then he was reluctant to actually talk about things rationally. He didn’t say much and I still have no idea when he wants sex other than he told me that the last two weeks he was too tired after work. He didn’t explain the last 11 months though.

Aside from these things we have had a lovely relationship. I do love him. He’s said the same to me. We’ve had some lovely times and I honestly thought he was the person I would be with.

Have I ruined it this by flying off the handle and saying horrible things in anger? I feel terrible and he is saying he questions the whole relationship after how I snapped. I am conflicted because I know I have been so patient and loving and kind in the past about these things. I’ve told him i support him and there’s no pressure and I’ve generally tried to be lighthearted about trips away and sex but obviously have mentioned it intermittently as time has gone on. He’s a nice person but his reaction to my outburst seems to be to ignore why it happened and to have a reason to withdraw further rather than sitting down together and having a chat about how we can work on things. Have i messed this all up? I also feel desperately sad at the thought of starting again at this age. It scares me. I probably sound pathetic here but IRL I have a good job and I’m usually quite together and positive :(

OP posts:
lescompagnonsdeloue · 05/10/2021 18:26

Why wait five years?
because five years is enough for him not to do anything right now, but keep you hanging on.
He's not a keeper. Sorry.

OnwardsAndSideways1 · 05/10/2021 18:26

Yes, in 3/4 years, you would be 38/39, even 40. Can't you see with that, and the inability to have full sex, you aren't going to have a child with this man.

I do agree you don't want to hear the truth, which is that this man isn't into you and isn't into having babies with you.

thesearelaughterlines · 05/10/2021 18:27

Could he be suffering with PTSD
Childhood sexual abuse ?

MopaniTree · 05/10/2021 18:28

I think you need to cut your losses now and not waste anymore of your precious time on this relationship. If you want to have children then you need to end things now and find a partner who is on the same page as you.

OrlandointheWilderness · 05/10/2021 18:28

I'm sorry but when I was reading what you said to him I was mentally cheering. What the fuck?!
Run. Just run.

whynotwhatknot · 05/10/2021 18:29

Youre hoping he'll change he wont

cut your losses and find someone else this man cant give you anything you want-it all came out because youre fristrated and right ly so and all hes done is said youve ruined things

ruined what you barely have a relationship

Unsure33 · 05/10/2021 18:30

You won’t get a family with him . That’s the biggest thing you have to think about .

crazyguineapiglady · 05/10/2021 18:30

Do you want to settle down and have a family?
If you do, move on.

This man is not going to have a family with you, even if he does agree to try when you're 40 Hmm

If nothing else, a man who works 11 hour days and never takes a day off is not father material.

dreamingbohemian · 05/10/2021 18:30

He sounds like he would be a terrible father

Why would you do that to your children?

For the love of God WAKE UP and stop wasting your life on this guy

minmooch · 05/10/2021 18:31

You haven't ruined it OP. You have just called him out on his very, very odd behaviour.

This is as good as it gets.

Do you want children? If you do you are wasting your time with a man who can't have full sex. It will lead to extra pressure, extra disappointment, extra resentment.

Do you want a loving fulfilled relationship? If you do you are wasting your time with this man. He can't offer you want you want.

It isn't all about sex but whatever your sex life both people have to be on the same page. Your needs are mismatched and if you continue to pursue this your needs will never be met. That's not a life I'd voluntarily accept.

You sound lovely. You deserve lovely. Not excuses. Not half hearted promises. Not untruths.

Whatever his reason for not wanting/able to have full sex he isn't and won't share with you.

Cut your losses before you waste any more of your time.

Wtf86 · 05/10/2021 18:32

You are worth more than him. I feel you will build up so much anger and resentment it will cripple you/your self worth and self esteem will be massively damaged

abersterol · 05/10/2021 18:32

I think I’m just exhausted. I really thought I had found someone good when I met him.

Day to day things with him are so easy and nice, happy and fun. He just seems to put big blockers in the way all the time.

I don’t think I ask for much, really. I’d love to go abroad with someone but would have happily done that with my friends and setted for low key trips with him, if he at least wanted to compromise and engage in some way. When I’ve said this to him he says he compromises by spending time with me that he used to spend doing work (ie on a Saturday, for instance).

The hardest part of all of it, though, is the fact that he doesn’t seem to want to talk and be open and reach solutions or a way forward. Even when I’ve been so incredibly patient and said I was here for him and wanted to work on whatever it was because I loved him. He just goes quiet and says he is listening and that he wants all these things but isn’t sure when he can do them.

If I am honest I am scared to end it because being in my lonely house in winter, lots of lonely nights, nobody to cook with or watch a series with etc etc. That might seem pathetic to some, but unless you’ve lived it, it’s hard to describe the loneliness.

I know this relationship isn’t going anywhere. I’m just dreading being alone again. It’s been so nice having company each night and someone to hold in bed and wake up with. I know what I have isn’t enough and I should be stronger. I’m just disappointed and sad.

