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Rob - dead? No, no, he's, er, resting. He's just pining for the Canadian plains. As Helen is taken into custardy, discuss the Archers here.

978 replies

PseudoBadger · 04/04/2016 20:15

24 hours for 1 thread!!

OP posts:
glowfrog · 04/04/2016 21:47

pasbeaucoup I love your usernam as I'm French. What's the story, if I may ask?

AnnieNoMouse · 04/04/2016 21:48

Please don't retire D3. You're doing splendid work on behalf of us all, and enhancing the reputation of actuaries everywhere Grin

AugustaFinkNottle · 04/04/2016 21:49

I may never be able to look at custard in quite the same way after this.

Wordsaremything · 04/04/2016 21:49

Got my first dfod

Retires gracelessly munching BiscuitBiscuitBiscuit

Footle · 04/04/2016 21:50

glowfrog, not much, by the sound of it.

BYOSnowman · 04/04/2016 21:50

Didn't Harrison say that Kirsty arrived at 9.40. So it was probably around 10pm?

AugustaFinkNottle · 04/04/2016 21:50

Would they really have put her in handcuffs?

According to a knowledgeable -sounding poster on the last thread, they certainly would. It makes sense to me.

nippiesweetie · 04/04/2016 21:50

Maybe she switched off the oven when she was cleaning up the custard. Not the blood. Just the custard.

limelight Thanks a bunch. I'll never eat trifle again. Grin

LooseAtTheSeams · 04/04/2016 21:52

I like the stats! The thread moves too fast for me to keep up but I love it. Well done, pseudo!
Agree that it was a great moment when peggoi was kept out - especially as she has the nerve to complain about people gawping! And she is unremittingly awful.
Just want to say that I think Pat and Tony will be forever indebted to Kirsty - there may be a half dead spouse, a knife and a hysterical blood-stained wife, not to mention the custard, but kirsty is still there to help Helen!
And I think Henry is going to say something to Pat or Tony that makes them finally realise what was really going on and believe Kirsty.

Sagethyme · 04/04/2016 21:52

swirling maybe Pat and Tony goto bed early, and since Peggy lost Jack she suffers from insomnia, and has to go for regular evening walks?!
words i think storms are on the way for the brothers eggy venture!

Vango · 04/04/2016 21:53

Of course I'm joking DadDadDad! And you're right, I confess that BoreOfWhabylon encouraged me not to 're-lurk' on the other thread Grin. And I even read, and ignored, all your previous requests so I feel fairly in the loop anyway Grin

AnnieNoMouse · 04/04/2016 21:53

I've been on this thread on and off for 18 months with different user names - never expected anyone to "welcome" me. And while it's nice to get direct feedback from other posters about your own posts, I would never expect it, or feel offended by the lack of it.

glowfrog · 04/04/2016 21:54

Footle not much what??

Limelight · 04/04/2016 21:54

Movingon - if Detective Hardbitch is anyone other than Jill Marsden from Walford nick I'll be displeased. Nothing else will fill the appalling stereotype quite as marvellously.

And I don't mind being ignored. Things are moving quickly. There's a lot of newbies and de-lurkers so it's to be expected.

Rob - dead? No, no, he's, er, resting. He's just pining for the Canadian plains. As Helen is taken into custardy, discuss the Archers here.
AugustaFinkNottle · 04/04/2016 21:54

I thought it was hilarious that Peggy was talking disdainfully about "gawkers", considering she must have hotfooted it out of her house pretty smartish as soon as she heard the sirens.

AnnieNoMouse · 04/04/2016 21:55

I think people may blame Kirsty, including even Helen and her family - for stirring and giving unstable Helen ideas. Sad

GypsyFl0ss · 04/04/2016 21:55

Bloody hell that last one filled up quick. Thanks for another speedy new thread Pseudo.Love's my favourite wrong word.
Oh and I like the stats too and don't want you to retire D^3.

shinynewusername · 04/04/2016 21:56

if it was late, then wouldn't 91 year old Peggy would have been tucked up? Would she really have got dressed and walked through the village rather than calling Tony or Home Farm to say there were flashing lights around Helen's house? Or wouldn't Christine have gone too? Unless Peggy regularly pops out to follow policemen of an evening

Curse you Swirling. As SOC's right-hand woman, I was keeping Peggy's torrid affair with Harrison on the back-burner. I suppose you have also guessed that she off-ed Jack in the NH and that Harrison helped her cover up the crime? Fallon is just his beard.

glowfrog · 04/04/2016 21:56

What does dfod stand for? I feel so excluded!

DadDadDad · 04/04/2016 21:56

MovingOn - woohoo! Welcome to the thread. StarStarStarStarStarStarStarStarStar

pasbeacoup - I'm waiting for you to pick your toys up. Hmm. Actually, your username isn't quite so appropriate this evening. Grin

Stickerrocks · 04/04/2016 21:56

A quick look back at the threads 12 months ago shows that we were taking around 2 weeks to fill a thread. Over the last few days we have filled our 50th consecutive thread and Pseudo has (quite deservedly) made the 50,000th post and we've moved onto our 53rd thread. I spent my lunch break catching up on the posts made between me reporting that we should listen to Today and lunchtime. Usually it takes a couple of minutes. We've had so many delurkers that it's been hard to keep track of who is who, let alone who has been replied too or not. Apologies from everyone to everyone if anyone is feeling ignored.

What has our gender got to do with our appreciation of TA? I've never been asked about mine.

Wordsaremything · 04/04/2016 21:57

Death by a thousand cuts!!! But will I survive Grin


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AugustaFinkNottle · 04/04/2016 21:58

DFOD stands for Do Fuck Off Dear. More commonly written as ODFOD. And it's not at all confined to this thread, in fact I doubt it's been used before round here.

CuttedUpPear · 04/04/2016 21:58

Annie indeed. In fact it's quite the style of these threads for posters to muse and pontificate into thin air without acknowledgement from anyone else on the thread.
Can't say it's ever bothered me, I feel it's part of the charm in fact.

pasbeaucoupdegendarme · 04/04/2016 21:59

Footle has it, glowfrog Grin

It was a "family phrase" - a kind of franglification of something my grandfather used to say.

I've never been complimented on it before 😊

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