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Rob - dead? No, no, he's, er, resting. He's just pining for the Canadian plains. As Helen is taken into custardy, discuss the Archers here.

978 replies

PseudoBadger · 04/04/2016 20:15

24 hours for 1 thread!!

OP posts:
Wordsaremything · 04/04/2016 21:06

Can anyone explain the running joke about threads filling up fast? And getting the three thousandth post or Whatever? Obviously they will fill up at times like this- is it that the early threads maundered along with only a few regulars, or what?

What's the obsession with numbers? Really not being goady. Just don't get it and find the whole thing a bit cliquey and odd.

redshoeblueshoe · 04/04/2016 21:06

Do you think we can post enough in the next 24 hours to hit Trending or Discussion of the day ? although this has now been mentioned several times so I suspect not

Paperm0ver · 04/04/2016 21:06

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Wordsaremything · 04/04/2016 21:07

I think trending is done by a simple analysis of google alerts.

JessTitchener · 04/04/2016 21:09

Just place marking to say that I don't like custard.

bigbuttons · 04/04/2016 21:10

crikey! Good acting tonight though, not Henwee obviously. Glad to see that Tone isn't actually dead.

Wordsaremything · 04/04/2016 21:10

Is that any custard, Jess, or just the shop-bought kind?

glowfrog · 04/04/2016 21:10

Great thread title, Pseudo!

Trending seems to be based on number of views, which is why it's always an AIBU thread. :-) I have seen trending threads with only 5 pages of posts but lots of views.

Maybe we should go over to AIBU and start a thread called AIBU to hate the way TA has dealt with EA. ;-)

Wordsaremything · 04/04/2016 21:12

Let's just keep posting then and see what happens.

Marchate · 04/04/2016 21:12

WordsAMT, I agree with you. I very much prefer reading about the Archers to numbers/statistics. I don't think anyone would come here looking for running totals and statistical analyses, would they?

EnglishFern · 04/04/2016 21:12

Thanks Gruach.

I'm realising I'm missing all those little details like who was and wasn't allowed at the house.

I'm going to have to gen up!

DadDadDad · 04/04/2016 21:13

words - perfectly reasonable questions. I've acquired a bit of a reputation as a post-counting geek here (no idea why Blush) so sorry if it comes across as a bit cliquey. Feel free to ignore, as many do, particularly when the discussion gets this serious.

The fact is that Pseudo started these threads three years ago, and as a bit of fun I started noting how slowly or quickly they filled up with the ebb and flow of the stories. 52 threads and over 50000 posts later I still keep an eye on the stats.

Limelight · 04/04/2016 21:13

Wotcha. De-lurking and place marking. Marvellous thread title and bloody hell do the Archers owe Kirsty! Rather hoping everyone forgets to keep Peggy in the loop so that she can go into the most almighty sulk and not speak for the next couple of months.

EnglishFern · 04/04/2016 21:14

I thought Helen was very believable tonight - the hysterics and Kirsty shouting at her

Wordsaremything · 04/04/2016 21:15

I agree marchate I wonder if anyone will explain?
Or will they migrate to aibu?

redshoeblueshoe · 04/04/2016 21:18

Limelight - excellent idea

SliceOfLime · 04/04/2016 21:18

I didn't even get a chance to post on the last thread! Last night's left me feeling wound up and deflated at the same time. Was really hoping for her to escape and for us too see all the wrangling over Henry and baby, her trying to prove his behaviour etc. Almost didn't want to listen tonight but I've just heard it and glad I did. I knew he wasn't dead! I hope someone (Kirsty I guess) gets to speak to Pat & Tony asap to explain what's been happening and why it's poor Helen not poor Rob. They didn't seem worried about her at all.

BitOutOfPractice · 04/04/2016 21:18

That was the fastest thread ever

LittleMissMac · 04/04/2016 21:20

Long time lurker delurking here too. I wondered tonight, when the police lady asked if Henwee had been present, if he was being set up to become a child witness...?

I like the stats, by the way. They're an objective barometer of the intensity of the storylines rather than cliquey boasting, IMO anyway.

Minimammoth · 04/04/2016 21:20

Place marking. Not caught up, it all sounds very messy. Thanks for the prompt thread creation Pseudo. Halo try this on.

LittleMissMac · 04/04/2016 21:21

Oh, and I absolutely loved Piggoi being denied entry. Grin

BYOSnowman · 04/04/2016 21:21

Agree little miss - it's interesting to see the amount people comment over key stories

Also thought the age distribution of posters stats were interesting!


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Gruach · 04/04/2016 21:23

Nigel Pascoe tweets:

1 serious point. The writing has been brilliant but the story MUST now get the legal stuff dead right. Get good lawyers to double check.

Yeah. Like they're going to redo episodes recorded a month or six weeks ago.Hmm

BYOSnowman · 04/04/2016 21:23

'Can we come too?'

Dh and I were giggling at the thought of all these people down the police station. Not sure that was what they were aiming for

Sagethyme · 04/04/2016 21:23

Slightly off the point, but how does Shula's son Dan, get to be in the army? When he was a wee nipper he suffered from childhood arthritis, i thought you couldnt go into active service if you had a medical condition? (I know nothing about the services or childhood arthritis though)

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