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What are you missing most.....

157 replies

Mimi1977 · 13/05/2010 13:14

Heavens anyone would rather be in any other position but ours and being pregnant is (for most) great (exluding the piles, the heartburn, constantly getting up for a wee...!) but is there anything you do miss but need to avoid? For some reason I seem to want the stuff I can't have more when I'm pregnant. My top three are:

*Soft Boiled Eggs
*Hot Baths

Only about 9 weeks so know I'll soon be adding sleeping on my tummy to the list!

OP posts:
tiredfeet · 16/05/2010 16:24

champagne (because I wouldn't trust myself to stop at one little glass!)

hot baths (I only like them pretty much scalding hot)

sleeping on my back

rare meat and french cheeses (although I have had the occassional lapse and had 'medium' meat and a few bits of brie)

storminabuttercup · 16/05/2010 19:31

can anyone tell me what the deal is with 'no prawns' loads of women at work said it was a big no-no - ill be honest i had a huge prawn mayo baguette yesterday - i'm not worried - just wondered if this was one of those daft things people say??

i'm missing

feeling like i'm human (lots of water infections, blood infection and hypermisis)

did i mention WINE???


MadameCheese · 17/05/2010 13:58

You mustn't eat partially or uncooked shellfish but as prawns are cooked they are fine

carolondon · 17/05/2010 14:51

bending over
my stomach muscles

storminabuttercup · 17/05/2010 15:06

thanks MadameCheese

MorrisZapp · 17/05/2010 15:21


shipsladyg · 17/05/2010 15:38

I've been naughty and had the odd bit of paté, blue cheese, soft cheese and where eggs have been lion stamped, I've had my yolks runny and licked the bowl of the cake mix.

However, I am missing G&T's, sleeping on my stomach, slouching on the sofa and the missionary position....

mavies · 17/05/2010 15:45

I miss my waist...and underwired bras that make my boobs look great (even if am ok to wear them, they are just too uncomfy for me)

and soft/blue cheese. CHEEEEEESE.....

MadameCheese · 17/05/2010 21:16


cardamomginger · 17/05/2010 22:50

My clothes
Being able to bend
Liver pate
A well made perfectly chilled martini
Licking out the cake/meringue bowl

CardiCorgi · 18/05/2010 08:51

Proper sports, I would usually be planning my race schedule for the summer by now.
Being able to read a menu and eat the most delicious thing on it, not the meal that seems to only have safe stuff.
Gin and tonic.
My nicest clothes.

flyingdoll · 18/05/2010 11:51

latte from starbucks
Prawns and mussels
a few glasses of red in the evening
a big, ice cold glass of pinot ( i know i can have the odd one, with lemonade mixed is quite nice)
A cheeky menthol cig ..its the white wine that makes me do it, im not usually a smoker!
It will all be worth it in October though, cant wait to meet my baby!
Only 19 weeks now and already im finding it hard to paint my toenails!

storminabuttercup · 18/05/2010 12:45

flying doll

you can have prawns - i asked this earlier in the thread!

with you on the pinot though!

heading4home · 18/05/2010 13:49

Cheese - most of the hard cheeses here in Switzerland are NOT pasteurised


A good hard run in the woods when feeling stressed

Staying up past 9.30......

blondewithbump · 18/05/2010 14:07

horse riding
underwired bras. i have 34ff boobs and they look horrific without support. I just look like a giant letter B at the moment and its hard to tell where boobs stop and 39 week bump starts
runny eggs from my friends chicken
a nights sleep without 10 toilet trips
tummy sleeping
being able to take dogs for a long walk in the countryside without worrying I will need a toilet stop

Stokey38 · 18/05/2010 14:15

Wine, nice clothes, social life!

Sonilaa · 18/05/2010 14:20

I really missed:
blue cheese
black forest ham
soft boiled egg
sleeping on my tummy

baby is 5 months now and I really miss her moving in my tummy

flyingdoll · 18/05/2010 14:25

Thanks for that, i wasnt sure about the prawns so im defo having some at the weekend. Its so warm today, i could murder a G and T.

BabyGiraffes · 18/05/2010 14:46

Oh you lucky ones.....I really miss my bump(s) and my dds are nearly 3, and 3 months old
Sorry, don't belong on this thread but thought I'd wish everyone well with their pregnancies...

sayanything · 18/05/2010 14:47

MadameCheese, according to the NHS website you can't have rare meat, because of toxoplasmosis.

My gynae told me rare meat is a no-no as I'm not immune to toxo (and I get tested once a month here to make sure that I didn't get it). Damn nuisance.

So apart from rare steak, I miss:

  • ibuprofen (paracetamol does nothing for me)
  • gin
  • feeling attractive
sassy34264 · 18/05/2010 14:56

I miss being 'fit'.
I could run and run and run. Now, taking dd on her 3 minute walk to school takes 6 mins and has me breathing like an overweight, out of shape, asthma suffering old person.

I miss my favourite jeans, being able to bend, pick things up off the floor, put my own knickers on (spd, clear skin and going the whole day without needing a nanna nap!

I'm only 23 weeks but its twins and people already think i'm fit to burst. My dd was 9lbs 12 and that was bad enough-but nothing like this!

MadameCheese · 18/05/2010 15:03

Hmm. so why in my newly published NHS book (supplied by my midwife) does it say: "it is fine to eat steaks and other whole cuts of beef and lamb rare, as long as the outside has been properly cooked or sealed". Tbh my DH and I were a bit puzzled as this seemingly wasn't the case 3 years ago.


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UnrequitedSkink · 18/05/2010 15:04

Wine, beer, G&Ts. I know you can have the 'odd glass' but the heartburn makes it agony going down (and back up if it's fizzy), so it's really not worth it.

MadameCheese · 18/05/2010 15:10

I read the link sayanything , thank you and I wish the NMS advice would know its backside from its elbow. It's all about individual choice I suppose .

Also I miss not having a cold every 5 minutes

MadameCheese · 18/05/2010 15:11

Who the heck are the NMS?

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