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Pregnancies April 2018 - #3 the babies are nearly here !

865 replies

DaisyLand · 05/03/2018 20:35

So we’ve nearly finished with thread 2! Just on time for the babies joining us !

OP posts:
AnnaMadden · 10/03/2018 14:01

@Bez9087 the joys indeed! I tried Boots today but they didn't have any pads...I have a consultant ante natal on Weds so will see if I can stretch until then 😣

Bez9087 · 10/03/2018 14:20

If you can I would go up to local day unit it’s literally a quick swab they do to check. I know you feel like your bothering them but honesty I bet they don’t feel that way. I went a few weeks ago for same reason and was told just discharge but best to get checked.
Those pads are quite expensive too I think?
@dkb my house is forever untidy it drives me crazy.... I’m at the point where toys are on floor I can’t bend down to pick them up and the same with dishwasher can unload and re load top shelf. Poor dh has had to take on the house work and he does a great job when he does it. When I’m waiting for it to be done I have to literally sit on my hands. I tried the other day on one room and that was it I was written off for the rest of the day in agony and Braxton Hicks etc. Try not to worry too much about it. I used to hate people coming round if it wasn’t tidy now I look and think the kids have had a good time playing and I’m very heavily pregnant there are far bigger priorities.

Loosemoose28 · 10/03/2018 14:56

@dkb i am just hoovering everything. Dust on mantle piece, toilet, worktops the lot. I am a avid hooverer anyway coz of the dogs lol

@Anna Just call the hospital if you are worried. The amniosense pads are not reliable so don’t waste your money and they advertise for use 37 weeks plus anyway I think . Ive had really wet discharge all the way through have worn pads throughout no idea why nothing comes back on swabs. Its just seems my vagina does not like pregnancy Hmm

Fieau · 10/03/2018 15:27

Our bedside crib arrived today so put it together but think I need to hide it in another room for now as its making me panic a bit!!

Loosemoose28 · 10/03/2018 15:35

Take it back. Amniosense were approved somepoint last year but use says 36 weeks onwards. I know where I worked we wouldn’t get them in but that was a couple of years ago because they were not approved as study's showed they were giving negatives when they were wrong.

Pumpkinma · 10/03/2018 19:23

@AnnaMadden I've had a massive increase in discharge but no fluid if I was you I'd get checked just to be on the safe side. Better safe than sorry and all that ☺️

Same with the housework I really want to get on top of stuff and I feel like I do then the next day have to start over. But can only do one thing then need a 10 minute sit down because it wipes me out 😂

Anyone having any birth dreams? Last few nights I have had dreams of going into labour and giving birth, last nights I gave birth in an airport 😂

Loosemoose28 · 10/03/2018 22:00

My bump has hiccups. Weirdest thing ever, its like hiccups in my bum Shock

amysaurus87 · 10/03/2018 22:36

@Loose totally agree.. it's so weird when bump gets hiccups! I've had them a few times during scans and you can hear them, but it's a weird feeling inside!

Had my first ante natal class yesterday, there were only a few of us in it, but it was really helpful, talked through labour like when to go into hopsital etc and becoming a parent, got another one next week which will be about feeding and caring for a newborn etc.

I found out today my friends have planned me a baby shower for next weekend so I have that to look forward too and I only have 3.5 days left at work!! I can't wait to not have to commute into London!!

MadRainbow · 11/03/2018 07:44

Happy Mother's day ladies! Flowers

Had so much going on so had to drop off for a bit, had a cursory glance at the rest of the thread @Bez so glad 2nd twin has caught up for you and I'm sure she'll be fine. @Anna I didn't see HV before my first DD was born and tbh I considered this a complete waste of Time.

So I know I did a round trip to Blackpool (600 miles for me) and that definitely caused all the swelling in my legs and feet... however last time it was an indicator that baby was gonna be here quite soon, I may end up being wrong in my guesstimate of early April cos I am 37 weeks in 2 weeks time. Part of me wants that, the other part is being stubborn and wants to be right.

Rae2017 · 11/03/2018 11:28

Hey everyone. Happy mother's day! I had my baby shower yesterday. Became all a bit real and overwhelming. Just a few weeks left now!

I have a scan a week tomorrow to see if placenta has moved as was covering cervix at 20 week scan. So I've tried not to.think about birthing plan as such as things may be decided for me next week.

Hope everyone is doing ok. Sorry to hear of all the discomforts. I get really uncomfortable in the evenings when sitting on sofa. I get restless legs and just can't find a position to sleep in.

Pumpkinma · 11/03/2018 14:42

Happy Mother's Day ladies!

Had my baby shower yesterday too was so lovely my friends went to so much effort had such a lovely day. Was so tiring though.

Currently laying in bed with crampy legs watching my OH paint the baby's cupboard and do some last bits of DIY ☺️

Hope you all have a lovely day

ICantThinkOfAGoodOne · 12/03/2018 08:41

Hi ladies,

So exciting - we're all nearly there!

I was wondering, especially as some of you are further along than me (32+3) if you have any tips for reducing oedema?

My fingers are swollen and consequently quite stiff. I'm pretty much 100% sure it's nothing more serious than water retention as my BP is nice and low and I have no other symptoms, but it's really uncomfortable!

Going to make sure I'm getting enough water over the coming weeks as I think I've been slacking a bit on that and reduce my tea intake back to 0 again on most days. But any other tips would be greatly appreciated!

