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Bromance getting out of hand?

181 replies

optimism4 · 09/03/2014 11:00

My dp friend treated him to a weekend away for his birthday. One night turned into 3 days when this friend booked it. It was supposed to be a night in newcastle with all the boys but when dp arrived at airport it was just the two of them and friend surprised him by letting him know at boarding that they were going abroad!

Dp is a bit annoyed as baby is on the way and if he HAD to go somewhere, he didn't want to be gone far or for long.

This friend of his is not very accepting of me and sort of pretends I don't exist- I'm never included but this, to me, is a piss take.

Would anyone else feel the same? My family think this friend needs to find a gf and stop treating my dp like one!

They're back tonight and I don't know how to play this...

OP posts:
ThermoLobster · 09/03/2014 17:07

Does your DP work shifts? V lucky he isn't due in work for four days, when he was only meant to be away for 2.

LightastheBreeze · 09/03/2014 17:10

Dp will have had to buy stuff to wear. I sat chatting to him while he packed.

OP said earlier, so she must have though it was one night. I must admit I re-read it and its a bit hard to tell, like whose birthday is it.

Fairenuff · 09/03/2014 17:25

Yes, OP said that she thought it was just one night.

It was supposed to be a night in newcastle with all the boys but when dp arrived at airport it was just the two of them and friend surprised him by letting him know at boarding that they were going abroad!

Fairenuff · 09/03/2014 17:27

Dp is a bit annoyed as baby is on the way and if he HAD to go somewhere, he didn't want to be gone far or for long.

See, this is the bit that doesn't make sense. He didn't want to go away at all but if he HAD to go somewhere, etc. So why on earth would he agree to three days abroad and then fail to get in contact with OP?


JeanSeberg · 09/03/2014 17:27

This story's got more holes in it than an Aero.

hamptoncourt · 09/03/2014 17:31

I don't think it is the OP who is lying though to be fair....I think she has been very naïve and I feel sorry for her.

Fairenuff · 09/03/2014 17:33

I agree hampton I don't think she's lying either but she sure doesn't want to hear the truth. Or at least consider the possibilities of the truth. Ah well, it's her life, she's the one that has to live with him...

LineRunner · 09/03/2014 18:12

The truth is harder than the pain inside.

JeanSeberg · 09/03/2014 18:15

Only sometimes...

KatieScarlett2833 · 09/03/2014 18:19

Stop being funny on so many levels with the Erasure joke and making me laugh when I'm cross with you Jean Wink

Stockhausen · 09/03/2014 18:29

It doesn't add up, my husband would have text me where he was, as I'd be curious & because it's the respectful thing to do.

LineRunner · 09/03/2014 18:43

He is arriving home tonight.

Doha · 09/03/2014 18:55

I think OP hasn't replied because she has started to see that her DP must be a bit implicated in all this supposed overnight stay.
He was not man enough to say no thanks--because he wanted to go

MrsCosmopilite · 10/03/2014 10:17

I'm not criticising the OP here, but I think her DP is very weak-willed when it comes to his BFF. The only analogy I can think of is when I used to work in the City. On Fridays, we'd go out for a drink. I'd happily have two, but after that would switch to soft drinks as I had a train journey to make and wanted to be clear-headed enough not to get lost/fall asleep.
One night, a 'friend' was insisting on more drinks. I said I didn't want one. Twice. Same 'friend' then came back from the bar with a large drink for me. I put it on the side, said 'no thanks' and went home. The 'friend' was not impressed, but did realise that I meant what I said and never pulled that stunt again.

Seems to me that the DP here will put the friend above the partner every time. Hopefully when he gets home, she'll put him right on how things need to be going forward.

Lweji · 10/03/2014 14:40

Ahem, the BFF is another friend, according to the OP, who said she thought he would be annoyed with this "improptu" 3 day away.

MrsCosmopilite · 10/03/2014 16:50

Thanks Lweji - I was typing with interruptions from a 3 year old. Hopefully the point I was trying to make wasn't lost :)

Lweji · 10/03/2014 18:51

Other people have called this friend bff too. But apparently he isn't even that, which makes it all the more strange.

stooshe · 10/03/2014 20:25

Is this thread a wind up? I don't get how a "husband" just agrees to go on a three day trip with one person form a supposed group that were meant to go on an overnight thing. Then the lack of curiosity from the pregnant Op doesn't seem quite human (especially combined with the fact that she set up this "enquiring" thread in the first place).
There is either some "tearing out on the side" with females going on, or the OP's husband and the non BFF are lovers who are depending on the lunacy of the set up being interpreted as "but if something was awry, they would have made a better job of pulling it off".
Sorry OP, you've been had. This isn't a case of "what if?". It's more like "it is what it is".

Hoppinggreen · 10/03/2014 21:15

You have no relationship with this friend. He clearly doesn't like you if any other woman and owes you nothing.
Your OH on the other hand ...............

Direct your anger correctly

Stockhausen · 10/03/2014 21:17


haveyourselfashandy · 10/03/2014 21:32

If your dp is so easily led,I would be worried about what he's being talked into on this holiday.Even if his friend isn't gay he obviously has a problem with you.
Problem solved if your dp misbehaves,his friend wouldn't hesitate in telling you.

livingatheendofthewall · 12/03/2014 03:47

So what's going on OP? Is he back with his tail between his legs? Where was he?


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ArtisanScotchEgg · 12/03/2014 14:12

Has he shown up yet?

ChickyEgg · 12/03/2014 21:46

What seems odd to me, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that he still went despite the trip being completely different to what he was led to believe. No other people and not Newcastle! I'd have told the BFF to fuck off!!

marcopront · 13/03/2014 14:47

What is BFF? It's not on the acronym list.

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