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TTC graduates!! "It's like party poppers in here, first PinkB, then Bodkin, now Chooster, who will be next?!!"

1000 replies

BabyMadandBIGbump · 13/07/2007 11:11


BabyMadwithBump on Thu 24-May-07 14:57:52
I've been dreaming of a baby girl, 9lb 2oz, on the 27 July with dark black hair, but I predict a baby boy, 8lb 1oz, also 27 July, with very light hair! We'll see!

Chooster on Thu 24-May-07 15:08:03
Oh, predictions!!!!
For me, I reckon boy (guess that's in the bag), 23rd July, 8lbs 2oz

MrsMcJnr on Thu 24-May-07 15:22:29
I'll be brave and have faith and predict for me:
Boy, 6lbs 10oz, 13/1 (11/07/07 I?ve changed my mind about my bean ? think it?s a she)

KitKat30 on Thu 24-May-07 15:26:29
Ooooh predictions... I reckon for me:
Boy (err that was an easy one)
2nd September
7lbs 12oz

firststar on Thu 24-May-07 15:47:32
Hi ladies
first of all let me get business out of the way....predictions...for me a boy 7lb 2oz (going against all my big baby comments) 22nd July (early I think) , upping the weight prediction of mine to 8lb 6oz.

seaside72 on Thu 24-May-07 16:18:25
predictions - arghh - I have no idea - if we get there I am sure I will be late - 24 January is my prediction
weight ??
sex - would be lying if I did not say girl - but thats more about preconceptions and imagining rather than what I actually feel - Chinese cal says girl but realstically I think prob boy - my DH is convinced it's a boy already!

honeyapple on Fri 25-May-07 08:29:20
I predict to be late... as was VERRY late with DD... also predict baby to be a bit bigger... 7 lb 10 maybe?
How about 31/10/07 7.10 girl (changed to BOY 12/07/07)
(halloween baby!)

fettleandminifettle on 11/07/07 25th September, 8lbs exactly!

greedy - my prediction for my little one is
girl, 1st Oct, 7lbs 14oz (can i change it? i reckon i will be early now! sept 20th!!!)

Due Date's

Pink Butterfly, born by C-section on 18/06/07 little girl 8lb 12oz!

Bodkin, born at home on 09/07/07 little girl 7lb 6oz!

Chooster Due 22/07/07 (BOY)
Firststar Due 26/07/07

Conkertree Due 01/08/07
Babymad Due 03/08/07
KitKat Due 29/08/07 (BOY)

Fettle due 29/09/07 (BOY)
Greedy due 30/09/07

Honeyapple Due 27/10/07

Mum2Sam Due 16/01/08
MrsMcJnr Due 15/01/08
Seaside Due 20/01/08
iwillbe Due 27/01/08

Beansprout Due 01/02/08

OP posts:
KitKat30 · 13/07/2007 11:24

Well done on the new thread babymad

firststar · 13/07/2007 11:26

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firststar · 13/07/2007 11:27

Message withdrawn

BabyMadandBIGbump · 13/07/2007 12:13

breath... breath... push... push ................................go chooster!

Firsty I hope our trun is very soon, cant wait to be holding my LO in my arms, I also cant wait to find out what colour party popper I will have!

OP posts:
firststar · 13/07/2007 12:25

Message withdrawn

Bodkin · 13/07/2007 12:43

Oh how exciting!!!! Can't post much now but will be back later for all the goss. Go Chooster!!!!!!

BabyMadandBIGbump · 13/07/2007 12:56

Firsty I really am unsure on what colour party popper I have growing in here and it's killing me not knowing, but it'll be all over soon, for us both! off to do more cleaning and to how a little word with LO about when I think he/she should pop out now would be good!

Bodkin hope your taking it easy chick!

OP posts:
Chooster · 13/07/2007 14:21

still here, after bodkins eu natrelle labour, mines going for the most medical! still here in labour ward, hoping to be 8cm next time they check at 4pm. have had the syntocin drip in for 3hrs, plus anti-bios plus monitors. i went for an epidural just before synto as couldnt manage another labour like ds. anywy better dash, got a gossip mag to read!!

BabyMadandBIGbump · 13/07/2007 14:29

Good to here your in good sprits chooster, fingers crossed for a quick, fast delivery for you, thanks for the update! still very of you good luck chick!

OP posts:
KitKat30 · 13/07/2007 14:30

Chooster hun - very best of luck. Hope it all goes OK for you...especially now that epidural drip is in!

Thinking of you and wishing you well hun


honeyapple · 13/07/2007 14:31

Goodness me! It is all go today. Good luck Chooster, hope things start to speed up. Hello to Mr Choo! Dont blame you for going for the epidural Chooster... it's so tough when labour goes on and on and that blooming cervix wont dilate . Hope you are at least 8cm at 4pm. So, I reckon about 6pm and we should have another baby!