Pumpkinma · 12/03/2018 20:09

Had my growth scan today and appointment with consultant. Baby is still a bit on the big side with lanky legs but consultant said she's happy for me to continue and go into labour naturally if I haven't gone by 40 weeks I have an appointment to be examined and she may induce me then - but she has no concerns about me or baby anymore which has halved my anxiety and made me so happy! 36+1 today! Coming so soon 😀

Hope you're all doing well

@ICantThinkOfAGoodOne Sorry no tips aside from keeping water intake up I've been pretty lucky in regards to swelling - hope upping your water helps!

Loosemoose28 · 12/03/2018 22:59

What are you doing when your hands are swelling? I have had that over last few days, I used to get it long distance running Or hiking. It happened on a dog walk friday and on a mammoth shopping trip today. My BP Is fine.

My theory is I am waddling and dangling my arms. So if I can keep my arms moving about and upright hopefully it won’t happen- at least this worked when running/ hiking.

amysaurus87 · 13/03/2018 06:57

More fluid might help with the swelling @Loose only downside is all the trips to the toilet!

I keep waking up with really stiff fingers in my left hand anyone else getting this? I don't sleep on my left side as it's too uncomfortable for me and I end up fidgeting and rolling over on to my right side! I did think it could be where I was sleeping on my left arm, but as I can't do that anymore I'm baffled! I'll ask my midwife if it keeps happening!

MadRainbow · 13/03/2018 07:45

Personally ladies I found swelling an indicator of bab being nearly here, at least that was what happened with my last pregnancy. Pass as to why it happens though except a lack of movement. My hands have been fine, my feet however have been very prone so I'm sorry I don't have any tips for you

ICantThinkOfAGoodOne · 13/03/2018 07:53

@Loosemoose28 nothing in particular - I've had it before when I've got hot normally, before getting pregnant, but the past few times I've woken up with it/noticed when I first start typing in the morning.

@MadRainbow I hope baby isn't about to make its grand appearance - I'm only 32+4 and Very Not Ready! Grin

Just on my way to the hospital for a checkup with obstetrics. Fear I'll probably be coming out of there with some metaformin (?) as my blood glucose levels have been creeping up of late 😞

MadRainbow · 13/03/2018 08:01

Oh god no @ICantThinkOfAGoodOne that is a bit too early, I'm 35+3 and don't expect to make even my own guess of early April with my swelling - I hope for your sake that it's just my pregnancy quirk

TobleroneBoo · 13/03/2018 11:37

A midwife I saw said tepid water on swollen fingers / ankles will help. On the odd day I have had some swelling ( too long stood up etc) it has felt very nice

MadRainbow · 13/03/2018 14:07

Hmm baby appears to have dropped significantly today, really hope that doesn't mean she wants to turn up tonight (this is what her sister did) as currently trying to settle my nan into her care home...

HarryHarry · 14/03/2018 04:28

I didn't think I had much swelling but I can't wear my wedding ring or fit into any of my normal shoes anymore so it looks like I'll be stuck in my big winter boots even when the snow starts to melt.

Has anyone else felt your baby kicking/punching you in your hip bone, sometimes at the same time as kicking/punching you in your ribs? How can they be so low down? It doesn't always hurt but it is the weirdest feeling. I'm getting it almost constantly now, along with extreme back pain at night.

WonderfullySunny · 14/03/2018 04:55

@HarryHarry same with the swelling, the rings are off and my ballet shoes are leaving impressions in my feet after work now. Also with the opposite kick movements!! Trying to figure it out myself, get jabbed in the ribs at the same time as hip or belly button area then right around the side. Star jumps perhaps?! I had a scan yesterday and little man is head down with his stomach facing my back so I'm not sure how the feelings are so strong.


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Bez9087 · 14/03/2018 06:48

Hi ladies hope we are all well. I’m still hanging in by the skin of my teeth I think Confused was in hospital another four hours Monday. Initially went in as thought was leaking fluid, turns out I wasn’t... whilst there they monitored my left for reduced movement as I had said she had been quieter than normal but I had felt her. Turns out she was tacky cardic? For a good half hour on monitor her baseline heart rate was 175/186 for a baby who wasn’t shuffling about they wasn’t too happy. Cue drs in and out and midwives. Then started regular contractions but again not dilating which is good. After about two hours on the monitor her heart rate came down to a “normal” level all be it high end and it was all panic stations over I can go home. I feel so unnerved now what if it happens again I wouldn’t notice as I didn’t even realise Monday was just by chance. They did say it had come down and stayed down but didn’t say why it had happened. So booked myself in with mw this thurs to just listen in as I’m not too happy waiting.
Next Friday can’t come quick enough. So worried all the time but I know that’s not going to get easier when they arrive lol!

Sorry to hear some of you are experiencing swelling. The end of pregnancy is such a hard task I feel like it drags. Im with you on the getting kicked in hips but head in my ribs lol my presenting twin is Breech who feels like she has a good stretch feet right down and head up. My left one is being good and head down but is the trouble one for worry.
Not long girls not long.

HarryHarry · 14/03/2018 11:13

Bez9087 That sounds really scary but (I hope) they wouldn't have sent you home if they were still worried? Hope the midwife can set your mind at ease a little bit on Thursday.

Bez9087 · 14/03/2018 13:49

That’s all I kept thinking surely they wouldn’t have let me home if concerned. The junior dr and the registrar checked the ctg a few times. It was the midwife who wasn’t happy with it and even pointed it out to drs and then put me back on monitor to make sure it was still low. I am so glad she was there.

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