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Cliches, arse ennui, new year hangovers and glancing at the sweet trolley. Dating thread 34!

999 replies

lubeybooby · 01/01/2013 17:54

New thread time! Great timing with it being new years day...

Most of you know what to do... off you go!

Just in case you don't... just chit chat all your dating related stuff here. If you are new, just jump right in to the blethering. More the merrier!


OP posts:
Snapespeare · 06/01/2013 18:09

Well I say 4th date. 4th date was the sculptor (mr lion?) early last year. Kept his eyes shut throughout. Never heard from him again. The prof was 2nd date, but that was just discovery-channel sex. So it doesn't count. Wink I knew we weren't going to be a big rom-com, so it didn't really matter when it was done...and the fact that he was filthy and I knew he was filthy meant the STD chat came filth was very much on the early cards. he wasn't a keeper, but I got my cervix well-bumped.

mercury7 · 06/01/2013 18:11

well Ike, I presume under those circumstances you'd have seen enough photo's etc to be pretty confident that you would fancy them?
and some people are just into anonymous sex.
Not really my thing these days, although I have been a bit more 'gung ho' about things in the past :o

ike1 · 06/01/2013 18:11

....what the bloody hell did he have his eyes shut for????Hope it was ecstasy snape!

ike1 · 06/01/2013 18:12

oooooh no no no no ....I dont want any of this sex stuff!!!! Its just tooo...messy!!!

Snapespeare · 06/01/2013 18:13

ike I think it was abject horror.

ike1 · 06/01/2013 18:14

No way...he must have been some kind of prissy virgin ....most blokes I have been with wanna get in and have a good old look...which again is a bit bleurgh!

VelvetSpoon · 06/01/2013 18:16

I'm just being pathetic and whiny about no-one ever wanting a 4th 2nd 3rd date with me.

Although to be fair Cuthbert allegedly wants to see me again, that would actually be a 4th date but that probably won't happen til February if at all

watchoutforthatsnail · 06/01/2013 18:18

Its difficult though i think. Ive had one night stands from online dating, some which i was under the impression it was going to be more than that, and some when i just thought sod it and went for it :)

I think, im less inclided to bump uglys with someone i dont know so much now. I think ive got that out of my system and am now looking for something more satisfying..... but, its not been that long, and i might change my mind 6 months from now.

The whole spark thing is a weird one too. One man actaually said to me ' there was no spark but i will shag you' Hmm
sparks are unlikely in 60 min coffee shop dates and maybe more likey in booze fulled dates....
Its a throwaway, disposable spark really....

MsArsebiscuit · 06/01/2013 18:22

You'd have been dead popular with your prim mouth at my school, Ike - the nuns would've made you Head Girl.

MsArsebiscuit · 06/01/2013 18:23

Nowt wrong with having a moan on here, Velvet

ike1 · 06/01/2013 18:23

oh yes I clutch my jacket to my heavy bosom while I do it too ...fanning myself with my hand...

FlorentinePogen · 06/01/2013 18:24

'Cervix bumping', whilst gloriously intriguing, might be a bit offputting to the faint-of-heart. Shock

I might as well just get cards printed up and hand them out on the train. Grin Grin

Gadzooks, you're on fine form tonight Snape.

mercury7 · 06/01/2013 18:27

One man actually said to me ' there was no spark but i will shag you'
what a smooth talker..not!

ike1 · 06/01/2013 18:27

I do comedy sex or talk about it cant take sex seriously...ooh noooo

48howdidthathappen · 06/01/2013 18:28

I have only shagged one OD bloke, 3rd date. Met 6 or 7.

In RL I have always spent at least a few hours in their company, there has always been a spark/connection/attraction.

ike1 · 06/01/2013 18:28

There are many smooth talkers on line merc as I am sure you are aware...

ike1 · 06/01/2013 18:29

You are trying to talk yourself out of the earlier (shock) confession now arent you 48...yeeees we knoooow...

watchoutforthatsnail · 06/01/2013 18:30

ike - why do they do that, the looking thing, im like ' er, please dont make me feel like a science experiment'

mercury7 · 06/01/2013 18:31

there are alot of men who fancy themselves as smooth talkers but are actually intellectually stunted, charmless, transparent jerks!

ike1 · 06/01/2013 18:32

I dont know...the only explaination I have had is...'men are visual creatures'....too much bloody porn more like!

watchoutforthatsnail · 06/01/2013 18:32

oh, and hes pestered me on and off for about 2 years begging me to ' let him'
more shocking, i think, is hes high flying management.... you would think that would mean some kind of people skills....

mercury7 · 06/01/2013 18:33

the 'looking' thing?

he's storing up images for his 'wank bank'


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ike1 · 06/01/2013 18:33

Yep Merc ...and therefore I dont know how some folk can agree to shag em beforehand??? Each to their own I spose...

ike1 · 06/01/2013 18:34

Merc are soooo right there...'wank bank'...of course!!

watchoutforthatsnail · 06/01/2013 18:34

men are visual creatures that need to learn some manners. i dont need to hear ' my god, look at that'
when the that, is me. not a seperate object....

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