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Discuss your favourite podcast, radio show or The Archers episode.

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Rob - dead? No, no, he's, er, resting. He's just pining for the Canadian plains. As Helen is taken into custardy, discuss the Archers here.

978 replies

PseudoBadger · 04/04/2016 20:15

24 hours for 1 thread!!

OP posts:
R4 · 06/04/2016 12:34

Sorry, R4, don't know what "rules on assertiveness" is referring to.

Ha! An in-joke that's so 'in' that even the quiche don't get it.Blush It refers to the emoticon thread where you didn't like tentative suggestions.
'Twas only meant to be a joke, not a jibe. Don't want any falling out on the thread. paranoid? moi?

Vango · 06/04/2016 12:34

The Archers: It's only a bloody soap < see what I did there ?>

R4 · 06/04/2016 12:42

Wash your mouth out vango!Shock

I read something the other day about TA (hope it wasn't on here, so hard to keep track). It said that TA was different to other programmes because it was on the radio. We have to fill in the gaps ourselves (what do they look like, what's the layout of the village or a house, etc) so we have much more investment in it. That's what makes it more personal and powerful than the others.

Vango · 06/04/2016 12:46

I'm being ironic R4. I don't know anyone who is a bigger fan of radio drama (as a whole) than me, for all those reasons. I said the other day that I think the r4 drama output is the jewel in the BBCs crown. Nothing like it, that I know of, anywhere else. Must be respected by everyone lucky enough to be involved with the making of it. Hence my disappointment.

R4 · 06/04/2016 12:49

Yes, it's a drama. Not a soap.

Vango · 06/04/2016 12:51

My title suggestion was to reflect the fact that a 'bloody' (literally) 'soap' is what it has in the last few days been turned into. Never mind.

R4 · 06/04/2016 12:55

It wasn't the bloody I was objecting to (that got a ooh-very-clever smile)
It was the soap bit.
Peace and love.

PseudoBadger · 06/04/2016 12:56

The Archers - it's much more than just another soap

OP posts:
glowfrog · 06/04/2016 13:00

The Archers - so much more than a stabby face.

Am now pondering TA/Hot Fuzz crossover.

"Forget it, Tom. It's Ambridge."

glowfrog · 06/04/2016 13:02

Maybe it should be "Forget it, Harrison. It's Ambridge."

Gruach · 06/04/2016 13:04

I do hope Joe visits Rob in hospital - they can talk about farmer's lung.

WipsGlitter · 06/04/2016 13:05

Marking getting lost the threads are moving so fast!!

Elendon · 06/04/2016 13:07

I don't like it either Bertrand

Greengagesummer · 06/04/2016 13:16

I'm with Elendon & Bertrand.

The Archers: An everyday tale, not a blood covered soap.

On the basis that if we are sending any kind of message to SOC, it needs to be obvious and have a compare-and-contrast

EmilyDickinson · 06/04/2016 13:26

I agree with you too Bertrand

redshoeblueshoe · 06/04/2016 13:28

To be topical it should include scruff, as today is the day dogs need to get chipped. no Hel/Rob

PseudoBadger · 06/04/2016 13:29

We are not sending any messages from these threads. Nothing we say influences storylines, as much as we like to joke about it.

OP posts:
Gruach · 06/04/2016 13:33


The Archers. Confinement.

PseudoBadger · 06/04/2016 13:38
OP posts:
theDudesmummy · 06/04/2016 13:42

Jessie a successful insanity defence does not necessarily lead to hospital detention, there is a range of sentencing there too. I would argue that an indefinite hospital order is far preferable to a life sentence (from the point of view of the defendant) in many (although not all) cases.

Anyway, there can't be insanity argued here, as we have said. And she is going to be fit to plead. So: I don't think the scriptwriters are going to want to go for a hospital disposal (although it would be really interesting if they do, it's not really in keeping with what the Archers is about, she would be in hospital for quite a while), my guess is manslaughter on DR or provocation, and a community sentence; or, if he doesn't die, Sec 20 wounding and community sentence. There could be really interesting Family Court proceedings too, whether he dies or not. But so they really wnat to turn this into a protracted legal/court drama? My guess is not. That would be a totally different type of show. So maybe something totally different, then!

CheesyWeez · 06/04/2016 13:56

Bertrand, Elondon, EmilyD, I agree with you too

CheesyWeez · 06/04/2016 13:58

and Greengage...!


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DadDadDad · 06/04/2016 14:15

This thread is dead. A whole shiny new one awaits you. Come and join us.

shinynewusername · 06/04/2016 18:38

A whole shiny new one awaits you

How very dare you? Wink

SmallLegsOrSmallEggs · 06/04/2016 19:29


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