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The Dating Thread 84.

999 replies

MadeMan · 15/12/2014 17:36

Well, fancy seeing you here. Smile

OP posts:
Arrowminta · 08/01/2015 20:36

Jesy, not sure if you did buy him cake but I wouldn't. Also wouldn't take birthday presents to these guys unless in a relationship with them. I'm a meanie like that :)

Just told the only potential it's off unless he quits calling me gorgeous. I reckon I'm being tolerant even bothering. Do men not realise it's creepy?

IsabeauMichelle · 08/01/2015 20:38

Are you joking?

IsabeauMichelle · 08/01/2015 20:39

To jesy, I mean. Did you buy him something to eat and left it there for him after he stood you up??

HanselandGretle · 08/01/2015 20:41

I wouldn't be buying cake for some guy who was busy standing me up. And he is working all weekend but it's ok as there's no pressure?? I'd be careful jesy.

Arrowminta · 08/01/2015 20:44

Isa, same for me with match. Found POF much better even if the men weren't up to much at least they don't bloody wink at you on there, and it's free.

My critisism of his message style was taken in good humour.

jesy · 08/01/2015 20:46

I was making cakes for a charity thing and there was no room in freezer for extra pie so I gave it to him same with cake two that wouldn't fit in tray nicely .
They'd have gone to waste other wise

jesy · 08/01/2015 20:48

Plus we been chatting for over 18 months as friends

Bessiebigpants · 08/01/2015 20:51

I've just paid the first 3 months membership for match,I'm so disappointed,Matches are shocking.There are a couple of really aggressive men on,also some I'm not interested in,Too short,I'm not tall but love heels.So here's the question how do you politely rebuff.Some socially awkward man just asked a very personal question I had been emailing politely and don t really want to go there.Should I just block?
This is my first time Old.

vintagecrap · 08/01/2015 20:55

But where did you leave them if he stood you up?

Arrowminta · 08/01/2015 20:58

Bessie, only reply to men who you are interested in. No point otherwise.

Bessiebigpants · 08/01/2015 21:02

The ones I ignore keep emailing and winking.It makes me feel rude.

gottafindaman4yagirl · 08/01/2015 21:02

Jesy You seem like a very kind hearted person. Hope he appreciates it takes you out to show it.

Arrowminta · 08/01/2015 21:11

It's not rude to not engage. Think of it as not wasting there time and getting them all hot under the collar by replying :)

I've just sent a message to someone who keeps viewing me. He is local and I recognise him. I'm not interested though as he is too young and I'm older than he is looking for. I wouldn't take it personally if he doesn't reply at all.

jesy · 08/01/2015 21:16


At his house , he not long tested me saying tea was amazing, work gone mad and with his grandchild on way can't afford to turn it down but hell buy me dinner if Ill forgive him

IsabeauMichelle · 08/01/2015 21:22

Yes, where did you leave them? I don't understand!

IsabeauMichelle · 08/01/2015 21:23

Ah, cross post. Although, still - Confused

gottafindaman4yagirl · 08/01/2015 21:26

jesy Its good he appreciates it :)
Its easy to think the worst, MT was working two jobs last month and I thought the worst. Sent him a annoyed text when anxious and regretted it.
Have to give the benefit of the doubt sometimes.

gottafindaman4yagirl · 08/01/2015 21:31

Bessie Winking is lazy, I think it shows good communication if a man introduced himself and made a comment on why he's saying hi, to show he took the time to read through profile and not just your pics and wants to chat.

RaspberryBeret34 · 08/01/2015 21:36

Thanks Made, super, arrow, and gotta - yes, I agree - the only reason I can think of for putting new pic up is to attract new people. Only other thing I can think of is some weird test for me (but think that is actually worse!). Just seems so out of kilter with everything else about him, the way he's invited me into his life, the things he has told me. I've done online dating for a year - around 20 actual dates, some leading to something - so I've had some experience but I guess you're always encountering new types of idiot that take you by surprise! Anyway, going to text something (any suggestions?) and see what he says. I feel OK about it - at least I'll know and can move on.

avocado - good luck!

Made - hee hee.

Jesy - sorry about your date, I'd say give him one strike and if he does it again he's out! That was nice of you to leave him cake.

YourHandInMyHand · 08/01/2015 21:39

My pof guy MrB is texting regular but with really long gaps in between and has logged into pof today. I don't like internet dating!! Tis a necessary tool though unfortunately. I don't like this limbo stage of does he/doesn't he like me. It's not often I like a guy enough to want a second date TBH but I'm not into playing games either.

Bessie I don't reply if I'm not interested in dating them. I see it on men's pof profiles all the time, snidey comments about people not replying. It's just a waste of each other's time if one party isn't interested surely!

Rioux · 08/01/2015 22:16

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Wrapdress · 09/01/2015 00:53

I've finally set a date with a guy from match for next week. We've been emailing, but only through the match website. He has given me his full name and I have found info online about him which meshes with what he says. He gave me his cell number, but I have ignored it. I want to meet him first.

He told me he typically doesn't reach out to "never-married" women, but did this time. I feel absolutely nothing for him right now other than I enjoy emailing with him due to common interests.


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vintagecrap · 09/01/2015 07:46

Thanks Rioux, I have literally no idea whats going to happen today, its going to go one of two ways i think. It will either fall totally flat or we will be in bed within the hour.
And then that will be that.

Bessie - you dont have to reply out of being polite, nor answer anything if you dont want to.

Yourhand, ah, thats horrible that bit, where you are just left waiting. I hate it. Turns the most sane person into a paranoid, anxious mess. when was your date, could you just ask him if he wants to do it again?

PollyIndia · 09/01/2015 08:31

Twit twoo vintage, good luck. Hope it goes the right way and is lots of fun.
Wrap dress I think that is normal when you have never met someone.
Rioux, you have a stalker? Hope not seriously! What is your adventure date Saturday?
Raspberry beret, I'd just be honest and ask where you stand. How long have you been seeing each other?
Yes Bessie, only reply if you are interested.
Jesy, I agree with raspberry beret. Give him just 1 chance.
I have my first date from old tomorrow night. He is whatsapping too much bearing in mind we haven't met but I don't always respond and I am not responding in the evening as phone plugged in and have stuff to do. Just feels a bit pointless when we haven't even met. I have googled him though and he is who he says he is, so that's good!

jesy · 09/01/2015 08:54

I've been thinking it over,I'm going to stick with it, I'm not saying I'm not going to look at others or go on dates but I do like him.
Ill sound daft but I always think if a man has pets or at least likes animals can't be half bad lol
And if you saw him with his dog , lol

He texted me this am saying his work mate jelouse as he got fairy cakes for his morning tea break lol

Last night he said he felt guilty as he got so much work n I didn't so I think he caring as well.

Time will tell

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