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Worried that DP is stringing me along a bit Re. Marriage

159 replies

NurseScorned · 22/01/2014 15:45

I hate being all suspicious but I can't help it lately, I'm worried I'm being strung along by stuff that is really important to me.

When we first got together my partner said he definitely wanted to get married again, he likes the mr and mrs set up, he believed marriage was important although as he hadn't been divorced long (2 years) he would want to wait a while before taking the plunge - then when we moved in together all of a sudden he changed this to never wanting to get married, making out that I should have told him how important it was to me in the early days (I did!!) and that he "supposes" he "might" marry me at a much later date if we continue to "get on" and "work as a team". Now however it's constantly at the back of my mind that if I stay with him, I might have to resign myself to having never married despite it being so important to me. He never brings it up, never talks about it and makes me feel awkward if I bring it up. It's constantly on TV, marriage, weddings, romantic proposals, honeymoons - we're going to Thailand in August and our hotel has a special wedding/honeymoon page on the internet and he looked through the entire website and just missed that page out. When skipping through the hotel photos there was an air of awkward silence when the wedding pictures came up. I just sometimes feel that he's stringing me along. If he genuinely intended to marry at some point wouldn't that be a perfect conversation starter? If he doesn't want to get married, why can't he just tell me so I can make an informed decision about my future? It winds me up all the important dates throughout the year when friends/colleagues are expecting proposals - birthdays, valentines day, on holiday (can't get much more romantic /exotic than thailand!) yet I know deep down it will never happen for me, he'll never ask me no matter how perfect the setting. A woman at work today came in all excited, stuck her hand out and was wearing a beautiful engagement ring. Everyone was so excited for her and I started feeling quite emotional. My DP never buys me anything never mind a ring. I think one of his excuses before was the cost of a wedding - clearly bullshit when all I'd want is a quick service in the reg office, I'm not even after a posh dress - none of that matters to me and I just feel so rejected by him and just wish he'd be honest with me one way or another. I'm 33 and he's 42 - we're old enough to know what we want and time is moving on somewhat. We can't have kids so it's not about that (yet that's another thing I'm willing to sacrifice for him) but I won't compromise on marriage too. But how do I make him be honest? don't want to end the relationship if he genuinely intends to ask me soon - but don't want to be strung along either.

OP posts:
CalamityKate · 22/01/2014 16:58

You still haven't said why you're with him.

NurseScorned · 22/01/2014 17:12

Because I love him and up until recently I've been under the false impression that we would get married. It was only today after all the marriage talk at work, engagement rings, stories of proposals and the realisation that if he really intended to marry me, money/careers etc wouldn't come into it that I had the epiphany that I'm being totally strung along

OP posts:
Twinklestein · 22/01/2014 17:13

He doesn't sound worthy of your love Nurse. I've no doubt you can find someone who loves you and wants to marry you..

NurseScorned · 22/01/2014 17:18

A few months ago I found an old engagement ring from my ex. I laughed to myself thinking "thank Christ that never happened!" So it's not as if I just want to marry anyone for the sake of being married, my most recent ex was desperate to marry me but I told him there was no chance, it would never happen. Honesty makes all the difference. I specifically want to marry HIM and I'm gutted he doesn't feel the same and frustrated that he can't grow the balls to be honest with me about it

OP posts:
HotDogHotDogHotDiggityDog · 22/01/2014 17:18

So would getting him to marry you cancel out all the other bullshit he does/says?

You've just accepted all his crap for the whole of your relationship because you were under the impression he would get married again.

Not good is it? He will continue to treat you like this because you're allowing him to.

Twinklestein · 22/01/2014 17:20

To be honest I would be more gutted that I was in love with an awful person than that said awful person didn't want to marry me. This could actually be your lucky break...

DollyHouse · 22/01/2014 17:23

You can't change people. You either choose to settle or choose to walk away.

NurseScorned · 22/01/2014 17:25

No it wouldn't cancel out the bad stuff but I can be a pretty shitty person to live with too, point is, I love him warts and all and even if we were to commit to a long engagement with the aim of actually marrying when I qualify or whatever, it would at least be something to show me he is being genuine but the fact that he won't even do that, well it says it all doesn't it.

OP posts:
MountainMumma · 22/01/2014 17:26

Please take your rose tinted specs off nurse, being married to this guy isn't going to change the fundamental fact that he's looking after his own interests. In fact it can only get worse as once you're financially linked it will be much more difficult to cut and run! Why saddle yourself with such a millstone? We have one life, don't waste yours by treading water... get your cossie on and start swimming! Life's for living not standing by and watching everyone else doing it Thanks

iggymama · 22/01/2014 17:27

Do you realize that if he dies his kids will get the house while you and your kids will be left homeless with no claim despite your contributions to the mortgage?

NurseScorned · 22/01/2014 17:30

Iggy, yes I know that, he knows that too - probably contributes to his refusal to marry me.

