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Red flags and got the ick - how to LTB nicely?

175 replies

Ruralbliss · 18/06/2020 12:44

Ok we met in early Feb and have been having maximum intense delicious time since then but now he's between postings he has come to stay for two weeks and 6 days in I'm seeing red flags and have caught a serious case of the ick.

Do I (a) wait until he goes off then do via phone? And if so how? What words? I'm not good at delivering a character assassination. Or (b) make it super awkward and ask him to get gone in front of my kids and be witness to the hurt and upset.

Any clues as to how to handle respectfully and gracefully gratefully received. I don't want to string him along nor be a bitch either....

OP posts:
NoMoreDickheads · 19/06/2020 16:59

2Bazookas- IDK if you've read OP's update, but he's beyond awful.

TARSCOUT · 19/06/2020 17:07

You seem to find it all rather funny? You knew each other a matter if weeks before lockdown and you still let him stay even knowing your DC plans had changed but you think that's ok. He's also criticised your autistic son yet you don't know what to say or do. Wtf seriously? You should have changed your plans as soon as you knew your DCs had changed. Great example!

2bazookas · 19/06/2020 17:13


I have and agree; but she still has to tell him he's out.

As he is clearly a skilled manipulator it's not in her interest to get into any argument, discussion, pleading, "you did this" "you said that" crap.

Just announce her decision, no negotiation, end of.

NoMoreDickheads · 19/06/2020 17:18

2bazookas:- Yes. I just wasn't sure if you'd read the update as you said that after she's chucked him out she could consider whether she still wants to date him or not. I think that decision's a no-brainer.

ThickFast · 19/06/2020 17:46

Oh my god he sounds awful. And really dull. You don’t go and stay with someone just to watch YouTube. Or monitor their chocolate eating. Hope the convo goes ok.

FancyPants20 · 19/06/2020 17:53

"Welcome to Dumpsville, population: you. Now get the fuck out of my house, you loser."

MitziK · 19/06/2020 18:10

Try eating four chocolates tonight.

'I think you've had enough'

'Well actually, yes I have....'

Cocobean30 · 19/06/2020 18:26


BigBoosh · 19/06/2020 18:27

So you don't like the guy any more and now he's a bastard? Nice.

CodenameVillanelle · 19/06/2020 18:31


So you don't like the guy any more and now he's a bastard? Nice.

Well he has been a bit of a bastard don't you think?
CodenameVillanelle · 19/06/2020 18:32

OP I assume you've been seeing each other in person during lockdown - not saying that to be judgemental but it can't have been that often can it? How have you managed to fancy yourself in love with someone you've spent barely any time with?

OldWomanSaysThis · 19/06/2020 18:42

"You know what? This just isn't working for me anymore. We are not a match. You are going to have to leave."

"Yes, really."

"I just don't want you here anymore."


"I mean it. You have to leave. I'm not interested anymore."

"You're an adult. You can figure out the logistics of that issue."

"No. I mean out now. Right now. No more. I'm done."

"Sorry to hear you feel that way."

"Whatever, dude."

"You're proving my point."

"Out in 5 minutes or I'm calling the police."

GarlicMcAtackney · 19/06/2020 18:50

Oh, what a dreadful man you picked. ‘Get the fuck out of my property immediately, also, you will not contact me again.’ Which you should have said at any one of his vile behaviour choices since he’s been in your house, instead of sitting tolerating it all.

choli · 19/06/2020 19:51

If he's giving you the ick I can only imagine the ick he's giving your teen kids.

needhandhold · 19/06/2020 20:08

Please eat the entire box of choc in front of him slowly before you dump him :)

Blanca87 · 19/06/2020 20:16

@BigBoosh are you the op's cunty, cocklodger?

DoubleTweenQueen · 20/06/2020 00:23

Hope op is ok?

Barryisland · 20/06/2020 00:30

What in earth is ‘the ick’??!

ThickFast · 20/06/2020 09:14

The ick is that feeling of going from fancying someone to finding them deeply repulsive.

BigBoosh · 20/06/2020 11:28

[quote Blanca87]@BigBoosh are you the op's cunty, cocklodger?[/quote]
No. Some serious class here throwing around the c word.

GilbertMarkham · 20/06/2020 11:33

Maximum, delicious time since Feb.
How, during lockdown?

And why did you let him come and stay in your kids home after only being involved four months?

GarlicSoup · 20/06/2020 11:39


Honest, letting him live with you after 16 weeks is a red flag all by itself. Your red flag?! Grin Please take it easy next time ... and please don't introduce your kids to him so early. Agree with others you don't have to be nasty, just say, you've enjoyed your time together but don't really think there's a future in it, or words to that effect?


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StrangeTimes · 20/06/2020 11:56

And he's still there??? WTF????

MintyJones · 20/06/2020 12:21

I think the red flags come from you personally. Who lets a bloke they met just before lockdown come and stay in this way?

I understand your kids are teenagers but they're still kids and it's still their home. Yet you've let some bloke you've known for a matter of weeks stay for an extended period of time. Why would you do this?

Onemansoapopera · 20/06/2020 12:22

OP your behaviour during lockdown is actually disgraceful! Wtf are you doing moving a virtual stranger in with your kids? As for him, he's a joke too. Get him and gone and do better!

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