Am sitting with lap top in the garden on the new furniture... finally a day that is quite summer like. Have just put on a dress too! Blimey!

Babymad- glad to hear all went well last night .

MrsMcJnr · 13/07/2007 14:59

SO this is where you all are!!

Firsty ? sorry that LO is still not ready a bola is a chime ball that goes round your neck and sits on tummy and is meant to soothe the baby

Babymad flavoured party poppers indeed!

Hey Chooster keep looking at the clock and thinking surely soon! sorry that all is turning so medical for you I found a lovely place today for you to have a New Mummy pampering session for 4 hours! Vanilla Bloom in William Street (hint, hint Mr Chooster) Such a shame I didn?t find it before for you, they do a Mummy Ready for Birth package which includes a massage, facial, pedicure, manicure, eyelash tint and waxing ?essentials? ? 4hrs 45 mins!

seaside72 · 13/07/2007 16:18

OMG - Chooster -I haven't been on since this morning and can't believe another LO is about to pop out - he obviously wants out already!!

So excited for you and Mr Chooster (well done on the bedside update BTW!!)

Hope all is going well - thinking of you

firststar · 13/07/2007 16:35

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greedygreedyguzzler · 13/07/2007 16:39

i am so excited for you chosterchops!!!! cant believe the live updates you are giving us!!!!! we expect you on here WHILE you are pushing too you know!!!!! hey, you could have had him by now!!!!!!!.......i cant believe it is all happening!

what is with all these early births hey?!!!!! its great!!!!!!!

good luck with pushing him out if you havent already!!!

OMG!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!

greedygreedyguzzler · 13/07/2007 16:41

as for me...not much to report! saw mw today and apparently my whopper is now completely normal size!!!!

how odd!...why do they even bother saying anything just to worry you hey?!!!..........looks like i have no excuse for being so huge then which is a shame!!

so i am sticking with my prediction whatever it was!!!

firststar · 13/07/2007 16:44

Message withdrawn

greedygreedyguzzler · 13/07/2007 16:47

so why did my silly old midwife have to say anything and worry me for 2 weeks? she is a silly bint!!!


fettleandminifettle · 13/07/2007 18:30

How exciting!! On-line birth!! Where's the webcam Choost!!!! hope all going well for you.

I'm jealous of Bodders easy labour, but i'm all for intervention if it makes it go better!

Can't stop now, DH and I have to design our new kitchen on-line now! Told the builder to go ahead and knock the wall down, all due to you lot on here!!![joke - you just reassured me it wasn't a silly idea!!]. Hopeing to get it all done before we move in on the 14th August, so have to get on with it!

DD's already asleep - was asleep in car on way home from nursery and sent straight to bed at 6pm - hope she isn't coming down with anything, poor sausage!

BTW - I've brought no work home this weekend - how good am I?!!!!

back later, when I've more time!

take care

fettleandminifettle · 13/07/2007 18:30

ps - greeds, glad Dumbo's back to a normal size!

They shouldn't have worried you like that!

Must go!!

firststar · 13/07/2007 20:40

Message withdrawn

greedygreedyguzzler · 13/07/2007 21:51

no news from choostershops yet then.

cant believe she was only saying yesterday how nothing was happening for her and she hadn't had any twinges!!! mind you....didnt she say she was having a curry last night!!!!

i really hope you are ok chooster and all is well with your ickle baby.


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greedygreedyguzzler · 13/07/2007 21:54

hello bodders - missed your post earlier. hope the baby blues haven't kicked in for you and you manage to avoid them!! i cried non stop all day 2 days after my dd was born!!! hopefully you are more composed than i was!!!

BabyMadandBIGbump · 13/07/2007 22:10

Chooster hope you are cuddling up to LO about now, hope all is going/gone well, all the best chick!

Well at this moment nothing happening with LO just sitting on birthing ball but nothing, and I don't want to see another pineapple thank you LOL, DH and I are off to bed soon .

Nite nite ladies, babymadxx

OP posts:
Bodkin · 13/07/2007 22:32

Well you must have had him by now Chooster! Hope all is well and you are gazing down at your gorgeous new boy and not feeling too sore! Sorry to hear that things have not been straightforward, but it sounds like you are making the best of the situation. Hello Mr Chooster

No sign of baby blues yet Greeds, i had them withh DD1 too, so maybe tomorrow is the day where i am crying every 5 minutes! Norks seem to be finally recovering from my milk coming in - god you forget the agony of that! They look so funny - at one point they were so huge they looked virtually square!!!

Will have to do long version of birth another time as am typing one handed and it is taking too long to type... Isla is dozing on my lap and making some very sweet baby dinosaur noises Really savouring these early days with her as I know how quckly the new-born bit goes and before you know it they weigh a ton and are constantly dribbling and grizzling

Hope yoy are all well

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