OP posts:
Practicebeingpatient · 05/10/2021 18:35

He doesn't want the same sort of relationship you do - one with the intimacy of regular full sex and occasional holidays and mini breaks together. There's nothing wrong with someone not wanting those things but when you do and he doesn't it means there is a fundamental lack of compatibility. You aren't right for one another.

Talk to him again. Apologise for the hurtful things you said in anger and then end it. You are not on the same page here. Don't waste your last few fertile years waiting for him to change.

reader12 · 05/10/2021 18:36

If you want to stay with him, definitely stop giving him blow jobs. But he sounds like hard work. You didn’t say horrible things, you said true things. You’ve been putting your desire to be perceived as “nice” above getting your own normal and reasonable needs met.

I think you need to reset your priorities, accept this is who he is, and be honest with yourself if this is what you want. And give yourself permission to own and honour your needs.

HarrisonStickle · 05/10/2021 18:37

I know this relationship isn’t going anywhere.

Good. Then you need to chuck him because you won't find someone more suited to you if you don't free yourself from a relationship that's going nowhere.

jitterbugruby · 05/10/2021 18:37

Dear OP I feel so sad for you. You have completely prioritised this man in your relationship and put your own needs on the back burner and now you are feeling guilty for expressing these.
There are so many red flags here I don't think this man is going to make you happy. Whatever the reasons behind his behaviour are - whether that's that he is with someone else (I think this needs definite consideration from you original post) or whether he is being careful to avoid getting you pregnant, or he has anxieties about intercourse, or he is homosexual - who knows. It is not your job to solve this and you cannot spend the next however many years wasting more of your precious life on this man who is not giving you what you need.
When you meet someone you want to settle with and have children with , a real partnership, you will realise how different it feels and all the anxieties you are currently experiencing with this man will be long forgotten. You need to prioritise yourself now and I think you will have a better future for it. Good luck xx

Eddielzzard · 05/10/2021 18:39

He might like the idea of a relationship but he can't deal with the reality.

Think of it this way: while you're in this relationship you're in limbo. He doesn't really know what he wants, and he's blocking you from finding someone you CAN have a relationship with. While you are spending emotional energy on him, you are not available to find someone compatible. Don't think of the lonely nights, think of the possibilities.

abersterol · 05/10/2021 18:40

I guess in my irrational and anxiety filled moments I wonder if I am being demanding or unfair or making an issue out of nothing. If I hadn’t said anything then we would be fine now, happily making dinner and being intimate in other ways and just getting on with life. It makes me feel like I’ve been a drama Queen especially when he says I’ve been so hurtful he’s now reconsidering things.

OP posts:
Peoniesandpeaches · 05/10/2021 18:40

I do wonder if he is on the spectrum with the way you have described him but regardless this is a sunk costs fallacy. Every minute you waste with him is a minute you aren’t investing in finding the kind of relationship you need. I appreciate that you will miss the companionship but you are underestimating how lonely and misunderstood you feel in this relationship.

KungFuPrincess · 05/10/2021 18:41

You've had sex twice in a year with a new partner and he won't tell you why? He's hiding something major and I don't blame you for wanting answers. If he doesn't give them to you then walk away

BiLuminous · 05/10/2021 18:41

My first thought is that you are an OW too. Even if you aren't, then something isn't right anyway and you're not compatible. If you want children then this isn't going to work.
Any chance that even if he doesn't have a wife or whatever, that he has a child you don't know about? Maybe one that he didn't want? I'm just speculating really, but it does seem a bit odd all round.

Walkingalot · 05/10/2021 18:42

Do yourself a massive favour, dump him and don't look back. There isn't a future with this man, certainly not a happy one, raising kids. Sounds like he has a lot of issues and it's not your job to sort them. He's not even being open and honest with you.


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aSofaNearYou · 05/10/2021 18:42

If I am honest I am scared to end it because being in my lonely house in winter, lots of lonely nights, nobody to cook with or watch a series with etc etc. That might seem pathetic to some, but unless you’ve lived it, it’s hard to describe the loneliness.

It's not pathetic, it's understandable. But the sooner you ditch this guy, the sooner you can start dating, and hopefully find someone better. You could be in the beginning stages of a a relationship again soon enough, and you won't be lonely then! Watching a few box sets by yourself will be a worthwhile investment to ensure you get to have a family with somebody who wants the same things as you.

girlmom21 · 05/10/2021 18:43

wonder if I am being demanding or unfair or making an issue out of nothing. If I hadn’t said anything then we would be fine now, happily making dinner and being intimate in other ways and just getting on with life.

Realistically though you told him you absolutely 100% want kids. He won't even have sex with you a year on.

You'd be happy for now but how long would that happiness last? He won't change.

JudgementalCactus · 05/10/2021 18:44


I guess in my irrational and anxiety filled moments I wonder if I am being demanding or unfair or making an issue out of nothing. If I hadn’t said anything then we would be fine now, happily making dinner and being intimate in other ways and just getting on with life. It makes me feel like I’ve been a drama Queen especially when he says I’ve been so hurtful he’s now reconsidering things.

Do you think he's spent even a minute asking himself if HE was being unreasonable?

Why is it always the women questioning themselves whenever they dare express any needs or voice any concerns? So sad...
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