Well thanks guys, you have all pretty much confirmed what I was thinking, he has no intention if marrying me, he is looking out for his own interests, he doesn't want me to have legal claim on the house and isn't bothered that I'm sacrificing so much to be with him - kids, marriage, Christ even my rights to my home! It's ridiculous really.

OP posts:
Twinklestein · 22/01/2014 17:31

the aim of actually marrying when I qualify


Can you not see how totally wrong that is? Marriage is not something you get as reward for passing tests. Someone who thinks like that is a) highly manipulative & b) doesn't know what love is.

Can you not see - that he fails to qualify on grounds of quality? He is not a nice person. He is a selfish person. He is not a loving person. I highly doubt from what you have written here that he loves you at all.

KatieScarlett2833 · 22/01/2014 17:32

So he wants you on pins dancing the pick me dance with the possibility of earning a proposal?
Fuck that.

NurseScorned · 22/01/2014 17:35

Again, you're right. Like I said my ex wanted to get married, proposed to me twice, asked me continuously what he needed to do to change my mind - I couldn't imagine ever saying to him "hmmmm well - since you ask, you need you show me that we can work as a team (I.e, you do everything my way) and get a job promotion ... Do all that and I "might" marry you". What a shit attitude and a shit way to treat someone!!

OP posts:
Twinklestein · 22/01/2014 17:37

Damn right!

perfectstorm · 22/01/2014 17:40

Once you qualify, presumably your earning potential will massively increase. At that point, he may marry you because it could be in his financial interests - I'm sure he'll make that careful calculation when the time comes. Right now, you are subsidising his mortgage at the expense of your own children, and he is whining about it.

I'm sorry, I'm not seeing a blessed thing you get from this other than grief. Is he nice to your kids, at least?

MountainMumma · 22/01/2014 17:41

I think you know deep in your heart that he's not right for you Nurse. If you want some gumption to get out try thinking of the role model you're creating to your children (especially if you have girls) by staying with him?

Theoldhag · 22/01/2014 17:44

NurseScorned hi doesn't love you, get rid, get happy and meet someone who deserves you.

Chin up and good that you see him for who he is, he is a selfish user.

Corygal · 22/01/2014 18:07

Another one here saying you're too good to be led on like this. The setup is wildly convenient and lucrative for him - free housekeeper, cook, help with his bills - but he's determined not to share his stuff with you.

He ought to be praising the skies that he's got a hot younger woman, but he isn't.

Honestly, you're prob better off without. Men like that are a drain.

CalamityKate · 22/01/2014 18:13

Shit way to treat someone?? This bloke IS a shit!!

He's had you by the throat and punched you in the head. But you're dismissive of that, choosing instead to focus on.......whether he ever intends to marry you or not.

Totally fucked up. Sorry.

Sausageeggbacon · 22/01/2014 18:13

Sorry just saw the bit about you paying toward his house. This is going to sound harsh but you provide sex and pay toward a home he has no intention of letting you lay claim to. Sorry but he is using you and probably laughing all the way to the bank. I would not spend another penny until your name is on the property. Which wont happen because he is self centred and wants everything his way.

KeepCoolCalmAndCollected · 22/01/2014 18:21

I love him warts and all and even if we were to commit to a long engagement with the aim of actually marrying when I qualify or whatever, it would at least be something to show me he is being genuine but the fact that he won't even do that, well it says it all doesn't it

No no no, sorry I don't want to sound harsh, but you are being very naive. An engagement ring 'can' be utterly meaningless. People use a ring to string people along because they have simply run out of excuses, and it is a great method for further delaying tactics. I have seen this happen a couple of times (to me it was so obvious), so please don't fall for that one if it should happen.

You are so young nurse go and find someone who deserves you and who is genuine, because this guy is not genuine, he is very much looking after himself ;-D

Also don't worry about using him until you are ready to move out etc., because he is definitely using you.


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AttilaTheMeerkat · 22/01/2014 18:23

And you will never see a penny now of what you have contributed to his mortgage payments either. You were indeed very foolish to do that (why did you pay into something that you have no part of anyway?) and that needs to stop as of now. He sees you as both a mug and as the "she will do for now" woman/skivvy.

I would also suggest you read "Women who love too much" by Robin Norwood as this could help you as well. What did you learn about relationships when growing up exactly?.

Make plans as of now to leave this person.

KeepCoolCalmAndCollected · 22/01/2014 18:25

Should have been a :-(

AttilaTheMeerkat · 22/01/2014 18:26


Re your comment:-
"I love him warts and all and even if we were to commit to a long engagement with the aim of actually marrying when I qualify or whatever, it would at least be something to show me he is being genuine but the fact that he won't even do that, well it says it all doesn't it"

When I qualify makes it sound like you are competing in a sport of some kind.

This man does not even know the meaning of the word love. I wonder if you do actually know what a healthy and functional loving relationship is because this certainly is not it.

This is also why I asked what you learnt about relationships when growing up.

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